2 Solars and 1 Body?

The Boss

New Member
I was thinkin of a NPC to my game.

A man which in his Exaltation received 2 Solar Essences, totally strange to each other. While one is a Twilight creating things for the Good, the other one is a Dawn caste anxious for bloodshed.

His body is decaying, since this is too much divine essence to a simple human body resist and i was thinkin, as a addition drawback, he can't use Personal Essence, again for too much divine essence in his body.

So, what do you guys think? Could this be possible?

Edit: Another drawback could be 2 Virtue Flaws, instead of just one.
How would this have happened? Did Lytek drink too much cold medicine?
The same way as for a normal Exalted.

But for this to happen we have 2 free essences being attached to a single body at the same time.

His destiny could be TOO big that could even support bring 2 essences to him.

Something like that leper king who fought against Hannibal. A great man, with great things to do, but with a frail body.
I'm still not clear on the backstory of WHY he got 2, but whatever...

Does he have multiple personalities? Voices in his head? Have these two personailties, plus his pre-exaltation one all merged into a unified whole? Aside from his body going pear shaped, how sound is his mind?

Also, what leper king fought Hannibal? I don't know that story. The only king I know of who was a leper was Baldwin (?) of Jerusalem, but that was way after Hannibal.
... that just wouldn't work unless Lytek was high on crack... If Exaltation was an unguided process, perhaps, but it's not. Lytek selects who Exalts.
Solfi said:
... that just wouldn't work unless Lytek was high on crack... If Exaltation was an unguided process, perhaps, but it's not. Lytek selects who Exalts.
This is what i mean. This was not a unguided process, but something destined to be. As I said, his destiny was to big. At that momento in Creation, the reality need of a hero like him

Also, what leper king fought Hannibal? I don't know that story. The only king I know of who was a leper was Baldwin (?) of Jerusalem, but that was way after Hannibal.
Saladin! Not Hannibal. I make a mistake, sorry.

Does he have multiple personalities? Voices in his head?
Yes, he does. What would lead to a series strugle inside his own mind.

Have these two personailties, plus his pre-exaltation one all merged into a unified whole?
No! This would be a anime like thing, i mean, sometimes one of his personality is in command, in others situations is his alter ego. This transformation would even lead to physical changes.

Aside from his body going pear shaped, how sound is his mind?
As a fallen hero mind should be. In the verge of insanity, something like Acchiles in his rage.

My intention is to make him a omen of a dark era. I mean, how much "Dual Exalted" walking on Creation? A decayed body, a decayed mind but with the power to rule the creation, a rule that he will never be able to do.

He would be a major NPC, with a great and tragic destiny.

I'm sorry if i sound a little confused sometimes, my english is not that good and sometimes is a litle tough to express myself.

By the way, sorry the noob question, but what is Lytek?
Lytek is the Daimyo of Exaltation, or in other words, the God of Exalts. It's his job to inspect each Essence as they return to Yu-shan, clean them up, and send them on their way again. He is also presented with the list of people eligible for exaltation, both Celestial and Terrestrial, and chooses which of them will Exalt.
I'm thinking something along the lines of an very volatile and possibly explosive person.

... I think the idea would work better without the "super-destiny" idea, and instead taking two separate Exalts, and using a variation of the (kinda classic) curse, where two people "inhabit the same space" (think the (crappy) movie Ladyhawke, or the Doctor from Hellblazer).

Meaning, they switch places due to some condition (day/night... Limit Break. A specific (involuntary) act of some sort etc).

But the whole 'Destiny so large you'd crap your pants' things sounds hopelessly, and utterly lame.
Solfi said:
... I think the idea would work better without the "super-destiny" idea, and instead taking two separate Exalts, and using a variation of the (kinda classic) curse, where two people "inhabit the same space" (think the (crappy) movie Ladyhawke, or the Doctor from Hellblazer).
Meaning, they switch places due to some condition (day/night... Limit Break. A specific (involuntary) act of some sort etc).

