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Fantasy Victors of Ilsvyre(CHARACTERS)

Amber KB

distant and confused
Victors of Ilsvyre

Acceptable Races: Elf(most variations), Orc, Human, Dwarf, Fairie(if you would like something different, run it by me)






Sexual Preference:
Physical Description:
(1-2 paragraphs; include scars or birthmarks, etc; include photo)

(1-2 paragraphs)

Personality Description:

(1-2 paragraphs)


(natural abilities, not including magic, but including enhancements such as bionics, etc)

Magical/Supernatural/Evolutionary Abilities:

(you know, the fun stuff)
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  • Name: Julius Requiem
  • Race: human
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: male
  • Sexuality: heterosexual
  • Appearance: Always wears black and follows the gentleman's rule of "dress for success" (although hasn't had much of that to indulge in) inside and outside of combat. Wears  cheap black suits and carries a short sword across his back with a concealed dagger inside of his coat. Moderately fair skin with short straight black hair that is untidy unlike his atire. Big grey eyes. He is 5'7  and relatively thin. (also not really as childish lookin as in that picture...or wearing headphones.....obviously;)). Into combat he wears steel gauntlets, along with a steel chest plate over his regular attire but beneath his black coat.
  • 3fdff0ab34b9eedde2a3163dbbd6c665.jpg
  • Background: The once well known family of Requiem has been not much more than a streak of bad luck for the past three generations. Once well known across the mainland settlement of Aurea for their magicians and adventurers, all that is left of the families glory was extinguished with this new era of machines. Julius is an only child and intermediate magician inheriting nothing more from the family than his talent for shift magic (magic that allows a shift in space). The original riches of the family were lost when his father took it when he left Julius at a young age in attempt to regain the glory his name once held. His father never returned, leaving Julius to live a life of poverty with his mother who disappeared when he was fifteen. He has lived with a swordsmith whom he has apprenticed to for the past five years; the closest thing to a father he has had. However, he can hardly stand his meager life he has lived, and seeks glory like his father and his father before him. He could resist when he saw the ad for the journey to the new land.
  • Personality: Julius is anything but quiet, and for some odd reason seems to be the only one who laughs at his never ending stream of jokes. He hides any pain that he had in his life prior with a wall of corny jokes and half cocked smile. He is a loyal friend and ally but is inexperienced with actually working with others.He has a set code of morals and wishes only to not bring any more shame to his family name than his predecessors. In combat he fights swiftly and prefers to confront his enemies head on, attempting to end the battle before his enemies know it has started.
  • Skills:
  • Julius recieved training from his master in blade works and is skilled with a sword and his dagger. His swordsmanship is unrivaled in his hometown.  
  • magical abilities:
  • skip: short fast teleportation spell that can be performed in an instant. Allows travel up to a few feet.
  • jump: teleportation spell that is nearly instant. Allows travel to anywhere within field of view. More draining than prior and increasingly more with distance.
  • hop: long distance teleportation. requires much more time and energy to cast and can be dangerous for Julius(accuracy is reduced) 
  • Carry: compatible with any of the prior spells. allows Julius to take another being/enemy with him on a shift. exponentially increases energy output.
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  • Julius Requiem
  • human
  • 23
  • male
  • heterosexual
  • Always wears black and follows the gentleman's rule of "dress for success" (although hasn't had much of that to indulge in) inside and outside of combat. Wears  cheap black suits and carries a short sword across his back with a concealed dagger inside of his coat. Moderately fair skin with short straight black hair that is untidy unlike his atire. He is 5'7  and relatively thin. (also not really as childish lookin as in that picture...or wearing headphones.....obviously;)
  • The once well known family of Requiem has been not much more than a streak of bad luck for the past three generations. Once well known across the mainland settlement of Aurea for their magicians and adventurers, all that is left of the families glory was extinguished with this new era of machines. Julius is an only child and intermediate magician inheriting nothing more from the family than his talent for shift magic (magic that allows a shift in space). The original riches of the family were lost when his father took it when he left Julius at a young age in attempt to regain the glory his name once held. His father never returned, leaving Julius to live a life of poverty with his mother who disappeared when he was fifteen. He has lived with a swordsmith whom he has apprenticed to for the past five years; the closest thing to a father he has had. However, he can hardly stand his meager life he has lived, and seeks glory like his father and his father before him. He could resist when he saw the ad for the journey to the new land.
  • Julius is anything but quiet, and for some odd reason seems to be the only one who laughs at his never ending stream of jokes. He hides any pain that he had in his life prior with a wall of corny jokes and half cocked smile. He is a loyal friend and ally but is inexperienced with actually working with others.He has a set code of morals and wishes only to not bring any more shame to his family name than his predecessors.
  • Aside from his ability to "teleport" a few feet at a time, Julius is very agile and proficient with a dagger as well as his sword. Jlius cannot perform any other type of magic besides shifting. Distance of each shift is increasingly dangerous especially if the point is out of his field of view and also very draining on his energy.


