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  1. Kattee1042

    Fantasy ~The Lords of the Magistone~

    Neljor had been trodding the forest for quite some time when she thought she sensed magic. It was the first time since she had left her university that she had felt the presence of magic. It was warm. It felt familiar and comfortable like a favorite blanket. She breathed it in deeply, then heard...
  2. Kattee1042

    ~The Lords of the Magistone~

    Hey, I'm totally in! So sorry I was gone for a little bit, I ended up being horribly ill. =(
  3. Kattee1042

    Looking for creative partner!

    I mean fantasy as in the medieval type. ^-^ But really any type of fantasy goes with me. I'm pretty open to anything. =) (except for, as I mentioned, the whole vampire, werewolf, monster sort of thing)
  4. Kattee1042

    Writers and Musicians who Inspire you as a Writer

    When it comes to writers I would have to say my biggest personal inspiration comes from Neal Stephenson. I read his book Anathem a few years back and absolutely taken aback by it. It's over 900 pages but it still felt too short when I came to finish it. His stories were laced with mathematical...
  5. Kattee1042

    Looking for creative partner!

    *is wondering what it would take to make you more interested*
  6. Kattee1042

    Looking for creative partner!

    Hello there! I just recently decided I wanted to get back into this whole RPing thing again and would love some active partners! I would prefer someone that is imaginative and descriptive. It's hard for me to get into a story if it's just a few short sentences at a time (there are exceptions...
  7. Kattee1042

    Hey! Gettin' back in my game! ;)

    Thank you very much! Same to you, good sir! =)
  8. Kattee1042

    Just joined! I hope to have many awesome adventures here with you folks. =)

    Just joined! I hope to have many awesome adventures here with you folks. =)
  9. Kattee1042

    ~The Lords of the Magistone~

    User: Kattee1042 Name: Neljor Age: 25 Appearance: Neljor is an attractive young woman, with light but sun-kissed skin and black as night curly hair. Neljor is neither tall nor short, being the average height of 5'6. A short lifetime of hard labor before coming to the academy has graced her...
  10. Kattee1042

    Obligatory New Member Post: How-To Embarrass Yourself in 5 Sentences or Less

    I sure hope I will! ^-^ And yes, it is ha ha. I'm working on my first character profile. A little strange, usually if I'm making a character profile it's a personal thing that I'll likely never, ever show anyone. Ha ha ha
  11. Kattee1042

    Obligatory New Member Post: How-To Embarrass Yourself in 5 Sentences or Less

    Ha ha ha, I feel the exact same way! I feel like a need RP Yoda to train me through the Dagoba of RP. I'm sure once I get into it, I'll be fine, but for now I feel quite awkward... P.S. I like you! We can stand and wave and shout together. ^-^
  12. Kattee1042

    Obligatory New Member Post: How-To Embarrass Yourself in 5 Sentences or Less

    Well thank you! It's always a treat to find another who suckles off the teat of literature! (I could have found a more pleasurable metaphor but where's the fun in that?) Me too! Though I haven't RP'ed in quite some time. I must admit I feel a little unsure of where to start. ^-^;;
  13. Kattee1042

    Obligatory New Member Post: How-To Embarrass Yourself in 5 Sentences or Less

    You have impeccable taste! I too share your thirst for writing. =) I just joined a few minutes ago. Seems like a great site for good company!
  14. Kattee1042

    Hey! Gettin' back in my game! ;)

    Hello all! So my name's Kattee (pronounced like Katie just spelled funny) and I've been out of the whole RP'ing thing for a while. I used to RP all the time on Gaia under the name craZperson and for no particular reason, I fell out of it. Anyways I'm older now and I actually write a lot more; in...