Search results for query: *

  1. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    As soon as the boy spoke those words he knew exactly who he was and was frightened. He grabbed the boy and started running without hesitation. He was told that one day his blood would return and all of hell had been dreading when that time came and unfortunately it just did. Everyone had already...
  2. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    The monsters were now flat on the ground yet Lucius still stared at him. He wasn't even sure if the beast wanted to fight any more but Lucius enjoyed the violence even if he didn't get very involved in the matter. They were locked in a deep stare connecting them both but both could tell that the...
  3. slytheringduck


  4. slytheringduck

    I saw you walk into a room, I saw a face I thought I knew. And all along it was true, It was me...

    I saw you walk into a room, I saw a face I thought I knew. And all along it was true, It was me, it wasn't you.
  5. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    Lucius awoke after a long slumber, the travel must've knocked him unconcious which seemed normal to him. He got to his feet and stood up but he could not see a vast open space, only mamoth beasts towering over himself. He searched around for a gap he could escape through but alast there wasn't...
  6. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    @ArachneGlycon Anyday at 10pm (UTC +0) :)
  7. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    Lucius just stood there. What was that he wondered? Some mountains of significence to the group he had only recently encountered. He walked down the mountain deciding on what to do now as he still did not know much about this world but he knew what had just happened. someone had changed the...
  8. slytheringduck

    I need to go now anyway be on tomorrow (for me UTC 00:00)

    I need to go now anyway be on tomorrow (for me UTC 00:00)
  9. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    " I'm Lucius, I have no idea where I'm from" He said as a joke but it was the truth, he didn't know his origins and this upset him a little bit more than he already had been in his time on this dimensional plain. He liked the idea of getting a drink , he assumed from his look that he was under...
  10. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    "I came in on purpose, not by chance." Lucius said sternly then lightened up and added "I was interested why the beast was heading in and wanted to observe closer or even jump right in but I must say I didn't expect a legendary weapon that's new " He inspected them and they seemed well...
  11. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    Lucius stayed silent, he did not want to be siding with people he had no information on or ideas of any intentions yet he did not want to declare himself an enemy as he was a little frightened of the people stood before him. He kept thinking about the question and went into a state of pure...
  12. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    The noise in the cave grew louder but lucius could not make out what it was. He walked straight through the flames as they seemed to embrace him. He enjoyed the feeling of heat and magic combined together, it calmed him. He advanced deeper into the belly of the beast (he thought this even...
  13. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    Lucius trailed the wolf beast yet it did not seem to notice him but then he didn't want him to. He felt as if his cloak had something to do with this and recalled a slight defenition of its power: though your physical presence is hidden Your mental presence stands as clear as day This...
  14. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    As Lucius slept he felt tormented by uknown ghosts from the past. He was unclear of his life as a child yet always felt that he could remember being one but when he focused only a blank plain lay before him. The ghastly horrors muttered words to him but one that came up most was demon. He...
  15. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    "I.....Have no idea" he mumbled. It made him flood with sorrow because he felt it was so important yet he didn't know why and he knew this would be happening a lot. He wasn't sure if he had no more memories, if he had forgotten them or the most frightening yet angering of them all ; if...
  16. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    "Mister Luci!? I'm not a pet or a baby so I'm pretty offended " He moaned then sat on a stone closer to the girl and peered over at what she was doing. Molecular construction and deconstruction are not the easiest of all things to do but was required in order to make life and reform matter...
  17. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    He stepped back as the little girl struck a crazy gaze at him then straightened up again . She looked young but he reckoned she wasn't as he partially understood what she was doing and it takes experience to do it so quickly and neatly so he deducted that a child would not have the capability to...
  18. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    As He approached he tried to recall if he had ever seen other life before - he could only remember one. It was a woman very important to him but he didn't know anything else so he decided to think about the life he was approaching instead. As he reached the bottom of the Goliath hill he saw...
  19. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    Lucius Wandered through this new aspect of life he had never seen, curios to what the purpose of what this world was. He remembered existing before this just couldn't picture only knew that he had been something. He gazed over a valley to see no present forms of life. He then gazed up but...
  20. slytheringduck

    Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

    UTC+ 00:00