Accepted :)  please label the categories.

Mitzuki Matabe







Sexual Preference:


Physical Description:


A tall, strong, sleek male with silver and white hair. His eyes are normal and sleek, with an emerald color that reflects the slight glow of the sun itself. He naturally sports some long white jeans, a black tank top, and black arm bands around his arms. He likes to keep his necklace, a silver chain with two demons nails connected to it. He wears silver earrings on each ear, each sporting a solid clear diamond in their center.


Mitzuki is the only child to the Sang-Duk Dynasty, a chain of large companies, and strong magicians. He was raised with the thought, the idea, the fact that he had to work the hardest, be the best. He was raised his entire life through that mentality. But he never let it corrupt him. He'd keep his mind calm, and tel himself he was a normal person. But after the Assassination, everything changed.

His father was killed, in plain sight. He couldn't remember much after that, but he was sent to an Orphanage, of which burned down. He was the only survivor. Lost and scared, he wandered the forest alone, before arriving at a strange cottage. He was raised and taught by the man there, along with another strange boy by the name of Jin-Mori.

Personality Description:

He's silent, but very smart. He isn't cocky but careful, seeing the best way to do things. He doesn't find fighting as interesting as his friend Jin-Mori does, but he does find Magic EXTREMELY fascinating. He studied it more than anything, as he loved magic, and everything about it.


Natural Abilities - None really, due to his entrance training he's physically and mentally more advanced and prepared than a normal human, but other than that, he's quite the normal guy.

Magical/Supernatural/Evolutionary Abilities:

Summon - He's able to Summon weapons, and other things of the sort. The stronger, and bigger the thing summoned, the more energy it takes.

Sage Summon - He summons a heavenly beast from the Sage Realm.

Sage Energy - By compressing and concentrating the essence of the Sage Realm, he's able to use it as a weapon, or install it into his body.

Dark Thunder - His favorite one, he manipulates black lightning.
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Name:  Arathorn Panbestia

Race: Elf

Age: 18

Sex/Gender: Male

Sexual Preference: Bi-Sexual
Physical Description:

A pretty classic, albeit short, elf. Arathorn has Darkish skin and long flowing blond hair. He is thin, even gaunt. He does not overly care about his dress or fine appearance and spends most of his time in the forest watching the various Fauna and Flora, and is an avid vegetarian.


Arathorn has lost contact with his family at a young edge when he refused to be tutored as a court elf, to spend his days dressing up, wield a sword, keep the family honor, and spend his days in court.

Most of his day-to-day activity includes actively trying to achieve the opposite of what  "they" tried to drill into him as a child. He despises war, but will defend himself if he has to.

Personality Description:

Arathorn loves the forest and everything to do with it - especially the animals, and while he does not have a hatred towards humans, he is wary of them. He values their potential, their knowledge and vast resources, but knows all of these can bring harm as well as do good. He wants to live a simple life, away from it all, and when he heard about the new continent, he decided it was time to put some more space between himself and his family.




Basic Medicine (herb knowledge)

Magical/Supernatural/Evolutionary Abilities:

Shape-shift into an animal at will - the main problem is the more he stays in animal form - the harder it is to shift back, and when he does, it will take longer to recover and will be more painful.

Create minor illusion.

Invigor - revive and give energy to a creature, animal or plant - this is not "healing" in the classic sense but can help a plant grow faster and help a soldier not hurt all over for days after being healed by filling him with fresh energy.

