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  1. Amber KB

    Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre(CHARACTERS)

    @Comet Your character is definitely special and I'm excited to see her dynamic with the other characters... If any of them post:-_-lines:. But anyways, you're accepted:33:. Take a look at the roleplay and insert yourself wherever you deem necessary.
  2. Amber KB

    Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre(OOC)

    @Comet YES! I am the only girl right now. this is the roleplay
  3. Amber KB


  4. Amber KB

    Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre

    Lyra began to reply to the human's odd remark but was quieted by the king's sudden arrival. He had a strong, confident presence as well as one of the most beautiful faces she had ever seen. She stared awestruck for a moment too long before composing herself quickly. She stood with her back...
  5. Amber KB

    Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre

    "LADIES and gentlemen, we are here to see the Victors of Ilsvyre off to their odyssey through the distant, unknown lands of Ilsvyre across the ocean," rang out a clear, deep voice. The crowd grew quiet and looked to a balcony near the top of the massive, gleaming ballroom. A tall man stood...
  6. Amber KB

    Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre(OOC)

    Thank you! X) gonna post right now
  7. Amber KB

    Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre

    Lyra still wondered how she had defeated all those men in her colony's match. She wanted to make her parents proud. She wanted to see the world. Padria was the beginning of the fulfillment of this. Lyra walked through the hallways. Beautiful paintings adorned the wall - one was of the former...
  8. Amber KB

    Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre

    @jabronie @Mori-Jin @Stepper @Redox.Retribution @Glaedr @VisceralVendetta @quince03
  9. Amber KB

    Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre(OOC)

    @Mori-Jin @Stepper @VisceralVendetta @Redox.Retribution @jabronie @quince03 @Glaedr This isn't the roleplay! X) just wanted to tag you all here first, in case you wanted to use it. Feel free to talk to me and give me ideas and tips. I'm always down for improvement. :)   And feel free to talk...
  10. Amber KB

    Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre

    Chapter 1: Victors' Gala "Ladies, please enter through the left hallway, and men, the right," the middle-aged dwarf said to the large crowds entering the foyer of the infamous Green Palace of Burwyn, the capital city of Pradia. Victors entered along with the other esteemed guests...
  11. Amber KB

    Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre(CHARACTERS)

    @Stepper Your character is lit! This was originally going to be just friends, but not enough actually submitted lol. @Mori-Jin I like both of your characters, but I think the second might be a little too OP. I didn't mention it, but I do have a preference of one main character, so if you can...
  12. Amber KB

    Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre(CHARACTERS)

    No it hasn't. I am trying to do this with a couple people who I am friends with personally, so I'm waiting for them to join.
  13. Amber KB

    Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre(CHARACTERS)

    Lit. You're accepted, Buddy
  14. Amber KB

    Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre(CHARACTERS)

    Name: Lyra Rhodes Race: Elf Age: 19 Gender: Female Sexuality: Pansexual Physical Description: Lyra has BROWN(not purple) eyes and chestnut hair, which is typically worn as shown or in a braid down her back. She has very fair skin, despite spending a lot of time outside. She is...
  15. Amber KB

    Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre(CHARACTERS)

    Accepted :)  please label the categories.
  16. Amber KB

    Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre(CHARACTERS)

    Victors of Ilsvyre Acceptable Races: Elf(most variations), Orc, Human, Dwarf, Fairie(if you would like something different, run it by me) CHARACTERS MUST BE APPROVED BY GM Name: Race: Age: Sex/Gender: Sexual Preference: Physical Description: (1-2 paragraphs; include scars...
  17. Amber KB

    Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre

    To the east of Padria, lies a new continent, Ilsvyre. It is a new land of numerous natural resources and economic opportunity. Several colonies have already been established, but as they brave the East, the new land has become far more treacherous. Victors have volunteered from each colony to...
  18. Amber KB

    i really like humans some days...

    i really like humans some days...
  19. Amber KB

    Fantasy Heroes of Driesen(CLOSED)

    I can totally understand that we've all been busy recently, so no one has to sweat posting right now. I just want to make sure everyone is still on board with the roleplay before I start the 1v1s. So whenever y'all aren't busy, just message me or say something on here that you wish to continue.
  20. Amber KB

    Fantasy Heroes of Driesen(CLOSED)

    @LordOfThePitch @Alushey