Anime Boarding Academy [Inactive]

Takahiro sighed as he got out of his father's car, "I'll see you during vacations," he muttered. He grabbed his violin case, and dufflebag from the backseat, and said a final good-bye before walking into the building as his father drove off.

~Mina Concord~

Mina skipped down the sidewalk towards the school, humming a familiar tune as she went.
I can't wait to see what the school is like! And to think, my mom was scared of sending me away. Pfft, it's right down the street! she thought looked back at her house, which was only a block away. The gate came into view and she read the sign. The Boarding Academy, it read. This is definitely the right place. she went through the open gate, suddenly clung to the strap of her pink backpack. I hope the others here will be nice. she took a deep breath and walked through the main doors.

::He arrives at the Boarding Academy and opens the car door, getting out of his Aunt's dark purple van. He stand outside of the car, in front of the school's front gate wondering if this was such a good idea as his aunt had said. He just shrugs and remembers what his mom used to say:: "Not all things you are scared of are deadly" ::He repeatedly whispers this to himself as he walks to the trunk of his Aunt's car and opens it to grab his duffelbag full of his clothes, but also finds his old mini dream catcher that seemed to have been made into a key chain by his aunt. She always did make him carry it everywhere when he was little, so it would not be surprising he thought as he grabbed it, put it in his front right pocket, and then closed the car trunk. Afterwards he waved as his Aunt drove away, now alone with strangers he thought to himself as he passed through the front gates to walk to the front desk, where he would start attending his new school:: 
::He walks through the main doors hoping he can just blend in and not cause any unnecessary attention towards himself:: "Not all things you are scared of are deadly..." ::He whispers to himself as he sees the front desk::
::Sakura and Lei were walking threw the hall's looking for there room. Sakura was holding the paper in her hands telling them what room number they were going to be in. As she was doing that Lei was pulling a kart with all there cases in it. Only one suitcase for Lei while Sakura had five.::

"Let's see here, room three-forty five, three-forty seven. Ah ha here we go! Room three fifty." ::Sakura looks back at Lei down the hall:: "Hey I found it Lei!" ::She says as she points to the door::

"It's about time my arms are getting a strain from pushing all your crap. Really Sakura we are only going to be wearing the school uniform for school and a few other clothes for when were not in class. Why do you have five big suitcases.." ::Lei says as he gets to the room:: "Alright open the door." "I will if you give me the key." ::Lei face palm's as he looks at her:: "You were in charge of the key to the room Sakura..I was in charge of the bags. What were you doing when I was loading up the bags?" ::Sakura gives Lei a sorry smile:: "I was getting candy."

"You are crazy, not the good crazy." ::Lei says as he walks away to get a key from the front desk::
Hiding in the shadows Valkyrian peered into the new school he was to attend 'The Boarding Academy' as the sign had read. Gathering his nerves Val pushed open the doors and walked to the front desk to ask about his schedule and dorm number. After obtaining both schedule and dorm key Val hurried to his new room, Dorm 117, and unpacked his things. While the dorm wasn't big it provided enough room for his gaming computer and consoles as well as the few clothes he decided to bring includeing his beloved trench coat.

~Mina Concord~

Mina went to the front desk and the lady sitting behind smiled at her. "How may I help you." Mina grinned back. "Yes I need my room number and key." she said. "Your name?" "Mina, Mina Concord." the lady punched a few keys on the computer in front of her then went over to some filing cabinets and pulled out a bronze key with a tag on it. "Room #307." the lady said. "Thank you!" she said, her rusty hair swishing as she whipped around, bumping right into Lei. "Oh, I'm sorry."

Lei gets bumped "It's okay, no harm no foul" He says as he looks at Mina. It takes him a few seconds to come up with what to say next. He smiles as he scratches the back of his head. "My names Lei, Lei Nikos." He looks down at the floor for being a bit shy and sees a room key with the tag saying Room #350 on it. "So that's were it was." He goes down and picks it up then comes back up looking at Mina.

Sakura sits on the floor laying by there room. She looks at her hands then looks over at all the other people going in there rooms. "Where are you Lei?" She says to herself leaning her head on the door and closing her eyes.
Hiroshi's vision was a blur as he stood back up. Blood crept out of his left temple, where he had hit the curb. He picked up the football which had hit him, causing him to fall, and kicked it back to the young, apologetic goalkeeper. He then continued down the road to a large building. He looked up at it.

This is it, he thought. School...

He advanced to the the front steps of the school, and proceeded through the large, double doors, to the front desk. "Hiroshi Tomachi," he said to the receptionist, waiting for his dorm assignment. She handed him a key with a tag which read; 322. So I'm room 322, huh? he thought. He took the stairs up to the right floor and found his door.

He unlocked the door and opened it. It revealed an empty room, accompanied by only a bed, wardrobe and study desk. He threw down his stuff and closed the door. He took a few minutes to unpack and organize his room; books on or in the desk, clothes in the wardrobe, pyjamas neatly folded on his bed. When he was done, he collapsed onto his bed, thinking forward on his new school life. I wonder when the opening assembly will be... he thought.

~Mina Concord~

She watches as he goes and gets his room key. “Nice to meet you Lei, I'm Mina Concord. But you can call me Mina.” she said smiling up at him. Well, I better go and get unpacked. Hope to see you again soon!” she said then skipped off down the dorm hall.