Name: Lyra Rhodes

Race: Elf

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Physical Description: Lyra has BROWN(not purple) eyes and chestnut hair, which is typically worn as shown or in a braid down her back. She has very fair skin, despite spending a lot of time outside. She is 5'6", which is quite small for an elf. Her casual attire is typically a loose peasants' blouse that buttons up in the back, a pair of leather leggings that make her ass look fantASStic, as well as a pair of knee-high boots that her father made her before her maiden journey to Pradia. During combat, she wears a light leather armor and another pair of boots that she made herself from a light metal known as Shialtum known for being very quiet.

rp lyra.jpg

History: Lyra Rhodes grew up in the colony town of Vistruh, only miles from Avesburgh, the main port city of the colonies. She lived with her parents, Phoenix and Melody Rhodes, and older brother, Reed. He would always make fun of her for her meager height, but Lyra ended up using the oddity to her advantage(she was the best at hide-and-seek). Lyra never attended school, but Reed taught her how to read, write, and do basic mathematics. She apprenticed under her father as the town cobbler for a time but found no excitement in the act of making things meant to be stepped on.

Lyra was and is no underdog. She could beat any silly boys in a duel - she was fast and small, an advantage few elves had. Everyone in her town was a warrior, so to speak. They fought the unfriendly, neighboring goblin tribes as they attempted to raid the little town. She knew how to fight from a young age, and she continued to hone her skills in magic and dagger use, for close combat. After the dominating the preliminary trials, Lyra finds herself being ushered to Pradia for the Victors' Gala.

Personality: Lyra was known to all as being generally pleasant. She had no enemies unless she was wrestling with the boys as a young elf. She can be temperamental, but her anger was never directed towards other beings(except that one time she kicked a raccoon on a bad day). Lyra is very witty and intelligent, but also blindly curious, which has gotten her into trouble in the past. Lyra loves her family and anyone who puts the effort in to get to know her will feel that effervescent love on them.

Abilities: Very adept with daggers, Lyra knows where to cut in order to cause pain or worse. She also knows several tricks in hand-to-hand combat that have aided her well thus far. She is a magic user, with a primary focus on the body. She uses three spells in particular: Iron Lung, Bluff, and Grace, but others are in her repertoire as well, such as the very dangerous Smite of Ilsvyre.

  • Iron Lung: causes the opponent's lungs to stop working for twenty seconds. This briefly incapacitates them and allows for easier close combat fighting. Effective 50% of the time.
  • Bluff: causes the opponent to temporarily go blind. Another method of incapacitation. Effective 80% of the time.
  • Grace: heals small wounds to those around you or can buff the allies weakest abilities. Effective 100% of the time.
  • Smite: all body systems shut down for 3 minutes. This may kill the opponent, and if it doesn't, the opponent will be severely weakened afterward. Effective 15% of the time.
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Name: Glaedr Oromis

Race: Dragonborne

Age: 25

Sex/Gender: Male

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual
Physical Description:

Glaedr has the appearance of a humanoid dragon, with gold scaly hide, golden eyes, and talon like claws. With his strong build, he stands at 6'11" and weighs 340 lbs. 



After witnessing the slaughter of his parents, Nithring and Umaroth, at a very young age at the hands of an Orc chieftain, Glaedr traveled the many lands in search of knowledge, peace, and the strength to overcome enemies and stop oppressive and evil figures. 

Personality Description:

Despite his appearance, Glaedr typically tries to stay as diplomatic as possible, only resorting to violence when it is a last resort. Honor is extremely important to him, treating even the most cruel of foes with courtesy and respect. Though he may be peaceful, he is extremely skilled in combat and always up for a challenge. He wishes to come to Ilsvyre to further his knowledge and abilities in hope that many adventures await in this new land. 

Skillset: From his many travels, he has become a master swordsman, with his trident, Zar'roc, and a master of hand-to-hand combat. His intelligence combined with his strength are his greatest assets. He is also an extremely skilled tracker and hunter with a slingshot. He is fluent in Common, Draconic, and Orc. 

Magical/Supernatural/Evolutionary Abilities:

  • Dragon's Breath: Short range burst of fire, acid, or fire
  • Low-Light Vision: A Dragonborn can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He or she retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
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Name: Glaedr Oromis

Race: Dragonborne

Age: 25

Sex/Gender: Male

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual
Physical Description:

Glaedr has the appearance of a humanoid dragon, with gold scaly hide, golden eyes, and talon like claws. With his strong build, he stands at 6'11" and weighs 340 lbs. 

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After witnessing the slaughter of his parents, Nithring and Umaroth, at a very young age at the hands of an Orc chieftain, Glaedr traveled the many lands in search of knowledge, peace, and the strength to overcome enemies and stop oppressive and evil figures. 

