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  1. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern Camp Delinquent (Closed)

    "Why on earth would you like rain?" Gage stood up abruptly, deciding if he wanted to risk the potential downpour on his new Italian suit. He ran his hands over the fabric on his torso, smoothing out the wrinkles caused by sitting. He gave Saru and Arizona a curt nod, "It was nice meeting you...
  2. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern Camp Delinquent (Closed)

    Gage crossed his arms and looked smugly at Saru-- he considered apologizing another form of submission. He nodded curtly and looked around at the camp site, "So do you two have any idea of what we're going to be doing here all summer? Because the armed guards kind of hint to me that it won't be...
  3. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern Camp Delinquent (Closed)

    "No personality?" Gage gawked at Saru, clearly disturbed by the comment. He intended to reply to Arizona but his one track mind got sidetracked on what the other boy had said, "Have you ever driven a Hennessey? Because I honestly doubt you'd be saying that if you got up to 290 in a beaut like that."
  4. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern Camp Delinquent (Closed)

    Gage broke out into a huge grin, remembering all of the nice cars sitting in his garage waiting for him to return, "Now that is a car I'd take home to meet my parents." He joked playfully and fiddled with the hem of his dress shirt, "But seriously that is a fast car. What's its top speed again?"...
  5. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern Camp Delinquent (Closed)

    Gage eyed Saru wearily, never being a fan of someone who avoided eye contact, he personally took it as a sign of submission. "Well both of your choices are aight cars-" Gage shrugged inspecting the chipping paint on the picnic tables, "But personally I'm strictly about the speed. That's why I'd...
  6. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern Camp Delinquent (Closed)

    Gage's eyes flashed with intrigue, a girl that was into cars? How rare. He cocked his head towards Arizona and let out a simple sigh, "Tragically, I've been cut off for the summer." He pulled out his wallet and flipped through some of the card holders, "Which, again tragically, renders these bad...
  7. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern Camp Delinquent (Closed)

    Gage laughed dryly, licking a finger and reaching to attempt to rub a scuff off his shoes. "So what do you think they're going to make us do here-" He stopped when he could see his reflection in the shoe, "-hold hands and sing Kumbaya until we don't want to break the law anymore?"
  8. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern Camp Delinquent (Closed)

    Gage nodded and held out his hand for her to shake, "Gage. And actually, I'm not too far from home, my family summers about fifteen minutes from here." He allowed his eyes to wander down Arizona, not being sly at all about checking her out, the arrogance oozing from his voice, "And by the looks...
  9. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern Camp Delinquent (Closed)

    Gage scoffed at the obviously uninterested response, "Right back atcha." He muttered, not even trying to hide the sarcasm in his voice. He smoothed out his dress shirt and exited the cabin in hopes of finding a place to request a change in cabin-mates. The only person he found was Arizona, who...
  10. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern Camp Delinquent (Closed)

    Gage raised his attention up to Dylan when he walked in, watching him silently put his stuff down and sit with a book. Gage absolutely despised reading with every fiber of his being, but he rolled his eyes and stood up anyway. He looked up at the top bunk, giving the stranger one of his...
  11. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern Camp Delinquent (Closed)

    Gage pushed the cabin door marked with a number 4 open hesitantly, the whole scene reminding him of one of those cheesy horror films. His body actually shuttered at the stale smell of the room and the sound of the wooden boards creaking under his imported shoes as he stepped across the cabin...
  12. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern Camp Delinquent

    Name: Gage Beaumont Age: 18 Personality: Gage is your typical rich kid ass hole. He's the son of a wealthy New Yorker and hides behind his father's wealth. He, like most teenaged megalomaniacs, believe themselves to be invincible, he truly believes there is nothing his charm and money can't...
  13. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

    "I knew it-" Gage slid into the seat, snatched the cigarette from Colten and inspected it, "I could smell the smoke from a mile away." Gage's smile slowly faded as he twirled the cigarette in between his fingers, "How the hell did you get them into here?"
  14. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

    Gage stood up abruptly and walked away from the table, he couldn't stand it any longer to be sitting with Patrick, the person who literally represented everything in the world he hated. He grabbed his tray and walked towards the trash, pausing a few steps after he past Colten. Gage spun on his...
  15. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

    Gage was immediately aware of Patrick's presence and even though the man was quite a bit shorter than Gage he still was intimidated by him. Gage had always had a problem with authority figures and especially rules, so even just Patrick being at the table was enough to make Gage uncomfortable...
  16. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

    "So hypothetically, you could kill anyone in this room at any moment and no one would know?" Gage went back to eating, still listening intently.
  17. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

    Gage's eyes got even bigger and he leaned closer to Amy, wondering how such a small girl could do all that, then he heard Oliver and rolled his eyes, "Ignore him, he's just a pussy."
  18. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

    Gage stopped eating and looked at Amy, obviously impressed, "You? Killed an entire diner?"
  19. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

    "No you're right." Gage looked at Oliver, still mocking them all, "Let's all pretend like we're totally okay with being ripped from our lives and be best friends here! Should we braid each others hair and make friendship bracelets later?"
  20. pflint42

    Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

    Gage rolled his eyes at the group talking a few feet in front of him, "What, are we in kindergarten?" He put on a mocking little kid voice, "We should totally swing together at recess!"