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  1. The Boss

    Iron Raptor Technique

    Really?? Great! THanks praedoran!
  2. The Boss

    Iron Raptor Technique

    Aren't extra action charms incompatible with Simple charms?
  3. The Boss

    Iron Raptor Technique

    Since the description of this charm say that is "treated as a normal melee attack", can I do a flurry while using Iron Raptor?
  4. The Boss

    Avatars Wanted

    Ma bad. Already fixed, buddy.
  5. The Boss

    Avatars Wanted

    Sometimes I can do some nice things at PS. If someone would like me to do something, just post a image. Bigger and Higher quality is better, since it became easier to manipulate, even when the final work will be a "avatar size" picture. Some works. They're a little outdated, but since I'm...
  6. The Boss

    Devourer What?

    That's exactly the idea. It's for a badass NPC Villain.
  7. The Boss

    Devourer What?

    Ok, so everyone already heard that old history about the bad guy who want to rule everything, get all the power into himself and bla bla bla. So, i was thinkin to create a Martial Arts which could "devour" other's people power and things like that. But, well, i should need to take a really...
  8. The Boss

    Serious help too!

    Great idea! What make's me think in a role to the Lunars. Since Gaia had a close relationship with Luna and She is now trying to protect Autochtonia, maybe she could influence Luna to send a message to her Chosen to Protect the Childrens of Autochtonia. Lunar would began to fight to protect'em...
  9. The Boss

    Serious help too!

    I'll allow Solars, Dbs and Lunars. They affect in create a feeling of urgency and threat, since in one side you have a bunch of mad heroes getting stronger and at the other side, a bunch of ghosts and their champions did a Alliance with other mad creatures and want to destroy everything. They...
  10. The Boss

    Serious help too!

    First, sorry for my bad english. I'm going to do a game with the follow points. I would like some help of you, guys, to show me possible mistakes, impossibilities or even your ideas. Here they are: - The Makers was Destroyed with that Eye of Tumult thing, aparently - Pieces of...
  11. The Boss

    Infernal Exalted and Wiki

    Thanks for all the great ideas! I think i'm going with that idea of "holy saints". Really liked it. Oh, by the way, there is any book that tell more about the Yozis? Who they are and maybe some plot? And Samiel, i'm waiting to see your work with the Infernal! I would like to say more...
  12. The Boss

    Infernal Exalted and Wiki

    So... I was thinkin to add Infernal at my campaign and i would like to know your, guys, opinion on the Infernal Exalted Material at Exalted Wiki. I didn't read it all, but i saw at least 3 "different" kinds of Exalted. So, if you guys could point me to the most coherent one, or the one...
  13. The Boss

    2 Solars and 1 Body?

    Oh, well we are talking about Exalted. They always say "Think big". So... ya mean something like Tyler Durden and The Narrator from Fight Club, rigtha? When one sleep, the other goes to party. By the way, where can I find more about this Lytek? I was searching on 2nd Core Book and didn't...
  14. The Boss

    2 Solars and 1 Body?

    This is what i mean. This was not a unguided process, but something destined to be. As I said, his destiny was to big. At that momento in Creation, the reality need of a hero like him Saladin! Not Hannibal. I make a mistake, sorry. Yes, he does. What would lead to a series strugle inside his...
  15. The Boss

    2 Solars and 1 Body?

    The same way as for a normal Exalted. But for this to happen we have 2 free essences being attached to a single body at the same time. His destiny could be TOO big that could even support bring 2 essences to him. Something like that leper king who fought against Hannibal. A great man, with...
  16. The Boss

    2 Solars and 1 Body?

    I was thinkin of a NPC to my game. A man which in his Exaltation received 2 Solar Essences, totally strange to each other. While one is a Twilight creating things for the Good, the other one is a Dawn caste anxious for bloodshed. His body is decaying, since this is too much divine essence to...
  17. The Boss


    So, have you guys played Okami? It's a amazing game for PS2 and tell a history of a legendary Wolf who receive Amaterasu, the God of Sun, inside his body and can use Celestial Brushes to weave the own fabric of Reality. So i was think about two things... Can a Animal be Exalted? Two...
  18. The Boss

    Minimum Damage

    Ok! I will pay attention to that, buddies. Thanks for the advice.
  19. The Boss

    Minimum Damage

    Get it. Anyway i think on my game i will ignore this rule in some occasions. But very thanks for answer guys.
  20. The Boss

    Excelencies and Charms

    Exalted text make me a little confused, so I'm tryin to get the difference between the excelencies, so see if i'm rigth: The First Excelency work as on 1ed on attack, but on defense it don't grant any sucess, only dices. Each sucess grant +1 on DV/PV, rigtha? The Second can grant only half...