Personality Description:

Despite his appearance, Glaedr typically tries to stay as diplomatic as possible, only resorting to violence when it is a last resort. Honor is extremely important to him, treating even the most cruel of foes with courtesy and respect. Though he may be peaceful, he is extremely skilled in combat and always up for a challenge. 

Skillset: From his many travels, he has become a master swordsman, with his trident, Zar'roc, and a master of hand-to-hand combat. His intelligence combined with his strength are his greatest assets. He is also an extremely skilled tracker and hunter with a slingshot. 

Magical/Supernatural/Evolutionary Abilities:

  • Dragon's Breath: Short range burst of fire, acid, or fire
  • Low-Light Vision: A Dragonborn can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He or she retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

Lit. You're accepted, Buddy
Name: Noel Arntzen

Race: Human 

Age: 18

Sex/Gender: Male/Agender

Sexual Preference: None (asexual)
Physical Description: Bright orange hair that catches light, eyes that match the sky, demeanor that rivals even the most stoic foot soldiers. He typically wears comparatively higher class village clothes in tough material and neutral tones. He carries himself at 5'10", and his lanky build distributes most of weight to his shoulders and calves.


History: Noel grew up as the son of a well-standing merchant between the colonies. As a result, he is far better with barter skills than motor skills. As a child, his only friends were the sea and the dock. When his father died young of a quick, yet effective virus, he was forced to take up the mantle of the family trade; that is, trade. Despite his prickly tendencies, his loyalty to both the law and the trade made him well known among the villagers and a few diplomats. While never a serious student of magic, along the way, he picked up a few mundane, practical spells. His fascination with new land and new opportunities and dedication to a people intent on growth and a law governing the taming of all that can and will be controlled all contributes to his drive to reach the new world.

Personality Description: A cold exterior hides a rather mellow interior. He's adaptable like the sea, and knows the way to both influence the kindhearted and intimidate the malicious. He constantly relies on a lofty, stately moral character. Consistently steadfast, ever focused, and always, always ready with a cutting wit.

Abilities: Noel typically doesn't use weapons, but keeps both a small saber and a whip within his supplies at all types, should the need arise. He is fast, at the cost of being rather clumsy when he's not thinking. However, his wit and quick attacks allow him to hold off offenses until he can retreat to find the source of the problem. His collection of practical spells includes the following:

  • A basic Knockback (with varying results for opponents of different masses),
  • A medium-strength Telelevitation spell (allowing him to lift objects and throw them at will), and
  • A rather potent Memory Influence (the most honed of the three, in which he temporarily scatters the opponent's thought processes, allowing him to give suggestions that the victim then follows with no memory of ever having been controlled).
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IName: Reginald (Reggi) Batts
Race: human
Age: 24
Sex/Gender: male
Sexual Preference: female
Physical Description: Very large man roughly 350lbs. About 6’3. Dressed in all black. Peak physical fittness. Extremely strong and incredibly fast. Short black hair with a large scar crossing his left eye. 
(1-2 paragraphs; include scars or birthmarks, etc; include photo
History: Reginald was raised by assassins but ran because he thought there was something more to life than killing. Reginald has always been a loner and only joining others when absolutely necessary. 
(1-2 paragraphs)
Personality Description: Reginald has always been the silent type. Although he can have anger issues at times, kindness is his only weakness. He is always aware of his surroundings and is rarely caught off guard. When Reginald makes real friends there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for them.
(1-2 paragraphs)
Skillset: heightened senses, negotiator, super smart
(natural abilities, not including magic, but including enhancements such as bionics, etc)
Magical/Supernatural/Evolutionary Abilities: super strength, extremely agile, two crystals in palms which shoot strange energy.
(you know, the fun stuff)

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name: Y'grinnel (grin)

age: 20ish looking(unknown)

race: human

sex: male

sexual pref: bisexual

physical description: Standing at 5'11 with a pale and malnourished appearance. Wears blue cloak and leather leggings beneath. He wears a bronze lance across his back and has ice white hair and pale blue eyes. He wears no armor into battle as his feeble body could not withstand the weight of heavy armor.

history: Awoken within a cavern in the east of Padria one year ago with no memory other than the name of the demon that now posesses him: Y'grinnel, a demon of the old world who speaks to him as a whisper in his head compelling Grin to do his bidding. He, having no name, took up the name of the very demon who feeds off of his body. He has some free will of his own but the demon keeps him in a malnourished state and causes him immense pain at disobedience.