Lei watches as she skips down the hall. "Mina that's a cool name." He says in a soft voice so she can't hear him. He then looks down at the room key in his hand. "Oh crap I forgot about Sakura!" He then starts running over to there dorm room.

Sakura sits on the floor sleeping as her head is laying on the door tilted a bit. "Stupid..Lei.." She mumbles in her sleep.
James opened his door to leave the room and head to the assembly hall. However, he had an odd encounter with a girl skipping down the hallway. "Um... Hello?" he said to her. Might as well try and make some friends, he thought. "My name's James. And yours?"
::He walks to the front desk:: "How May I Help You?" ::The lady at the front desk asked him::"U-um, c-could I get my key and room n-number please..."::He said in a quiet voice, hoping that his aunt had done all the registration right::"Name?"::The lady asked::"T-Tristan Moon"::He answered, then the lady looked back to the computer she had, and typed on the keyboard. Afterwards she walked to a filing cabinet and got out a regular looking key::"Room #313"::She told him as she handed him the key::"T-thanks"::He said as he put the key in his pocket and walked with his duffelbag to his room::
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~Mina Concord~

Mina stopped in front of James. She smiled. "Hello James, I'm Mina. Nice to meet you!" she said holding out her hand.

Lei gets back to were his room was and he looks at the door. He sees his sister Sakura sleeping by the door. He sighs "Always taking care of you huh Sakura." He says then puts the key in the door and opens it. He then pushes the door open wide and goes down and picks up his sister and carries her over to one of the beds. "Did she always weigh this much?" He says to himself then places her on the bed. Lei then goes over and begins to unload the kart with there luggage on it.
::Walking, carrying his duffelbag, and looking at the room numbers, tried to find his room:: "303, 304, 305...."::He whispered the room numbers to himself as he walked by them.Hearing someones voice nearby, he immediately stopped talking and just listed the room numbers as he walked by them in his head::
James shook the hand that the girl had enthusiastically shoved in front of him. "Nice to meet you too," he replied. "Mina, huh? What a nice name..." he said to himself as she walked away.
::Nearing someone else, he tried to keep himself calm and focused on the room numbers as he walked by them, hoping that nobody will notice him and will just go on with their day::
Lei wipes the sweat from his forehead when he gets done putting all of the clothes away. He looks over to Sakura that is still sleeping on the bed. "I do all the work and she gets to sleep." He goes over and sits down on his bed. "I could of been a roommate with someone else if I wanted to." He looks over to his sister. "But this is the best way I can keep her safe. Well there is only one thing left to do." Lei gets up and gets out a piece of paper and goes over to the outside of there door. He writes down 'Lei & Sakura Nikos Dorm Room of The Crazy girl.' He smiles. "I know Sakura is going to give me hell for this but its totally worth it for having me do all the work."

~Mina Concord~

Mina finally got to her room and looked around. Small closet, small bed, small desk, all of it was small. She sighed and laid her backpack on the bed, quickly unpacking. Finally she set her teddy-bear on the bed and leaned back.
Who knew Mom could fit so much stuff in such a small backpack! she said wiping the sweat off her forehead. Then she jumped up. Well, might as well go meet some more people! she thought cheerfully going to the door and opening it.

::He finds his room, Takes his key out of his pocket, and opens the door. Not too small, at least there is some room for his laptop he hid in his duffelbag. Why did he hide it in his duffelbag? Because his Aunt is paranoid that someone might find him and hurt him::"Just the right size."::He whispered to himself as he walked in and closed the door behind him. After he locked the door, he opened his duffelbag and set his laptop on his desk::"I'll just set it up when I'm done packing..."::He said, tired from the ride there, his Aunt didn't let him sleep the whole 9 hour ride in case he went into a coma because of 'global warming'. He unpacked his clothes, and afterwards he setup his laptop::"Well, I guess I should go see where my classes are..."::He says, worriedly::
Lei decides its time to wake up his sister, He goes back in there room and goes over by her. "Sakura wake up you can't sleep the whole day." as he says this Sakura slowly opens her eyes and looks at him. She gives a glare "I waited forever for you to get back, What took you?" Lei walks over to the desk in the room and sits down. "Well I ran into this girl Mina and we talked." Sakura gets up from the bed and stretches some then looks at him. "Oh so you have a girlfriend, so soon." she laughs at him. Lei gets up embarrassed at what his sister said. "She's not my girlfriend!" He then points at her face. "At least I don't have drool going down my face." He smirks at her. Sakura quickly cleans her face and gets up and heads out the room. She turns her head and looks back at him. "Make sure you tell your girlfriend hi for me." She laughs as she opens and closes the door and walks down the hall.
::He grabbed his mp3, put his headphones on his head, and played some music while he unlocked his door to go walk around. He opened the door, walked out and closed his door as quietly as he could, then locked it::"Hopefully nobody will talk to me, and I can find the library before anyone notices that I'm new here..."::He says to himself as he walks down the hallway listening to music::
Sakura walks down the hall with her hands behind her back looking around. She then looks up at a sigh that says 'Pool' and her eyes go wide and she smiles "Now this is what I like, A pool and where there's a pool there would be boys. Sakura then walks along following the sighs.

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