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  1. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Forest [Inactive]

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  2. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Anime Boarding Academy [Inactive]

    Lei gets to the very top of the stairs and opens the door to the roof. He looks around on the ground for a rock or something heavy to keep the door open. "Great nothing to hold it open with" Lei then gets an idea and takes off one of his shoes and places it in the way of the door so it won't...
  3. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Anime Boarding Academy [Inactive]

    Lei finds the stairs and starts going up them. "I wonder what the view is like at the top of the school, guess I'll find out."
  4. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Anime Boarding Academy [Inactive]

    Lei walks away from the library and decides to check out the rest of the school. "I wonder if the rooftop is open?" Lei says as he goes over and walks to the stairs.
  5. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Anime Boarding Academy [Inactive]

    Lei goes to the lower level of the school and looks up at a door that says 'Library'. He decides to peek threw the window to see what it looks like. "Yep sure are lots of books in there." He then notices the girl that bumped into him when he was getting his room key. "That's Mina" Lei's...
  6. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Anime Boarding Academy [Inactive]

    Lei walks down the hall's looking at all the people still getting there rooms all together. He yawns some as he goes down some stairs. "I wonder if this place has a game room." ____ Sakura walks over to a bench and places her clothes on it leaving her bra and underwear on. "This is the...
  7. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Anime Boarding Academy [Inactive]

    Lei looks around his room, He then gets up and walks outside of his room. "Let's see what there is to see." he says as he puts his hands in his pockets and walks down the hall. -------- Sakura reaches the end of the line and looks at a door that says 'Pool'. "Now this made my day!" She...
  8. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Anime Boarding Academy [Inactive]

    Sakura walks down the hall with her hands behind her back looking around. She then looks up at a sigh that says 'Pool' and her eyes go wide and she smiles "Now this is what I like, A pool and where there's a pool there would be boys. Sakura then walks along following the sighs.
  9. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Anime Boarding Academy [Inactive]

    Lei decides its time to wake up his sister, He goes back in there room and goes over by her. "Sakura wake up you can't sleep the whole day." as he says this Sakura slowly opens her eyes and looks at him. She gives a glare "I waited forever for you to get back, What took you?" Lei walks...
  10. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Anime Boarding Academy [Inactive]

    Lei wipes the sweat from his forehead when he gets done putting all of the clothes away. He looks over to Sakura that is still sleeping on the bed. "I do all the work and she gets to sleep." He goes over and sits down on his bed. "I could of been a roommate with someone else if I wanted to."...
  11. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Anime Boarding Academy [Inactive]

    Lei gets back to were his room was and he looks at the door. He sees his sister Sakura sleeping by the door. He sighs "Always taking care of you huh Sakura." He says then puts the key in the door and opens it. He then pushes the door open wide and goes down and picks up his sister and...
  12. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Anime Boarding Academy [Inactive]

    Lei watches as she skips down the hall. "Mina that's a cool name." He says in a soft voice so she can't hear him. He then looks down at the room key in his hand. "Oh crap I forgot about Sakura!" He then starts running over to there dorm room. Sakura sits on the floor sleeping as her head...
  13. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Anime Boarding Academy [Inactive]

    Lei gets bumped "It's okay, no harm no foul" He says as he looks at Mina. It takes him a few seconds to come up with what to say next. He smiles as he scratches the back of his head. "My names Lei, Lei Nikos." He looks down at the floor for being a bit shy and sees a room key with the tag...
  14. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Forest [Inactive]

    ::Lei chuckles when he hears him say that about Sakura as she just gets an embarrassing look on her face:: "Well um thanks for that comment Tristan.." ::Sakura thinks that she should find a pond or lake now::
  15. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Forest [Inactive]

    ::Lei sighs as he knows that if it was not for that girl with the snake he would not be in this situation:: "So have any idea's on were to go Tristan?" ::Sakura looks at Lei's head and sees that the bleeding is stopping, She then looks at the ground while they walk:: "I need a shower.."
  16. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Forest [Inactive]

    "Yeah I believe so." ::Lei starts to get up and gets a dizzy rush and almost falls down again, Sakura quickly grabs him:: "I got ya bro, we will walk together." ::Sakura smiles at Lei then looks at Tristan:: "If a bear comes I'll throw Lei at it." ::When she says this Lei glares at her...
  17. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Anime Boarding Academy

    Soooooo when can we start the rp?Okay just to let everyone know. I've been out of the game for a bit but I can still hold my own in a rp. Also I rp and two people. Blue text will be Lei Nikos Red text will be Sakura Nikos I will try to make it easy to understand
  18. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Anime Boarding Academy [Inactive]

    ::Sakura and Lei were walking threw the hall's looking for there room. Sakura was holding the paper in her hands telling them what room number they were going to be in. As she was doing that Lei was pulling a kart with all there cases in it. Only one suitcase for Lei while Sakura had five...
  19. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Realistic or Modern Stranded on an Island

    "Never again Sakura, never again!" ::Lei says as he throws the bag over to her. Sakura smiles as she catches it:: "Thanks Lei" ::She then opens the bag up and her eyes go in a deep hate as she looks at the swimsuit:: "Lei..what the heck is this!" ::Sakura grabs the swimsuit and holds it up...
  20. Sakura and Lei Nikos

    Forest [Inactive]

    "Oh well then I guess we have nothing really to worry about then." ::Sakura says as she looks up at the sky:: "Well tomorrow we can try to find our way out of this damn forest then." ::Lei says as he looks at Tristan.::