personality description: Y'grinnel is a quiet man, who feels as if he is a disgrace not worthy of living: hating his life as a tool to a demon. His appearance tends to drive off others and he has no companions, however he is loyal to anyone willing to treat him as a normal human being. Although it is masked by the pain that the demon causes him, Grin is really a quirky, humorous man but only around those whom he trusts.

skillset: While having no memory or magic (as the demon feeds any mana from him) the demon allots him strength and speed on the battlefield, and Grin himself has the skill of a lance master. 

magical abilities:

Immunity: Y'grinnel is a noncorporeal being that feeds off the mana from his host. Therefore the beast absorbs any spells that Grin comes into contact with, diminishing it and making Grin immune to any spell be it a spell that would harm or heal him.

Grins smile: Ygrinnel extends his reach from grins body, feeding off of the mana of any being or spell around him.

Beautiful lancework: the demon leaves Ygrinnels body to possess his spear, and when hurled never misses its target.

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Name: Toneri Mikata Hellsing

Race: Tilani: A lost Race of the Heavenly Realm. People of this race all have the ability to fly, great magic potential, and have silver hair. They normally live from 300 to 700 years. 900 if lucky.

 Age :

Physically - 21

Actually - 156

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (He does whatever he deems necessary)



Spirit of Tathagata - The dragon beast, a lost beast of the Heavenly realm, is sealed within him. The Spirit of Tathagata turns his hair into a blazing shining form, his eyes turn to slits, and all his physical and magical properties are increased. It is taken by taking the smallest amount of the dragons soul and fusing it with himself.

Blade of Chaos - He surrounds his blade with the power of a dragon, making it several times stronger than it usually would be.

Kumiatsui - A large wave of concentrated magic energy, like a dragons roar, which can be shot from any part of his body. Though it's strongest through RaiJikumo.

Black Lightning - Like lightning, but dark with a tint of white. He can summon it from the sky, as one bolt or several. It can be concentrated into his body to make him faster, or he can affect it with RaiJikumo.

Jaeboungtumishi - After reading the Needle Ryu Moi Bong, he has complete and utter knowledge of both the human body, and several other races in the Realms. Jaeboungtumishi is the result of him being able to remove the limits placed on his body from birth, making him more powerful. Not much of a magic, but a skill.

Life force - The tree of life, a tree that fed the fairy realm for millions of years, he borrows power from it, giving him more life force. What does this do? It makes him very hard to kill.

True Tathagata - The spirit of the dragon emits into a physical form, of which lasts for 90 - 100 seconds. It is used normally to terrify enemies, but is also used for other reasons.

RaiJikumo: The will of Numakira - The will of every user who had the cursed blade, black lines run across his body, and he can manipulate, change, and use shadows to attack. As well as go into the Shadow realm.

Full Counter: The magic given to all of his race, the ultimate defense. It reflects any magical offensive attack back at the opponent, double strength.

Weapons (Optional) : 

RaiJikumo - Nicknamed, "The blade that cuts the heavens", it is a cursed blade. Every user before it has died, and their souls have been sealed into the blade. It carries the Will of Numakira.

Backstory (One paragraph is the minimum) :
He is the heir to the throne of the Heavenly Realm, a realm filled with large kingdoms and lost races. They don't believe in fighting, as every conflict is fixed with a simple game. He had his life planned ahead of him, and everything was perfect. Until he and his family were captured by a cult group trying to revive the dead dragon Tathagata. By doing so they needed a vessel, and the royal family were the only ones strong spiritually to hold it. They died, every single one of them, including Tumakui. But, Tumakui was "Chosen" by the dragon, as he had the strongest will to live. He awoke, lost in the forest, with Tathagata sealed in his body.

After that, he went on many travels with the dragon inside of him, including his travel to the Fairy Realm, stealing a seed of the Tree of Life, finding the cursed sword RaiJikumo, and reading the Ryu book. He is currently wanted in many areas, but his face is unknown.

Personality : He's a cool, calm and collected male who likes to make friends. He wants to understand humans, and the human nature, as he can not see any good in humans, nor can he see any evil. He tries to get people to trust him, and he does whatever he wants, as well as whatever he deems necessary.
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@Stepper Your character is lit! This was originally going to be just friends, but not enough actually submitted lol.

@Mori-Jin I like both of your characters, but I think the second might be a little too OP. I didn't mention it, but I do have a preference of one main character, so if you can just choose one, I'd really appreciate it. I'm sorry for not being clear.

