Anime Boarding Academy [Inactive]

~Mina Concord~

I wonder if they have a library around here. She said walking down the hallway. Finally she came to a door that said in bold letters LIBRARY. She smiled and walked inside. Her smile quickly vanished when it turned to a gaping mouth. “Wow.” she breathed, her eyes wide and staring at the books, practically drooling. This is my kind of place! She thought skimming the bookshelf. When she found a large book she sat down at a table and was immediately whisked away.

::He walked by the people that seemed to be too busy talking to each to notice him, and he was glad.He stopped and looked up to see the sigh that read LIBRARY. He was relieved somewhat, there would be less people here and it would be quiet. He walked in and was a bit shocked at how many books there were, he quickly sat down at the table where there was a girl that seemed too busy to notice him. Well at least he isn't completely alone, he thought as he laid his head sideways on the opposite side of the table and closed his eyes, Listened to the beat of the music from his mp3 through his headphones::
Lei looks around his room, He then gets up and walks outside of his room. "Let's see what there is to see." he says as he puts his hands in his pockets and walks down the hall.


Sakura reaches the end of the line and looks at a door that says 'Pool'. "Now this made my day!" She goes to open the pool doors but there locked. "Just great..the one thing I was looking forward to today." She sighs then looks over to her right and sees a door that says 'Woman's locker room' "I wonder.." Sakura walks over to the door and pulls it and it opens. "Oh right!" She enters the locker room and sees that she is the only one there. She thinks nothing of it and walks over to the pool entrance and finds this door open as well. "This is your lucky day Sakura." She walks threw and her eyes go wide as to how big the pool is. "Wow that's big." Sakura goes over and feels the water of the pool "Not too cold, Its to bad I forgot to bring my swimsuit just now." She stands up and looks around. "I'm the only one here and the doors to the pool are locked. Plus there are not many people here yet." She grins as she starts taking off her clothes. "Just to make sure I should not go fully nude."
::He peeked at the girl only opening one of his eyes wondering who she is, why she is here, what she is reading about, why she cares to read about it, But in the end, he just lightly sighs, closes his eyes again, and goes back to listening to music like he usually does with people he starts noticing::
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Lei walks down the hall's looking at all the people still getting there rooms all together. He yawns some as he goes down some stairs. "I wonder if this place has a game room."


Sakura walks over to a bench and places her clothes on it leaving her bra and underwear on. "This is the one time that I'm going to agree with Lei. This is pretty crazy of me to do." When she gets done saying this she does a cannon ball into the pool.

~Mina Concord~

Mina teared her eyes from the book she was reading to see a boy sitting next to her.
Where did he come from? she thought and was about to ask him when she noticed his headphones and decided she shouldn't bother him.

Lei goes to the lower level of the school and looks up at a door that says 'Library'. He decides to peek threw the window to see what it looks like. "Yep sure are lots of books in there." He then notices the girl that bumped into him when he was getting his room key. "That's Mina" Lei's eyes go a bit wide as he sees a person he met before. "Tristan's here?"


Sakura comes up from the water and catches her breath. She looks around quickly to see if anyone is there. "Nope..still by myself." she lets out a soft sigh. "Good, just a quick swim and I'll be on my way." She starts swimming around.
::Suddenly not hearing any music, he slowly lifted his head up and checked his mp3 player::"Needs to be recharged again..."::He whispered to himself and he put his mp3 back in his pocket and took off his headphones quietly. He looked around wondering how long he had been here, but just shrugged and thought that it might have been a couple of minutes::

~Mina Concord~

Seeing that he wasn't listening to music anymore, Mina held out her
hand. "Hi, I'm Mina Concord. But you can call me Mina." she said smiling widely at him.

Lei walks away from the library and decides to check out the rest of the school. "I wonder if the rooftop is open?" Lei says as he goes over and walks to the stairs.
::He jumped a bit when he heard the girl's voice, looks like she DID notice him, he thought as he turned back to her::"H-hey m-my name is T-Tristan, Tristan M-Moon.."::He said quietly using his hair to hide his face, while wondering that if she will either tell him to go to another table, or go back to reading her book::

~Mina Concord~

He's so shy! she thought in surprise then whispered, "It's nice to meet you Tristan. What were you listening to?" she asked pointing to his headphones.

::He blushed a bit, shocked that she actually wanted to talk to him::"U-um, it was a playlist of Night-More songs t-that I b-bought about a w-week ago"::He said quietly, thinking she probably didn't like rock or dubstep by the way she dressed, so she most likely never heard of Night-More::
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James found himself passing by the Library when he noticed Mina inside. He figured he could go say hi and then grab a book. As he walked passed and greeted her, he noticed her friend, who seemed familiar. Ignoring this strange curiosity, he went straight for the mystery novels.
Lei gets to the very top of the stairs and opens the door to the roof. He looks around on the ground for a rock or something heavy to keep the door open. "Great nothing to hold it open with" Lei then gets an idea and takes off one of his shoes and places it in the way of the door so it won't close and lock him out. "That will do." He then walks over to the edge of the roof of the school and looks far into the distance. "Good view."


Sakura swims all around the pool doing back strokes, front strokes. She then just floats on the water as she looks up to the ceiling. "Well this was fun for about ten minuets." She then decides to get out of the pool so she swims to the side of the pool and gets herself out. She then gets some chills from the cool air. "Great the one thing I forgot is a towel.."  
Sakura goes over to her clothes and puts them on. "I'm going to have to make it back to my room fast and change before I catch a cold." She then looks around one more time making sure no one saw her. She then goes threw the locker room and out the door leading to the hall way. Every few steps she takes drops of water fall. "Yep Lei was right, this was a crazy thing to do."


Lei stand on the roof of the school looking around. He then goes over to a side of a wall and sits down and lays by it. Feeling the sun shine down on him keeping him warm. "This should be my spot to get away from it all."
Takahiro was in his room not really caring about going to class at the moment. 'I can catch up later' he thought to himself, before yawning, and fall Ing asleep.

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After setting up his computer Valkyrian sat down to read. Grabbing his bag he furiously searched for his favorite book only to realise he had left it at home. Cursing himself for forgetting, Val got up and decided he'd quickly go to the library and try to find a book that interested him.
Hiroshi continued through the bookshelves to the non-fiction and picked out a variety of books. He then turned and headed for the Law and Criminal Affairs section, before going to the front desk and taking out his books.
Finally reaching the library Valkyrian walked staight to the "Fantasy" section and looked for a book to read. Deciding on a book he stood walked over to the tables. Noticing that none where empty Valkyrian sat at the one closest to the door he didn't care to pay much attention to the cheery girl and the boy with the headphones

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