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  1. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    The group before him was small. These mere four students had shown not only a lack of hateful zealotry, but a willingness to stand for peace. They had a strength that would not only be tempered as hostilities converged, but, Torath had predicted, would emerge more pointed and defined than...
  2. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    When Jakob left, the High Magister's could see the students gathered outside. "Enter!" he called through the closed doors.
  3. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    "And that is what I expect of you, Jakob. You are a man of duty. And I respect that. But I have faith that this war you fear will not break." Torath smiled his grandfatherly smile. "I've watched hundreds of knights pass through these halls Jakob. Knights that remained in Gallace, and those that...
  4. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    "And is that oath more important to you than the continued existence of two races?" Torath smiled. The priests in the temple weren't the only ones that could bend scripture to their goals. "Sacrifice is the only theme that remains constant through the myths of Gallace. The Original Three, after...
  5. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    "You always have that permission, Ser Knight." Torath said, raising an eyebrow. He wondered what scripture he'd quote at the 'holiest man on campus'.
  6. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    Torath listened as the crowd outside his study grew larger and larger. He had expected there to be opposition to his plans, he'd even prepared for it. But and outright attempt on a student's life? This soon? It worried him. There was no culprit to be found, and he had little doubt that now he...
  7. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    Noz'Onn leaned back in the water, using his wings as rudders. "It's a technique I learned from dragons in the Griffon Kingdom, Griffon horns are incredibly poisonous to dragons, but in the right dosage, they can be used to contact souls that have left the world. All it requires is a connection...
  8. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    "You can't be serious all the time. You know what they say about all work and no play." He continued swimming around her. "Just because I'm not being serious all the time doesn't mean I'm not aware of the danger. Did you ever wonder why I poisoned myself earlier?"
  9. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    Nozz laughed as the water splashed he snout, he swiped with his paw, sending a large wave towards Mal. "There's the smile I've been waiting for. Not everything in life has to be so serious, even in situations as dire as ours." He undulated through the water, using his tail to push himself along...
  10. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    Nozz felt his smile grow as she took in the pure scent of the land around them. "Welcome to my little hidey hole." He said proudly. "There's no humans around for miles, and we're high enough that nobody'd ever see us. This is where I've been staying." He placed his trunk on the ground a decent...
  11. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    "It's a surprise." he said tauntingly. "Just a little to the north, keep going until we hit the treeline." He started in the direction he'd indicated. Normally he'd fly for this part, but if she was so dead set against it, he knew the way on foot.
  12. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    "Oh for Yl's..." He was exasperated by her obstinance, but while she was looking away, he hooked his arms under her shoulders and took off. The more time they spent here, the less time they had to get over the wall. She was protesting the whole way, but they finally crested the wall and...
  13. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    Nozz's jaw dropped. "Are you mental? Climbing it'll give us no time to get over with the sort of buffer we need!" He brought his wings close to his back. "Did they not teach you partial transformation where you're from? It's pretty damned useful in a fight, and staying in disguise." he...
  14. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    "Only way it looks like." He shrugged and the scaled down wings began sprouting from his shoulderblades. "First night I snuck out by hiding amongst some of the waitstaff, and they're good people, but they don't leave every night. So, I waited and watched. About this time, the guards on the...
  15. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    "It's time for the oldest instructions in the book. Go North. There's no guards around this area this time of night, so why don't you bust out those wings of yours?"
  16. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    Nozz had been wandering since his chat with the Teutons, a sour taste in his mouth. He may have exaggerated a little with his story of the three monks, but he had still hoped that it would have brought more of them around to a more peaceful line of thinking. He saw Mal hiding in a corner, and...
  17. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    "Hmmph. I see your point." He pondered. "But seeking war for war's sake is foolish, and weakens all involved. I must admit that I do love a good battle, but Heinrich, you mistake my anti-war stance for weakness. There are fates much, much worse than dead."
  18. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    "Because we don't need to." He said finally. "Heinrich, this is why so many dragons are leery of your people, and even why those that live beyond your lands are. True power is the willpower to use your might wisely. We dragons learned that lesson the hard way. We used our might to subjugate your...
  19. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    "Hah. Skeptical until the last. That's what I like about you Heinrich." he smiled. "It's a martial art they developed during their order's long association with the Griffons. The idea is to use your body as an instrument, a tool, allow it to flow like a liquid. I never mastered it, but I did...
  20. Nozzivix

    Fantasy Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

    "You'll find that the monks don't believe in any such gods. They are a peacekeeping order, they believe in peace, but they are by no means pacifists." He leaned back in the chair and looked Heinrich in the eye. "Heinrich, I was there, and I couldn't believe it when I saw it. The monks just stood...