@Redox.Retribution radical character!

@VisceralVendetta tubular! But if you could separate the character a little more from Black Panther, I'd appreciate it. You do you, though, Fam.

@quince03 love the chary!

I'll start the RP tonight. Sorry for the delay, everybody
@Stepper Your character is lit! This was originally going to be just friends, but not enough actually submitted lol.

@Mori-Jin I like both of your characters, but I think the second might be a little too OP. I didn't mention it, but I do have a preference of one main character, so if you can just choose one, I'd really appreciate it. I'm sorry for not being clear.

@Redox.Retribution radical character!

@VisceralVendetta tubular! But if you could separate the character a little more from Black Panther, I'd appreciate it. You do you, though, Fam.

@quince03 love the chary!

I'll start the RP tonight. Sorry for the delay, everybody

Awwe, ok   

Name:Eden Collins
Race:Faerie(Just like a Fairy)

A dainty, sparkling 5'2 girl with dark brown curly hair, flawless skin and face, and dainty like features. Her ears are pointed, like a elves, and her wings are leaf like, bigger than other Faeries. Her eyes are a dark brown, with gold in the middle of them.
Being a Fae, Eden is very temper-mental. Bi-polar, if that is what you wish to call it. She is a mixed emotion of anger, sadness, happiness, and just plain out confused half the time. You can catch her daydreaming, a lot. Half the time, she is lost in her own mind.

Faes' are.. obnoxious. They'll tend to cut you off in the middle of a sentence and talk about themselves. Eden knows that she does this, and when she catched herself, she apologizes. She doesn't like the bad things that Faes' do and are known for. She tries her hardest to stay away from those bad part.

In her good moods, Eden very outgoing and super friendly, sometime flirty also. Her favorite season is Autumn, being a Fae of that season.

Another thing about Eden, she loves jokes. Tell her a joke, even a horrible one, and she'll laugh and love you forever. It's also hard for her to be serious at serious times, like, when someone kisses her, she'll just.. laugh in surprise. I know, bad moment to laugh, but she can't help it and doesn't know what else to do! That's Eden for ya.
Skill set
The only thing that makes Faeries different from humans, is their wings. Their wings indicates what season they are a part of. Now, being a autumn Fae, she is able to only control that season, and what ever happens in that season. She is able to control leaves, make trees change colors, ya know, Autumn like things.

I know, not that very powerful, but she is able to control the animals of Autumn, increase fatigue in others, decomposition of.. things(Mainly plants). She can also create a eternal Autumn, making autumn a forever thing. Any powerful faerie of any season can make their season Eternal, but it is against Fae law.

Every fae gets a weapon they can summon, Autumn getting fire like weapons, winter getting ice weapons, and ect. Eden's autumn weapon is a fire whip. She can summon the weapon whenever she wants to, but it only has to be in certain situations. The situations include, something threatening other Autumn faeries, or any type of danger coming to her own being and the beings around her.
The History of Faeries aren't much different from Fairies. The only difference in the two species is that Fae is designated to a season, while Fairies can be whatever they want. So.. I'm not going into that history.

The history I am going into, is Eden's-
Eden wasn't born a Fae. In fact, she doesn't even remember becoming one! If you asked her, she would just shrug or avoid the question.

Eden grew up as a human in a small home. Her parents were divorced, her mom was always out with a new suitor getting drunk and laid, leaving the girl at home at night. Her life wasn't.. the best. She grew up too quick, and by the time she got older, she went down a dark path. She started hanging out with dark and shady people, getting into drugs, into dealing and other things. Not a good life or a good thing for her.

At the age of 17, she met a lady in a club. Honestly, Eden was too drunk to remember. All she remembers was being pulled into an alley way, then something soft hit her face. It was like smoke, not the smoke she's used to, but a sweet smelling, yet suffocating. When she woke up, she woke up in a totally different place.. and she was different. She had a pair of wings, and she was sparkly!

Waking up as a Faerie, she was pronounced queen of Autumn, being chosen by the previous queen. Now, she is out on a journey, like the last queen did, to find someone to take her place before she disappears for life.

Comet Comet Your character is definitely special and I'm excited to see her dynamic with the other characters... If any of them post:-_-lines:. But anyways, you're accepted:33:. Take a look at the roleplay and insert yourself wherever you deem necessary.

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