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  1. Aceswild

    The Woad Court [OOC] [To the Vile Seem Vile]

    Cool! I believe we're down to 3 players now though :(
  2. Aceswild

    The Woad Court [OOC] [To the Vile Seem Vile]

    I'm happy to run the prelude on AIM but my timezone is probably significantly different to yours Chaka (I live in Australia). If you're cool to find a wonky hour that suits us both, I'm more than happy to do it via chat.
  3. Aceswild

    The Woad Court [OOC] [To the Vile Seem Vile]

    How did you want to run the more immediate backstories? Are we all meeting at the court in a common presentment, or is there something else you have in mind?
  4. Aceswild

    Javier of Navarre [To the Vile Seem Vile]

    Character Name: Javier of Navarre Clan: Lasombra Gender: Male Apparent Approximate Age: 24 Actual Age: 32 Generation: 6th Concept: Cunning merchant and powerplayer Nature: Survivor Demeanor: Autocrat Sire: Silvester de Ruiz Attributes Physical Stength: 2 Dexterity: 2...
  5. Aceswild

    Javier of Navarre [To the Vile Seem Vile]

    Background: It was a great time to be alive, at least when Javier was indeed alive. Navarre had ceased being a guardianship of France and had retaken itself as an independent kingdom after nearly 60 years. The Moors were being battled far in the south by the Kingdom of Castile and it seemed as...
  6. Aceswild

    Javier of Navarre [To the Vile Seem Vile]

    Javier sat in the confessional booth, the face on the other side of the slide completely hidden in shadows with hushed whisperings seeming to come from the darkness itself. A raspy voice sighed and began to speak in thick Castilian. "Hello, little brother" it suddenly chimed in. "We find it...
  7. Aceswild

    [Dark Ages Vampire] Recruitment thread

    Perhaps something in Irish would be appropriate? I've no talent for that language, but I'm sure with some searching we could find something. Internet translators make "monsters of night" into "arrachtaigh na hoíche", as an example.
  8. Aceswild

    [Dark Ages Vampire] Recruitment thread

    Goons help, there's no doubt. That being said, they're only mortal ;) . Watch them be at the mercy of every power in the game and the first target of your own frenzies. Still, feeling like a batman villain as you throw waves of goons onto a gangrel's claws while you flee is immensely...
  9. Aceswild

    [Dark Ages Vampire] Recruitment thread

    I had planned on making mine a bit of an intellectual/social mix, yes. As we're still in design phase and haven't seen how the houserules will work, there's always room to shift that a little on my part when I finally flesh him out; I do have potence as an option though I'd planned to focus on...
  10. Aceswild

    [Dark Ages Vampire] Recruitment thread

    Awesome! Looking forward to seeing the houserules for fleshing this fellow out and playing him.
  11. Aceswild

    Modern Exalted PBeM: Lost Souls

    Very interesting. What sort of rules changes, if any, have accompanied this change to modern setting? Secondly, what sort of exalts are being played? By the intro you've presented, Solar would be a safe choice but I can see others working as well.
  12. Aceswild

    [Dark Ages Vampire] Recruitment thread

    I will keep that in mind when writing up a background story. Is there any possible chance that a brief synopsis on her could be sent over?
  13. Aceswild

    [Dark Ages Vampire] Recruitment thread

    After some thought and discussion with the ST, I'd like to put in my pitch for concept and clan: Clan: Lasombra Concept: Still fleshing out the best way to work this, but I want him to be a Northern Spanish (think Navarre) merchant with a look to increase ties to local politics and the...
  14. Aceswild

    2.1 - Back to Greyfalls [The Will of the Yozis]

    Jakow Never halting his moving down the spine of the lizard, Jakow cursed silently to himself as his tentacles failed to connect. He mused about the fact that he'd managed to anger both riders and took it as a good sign that they disapproved of him attacking them directly. Feeling the lizard...
  15. Aceswild

    2.1 - Back to Greyfalls [The Will of the Yozis]

    Jakow Running down the length of the beast's arm, Jakow let out a crazy laugh, cackling like a madman as he skittered to the rider on the beast's shoulders. Feeling the wind rip past him at increasing speeds he let out a loud growl as he rushed the final distance to make head-on contact with...
  16. Aceswild

    2.1 - Back to Greyfalls [The Will of the Yozis]

    Time seemed to slow around Jakow as the claws headed for him and the Scourge could see not one, but three different attacks coming his way. Curses and amusement spread through his mind as he saw around the trick; one single narrated swipe to the fae did not translate into Creation the same and...
  17. Aceswild

    2.1 - Back to Greyfalls [The Will of the Yozis]

    -------------- Sorry to get back so late on this, but just to clarify, my DDV would cancel the first attack out if I stunted it and I'd have to 'Who Strikes the Wind' for the other two since that's my charm activation? I'm happy to do it, but if I can save the 3 motes for the first I'd like to...
  18. Aceswild

    Old World of Darkness

    I'm still interested but am having trouble getting ahold of the book(s). Let me know if you're in for a newbie to Mummy and if you're willing to give me a bit of a break to learn the rules :P
  19. Aceswild

    2.1 - Back to Greyfalls [The Will of the Yozis]

    Jakow Despite the speed of the large creatures outdoing him as he approached, Jakow could see their attacks coming well in advance as he approached. More than that, such large beings were easy to pinpoint in where their main threats were; claws, teeth and a massive tail were obvious on the...
  20. Aceswild

    2.1 - Back to Greyfalls [The Will of the Yozis]

    -------------- Just to clarify, is Who Strikes the Wind my only option here in terms of perfect defense? I might still use it for stunting reasons, but if the option is open for me to turn the wasp into dematerialized sand for an action I might alter how I do this. Of course, this relies on a)...