[Dark Ages Vampire] Recruitment thread

I had planned on making mine a bit of an intellectual/social mix, yes. As we're still in design phase and haven't seen how the houserules will work, there's always room to shift that a little on my part when I finally flesh him out; I do have potence as an option though I'd planned to focus on obtenebration and domination. That being said, we all do have the option of perhaps taking a high generation and pumping some points into the physical attributes for a scene at the sacrifice of some blood. As long as everyone has a few dots to give to brawl or melee, we should be OK. Retainers help too ;)
Yeah, I didn't realize how good Retainers could actually be until I realized they were a perfect fit for my concept. The "above-average" Retainer, not the best but not the worst you can get, gets "3 Attributes at 3 dots each, all professional Abilities (the ones that relate to their job) at 3 dots except for one at 4". Crazy, no?
Goons help, there's no doubt. That being said, they're only mortal ;) . Watch them be at the mercy of every power in the game and the first target of your own frenzies. Still, feeling like a batman villain as you throw waves of goons onto a gangrel's claws while you flee is immensely enjoyable. I just don't trust 'characters' that are technically fully under ST control though.
meh, they're blood bound, I have enough control over them. Only 2 though, one to watch me during the day and one to follow me at night. And I don't believe in frenzy... even though self-control is my lowest stat >_< the good thing is, they're easily three times as effective in combat as me, so if I frenzy on them, they'll be able to restrain me. I just hope they don't kill me during.
I may have been slightly exaggerating the whole houserule thing. I thought I'd have more, but as it turns out the only one you need to worry about is base Generation is 11th, not 12th. 12th is too high considering the time period - I mean, it's 12th in Victorian Age as well. Other than that standard chargen, just run any merits or flaws by me. No more than 10 points of flaws.
if you're still trying to come up with a name, I might be able to help. Shillelagh Through the Heart, Of Booze and Vampires, You Can't Get Blood From a Potato, Leprechauns in the Night.... did I miss any stereotypes?

*please note these stereotypes are meant to be taken in a lighthearted fashion. If your sense of humor doesn't agree with them, I'd be happy to remove them*
I don't think mine are as good, but I'll give it a try. "Top O' The Night To Ya!", "O'Ravnos' Pub", "Them's Bitin' Words", "St. Patrick's Night".

On another note, I did just think of a vampire soap opera title while working on those and decided to run with that. "All My Childer." "Night's Of Our Lives." "One Unlife To Unlive." "The Nosferatu And The Beautiful".
*looks at suggested titles, backs slowly out of thread...*

Busy with work. Request'll go in this evening.
Take your time, Chaka. We're just hanging out getting to know each other while we wait. I really liked "Them's Bitin' Words!" though.
Perhaps something in Irish would be appropriate? I've no talent for that language, but I'm sure with some searching we could find something. Internet translators make "monsters of night" into "arrachtaigh na hoíche", as an example.
Aye, it was. As my character was groomed for this mission, he learned Irish prior to arrival, but I don't think it'll be a big concern. The vast majority of people we interact with should know English. And a smattering of other languages will likely be more useful, as it's mostly people who are foreign to Ireland we'll be dealing with - all the vampires coming to curry favor and spy on Drest's court from the rest of Europe. My character is interested in both Spanish and French but hasn't gotten to learn them yet...

According to Wikipedia, Europeans typically just call it Irish, while North Americans tend to refer to it as Gaelic or Irish Gaelic. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_language
Ahh, okay. That does make sense. I suppose it shouldn't be a big deal, then; I just don't have much room to maneuver Francesca's languages and got worried.

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