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  1. Percimus

    False Heroes

    "Kasemir," he supplied, "Kasemir Alde. I think." Resisting the urge to check his ID to find out for sure, he shoved his hands into his pockets. "I already got your name and, ah, profession .... Oh, that's right, recording it." Pulling the book from his pocket, he produced a pen after a moment's...
  2. Percimus

    False Heroes

    ".... I've never heard of someone gaining a power," Kasemir said tentatively, a little suspicious but still feeling the curiosity rise in his chest. It was possible to remove a power--the ordinaries had proven that, albeit in a rather gruesome way and with the added side effect of death shortly...
  3. Percimus

    False Heroes

    OK there's more pages than just the overview so i made a Thing <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.png.c344986174d9b4ac1ac032d0ea8b7643.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14494"...
  4. Percimus

    False Heroes

    Sighing a bit, Kasemir replied, "Not really surprising .... This is, after all the southwest. Although you are a bit loud about it, aren't you ...." The bit about his memory issues piqued his interest, however. "Memory is the cost of my power, yes .... the more I teleport the worse my memory...
  5. Percimus

    False Heroes

    YES it is absolutely owo)b we're like three pages in but it's just like.. messin around some while characters get to know each other so you're more than welcome to join!!
  6. Percimus

    False Heroes

    ((NO SHH ITS OK)) Kasemir opened his mouth to reply, but suddenly the other man was walking away; halfheartedly he gave a goodbye, and then a more sincere thank you, before turning back to look up at Farra. "I guess .... the bag could wait," he murmured, adjusting it on his shoulder again as...
  7. Percimus

    False Heroes

    Jumping again (although he managed not to drop the bag this time), Kasemir turned to the other man, whom he recognized as the one from earlier who had returned his book. "O-oh, yeah I know .... I work here all the time, but I forget the layout every other day, it's annoying." Caught between two...
  8. Percimus

    False Heroes

    Kasemir jumped sharply when words materialized in his head, dropping the bag with a thunk. Fumbling briefly, he picked it back up, looking around. It took a moment--teleporting earlier had left him admittedly a little hazy--but he soon put two and two together and realized just who had addressed...
  9. Percimus

    False Heroes

    The next job was a tougher one, mostly involving backtracking through winding alleys that he apparently had been too rushed to record when he first came back here. Eventually giving up, Kasemir simply teleported, disappearing into thin air only to reappear in the shop in question--or so he'd...
  10. Percimus

    False Heroes

    Watching the woman go, Kasemir sighed a bit, trying to collect himself. Quite the string of encounters, really. As he turned to walk away, however, the sickening crunch of flesh on pavement had him jerking around yet again. A body on the street, and .... Oh god, that was her? Realizing he'd...
  11. Percimus

    False Heroes

    Kasemir accepted the book and pages with a mumbled 'thank you', tucking them a little haphazardly into the cover as the other man walked away. Sliding the book back into his pocket (more securely this time) he was about to turn away when yet another stranger approached him. Already frazzled, he...
  12. Percimus

    False Heroes

    Pages scattered about were one thing, but tossing the book about like that was just cruel. Lacking the will to make any more of a fool of himself, he gave up chasing it after a few wayward tries; Kasemir cringed, however, when it struck yet another stranger. Ducking to pick up the pages that had...
  13. Percimus

    False Heroes

    Too wrapped up in his own thoughts to even realize what he was doing, Kasemir flinched in shock when he smacked into a stranger, stumbling back to land gracelessly on his backside. Shaking off the haze of thoughts that had had him so distracted, he looked up sharply at the woman's tone, cringing...
  14. Percimus

    False Heroes

    Percimus submitted a new role play: False Heroes - what if one in every ten people had an inhuman power? Read more about this role play...".... And a hundred for your work." Kasemir paused. Check pockets, flip open book, find page .... sixty? Somewhere around there. In neat black lettering...
  15. Percimus

    False Heroes

    ALRIGHT thread is all put together!! (here's to hoping i didn't miss anything oops) there isn't a current defined plot but once characters get to know each other one might emerge or we can come up with one. Or just leave it as is nbd owo)7
  16. Percimus

    False Heroes

    Percimus submitted a new role play. @Percimus, please edit this post to include the sign-up information. Read more about this role play...Character Sheet Template Name: your character's name. Age: your character's age. Gender: Your character's gender. (non-binary welcome.) Description...
  17. Percimus

    False Heroes

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  18. Percimus

    False Heroes

    YAY that makes two i'll probably make it this evening or tomorrow then owo)7
  19. Percimus

    False Heroes

    Great!! If no one else bites it can always be 1x1 c':
  20. Percimus

    False Heroes

    (this ended up longer than I thought it would haha sorry) So lately I've been messing around with a world concept but I've been having some trouble finding people to play around in it with. I'm pretty new to RpN (it's been a few years since I touched any forums at all lol) and I've got some...