But the whole 'Destiny so large you'd crap your pants' things sounds hopelessly, and utterly lame.
Them's fightin' words, boy.
Oh, well we are talking about Exalted. They always say "Think big".

So... ya mean something like Tyler Durden and The Narrator from Fight Club, rigtha? When one sleep, the other goes to party.

By the way, where can I find more about this Lytek? I was searching on 2nd Core Book and didn't find anything. Is he in any old suplemment?
I think he's in the Sidereal fatsplat... I'll go check... stay tuned for edits on this post.

[edit]: Yup. He's got a blurb in the Siddie book on page 42 under the heading "Daimyo of the Division of Exaltation". And he takes his job supervising Exaltations frickin' seriously.
If you do go with this huge destiny thing, what is it? Why is this dude so important?
If I was going to do this, I'd make it so that the guy had two souls in the first place, which would manifest as multiple personality disorder.

The only other way I'd allow multiple souls in one body is through some freaky fusion Charm or Spell that can combine multiple Exalts into one body. I think there's supposed to be a spell like that.
You could do it as a variant of the Ride spirit charm, where the sprit and Exalt have access to eachothers charms and abilities.
Jukashi said:
If I was going to do this, I'd make it so that the guy had two souls in the first place, which would manifest as multiple personality disorder.
The only other way I'd allow multiple souls in one body is through some freaky fusion Charm or Spell that can combine multiple Exalts into one body. I think there's supposed to be a spell like that.
Solar Circle Sorcery:

Bo3C, Pp. 78.

Unity of the Closed Fist

It doesn't seem to be in Savant and Sorcerer.
What you could do to make it work is put the characters in a wild zone as they both Exalt. Only the wild wreaks havoc with the process and putts the two into a new body rearanges their memory so they do not precisely who they were and what is whose memory and presto you have an Exalt with two Essences that would work.

It says everywhere that in a good wildzone anything is possible. In this case the wild taint is not strong enough to keep the two in their single body, but the essences aren't strong enough to get the two appart. This causes the decaying of the person. The bits that are one person's want to leave the bits that are the other person's.

All this together give you yoru desired character and if he is very luckky he might even be saved.
Suppose Lytek did this intentionally as a curse on the mortal. Oh, he'd probably also have some ulterior motive, like maybe it was the only way to "clean up" the two souls, by forcing them together for a little while, in which case, the mortal curse would be basically an afterthought. Like "well, I need to cram these two souls together for a couple of years, might as well fuck over that guy who married the hot mortal I was trying to bang".
I believe the likelyhood of that scenerio is akin to winning the state lottery.

Lytek would be more likely to put each shard into different sections of a siamese twin.  Now that would be funny.
In one of the novels he exalted someone who was being held by one of the Deathlords. Imagine the risk he took there. I don't see why if the destiny of the mortals is big enough he wouldn't exalt them then and there. Plus even Lytek can't know what will happen in a wildzone. He had a good plan, but it backfired. The wild is of limits to all visions of the future and I'm not sure whether Lytek can shape the wyld or cause it to perform mutations on his command.

The chances of becoming an exalt is like winning the lottery anyway if you look at the very rare demographic stats of Nexus the Imperial City and some others you can conclude that there are at least .5 billion people in creation. Then you combine this with the chance to become a Solar there are at most 500 left. This gives you a chance of 1:10^6 this a smaller then winning the lottery ~1:5*10^5
Not quite. If you remember that only people with sufficient Destiny can Exalt, and that each level of Destiny is exponentially more rare, the chances of Exaltation rises... if you have the right Destiny. For everyone else, the chance drops to zero.
Bizar said:
The chances of becoming an exalt is like winning the lottery anyway if you look at the very rare demographic stats of Nexus, the Imperial City and some others you can conclude that there are at least .5 billion people in creation. Then you combine this with the chance to become a Solar there are at most 500 left. This gives you a chance of 1:10^6 this a smaller then winning the lottery ~1:5*10^5
So, about half the chance to Exalt as to win the lotto...

Run with that in a game.

"Aw...  You didn't roll 6 10s, you're not a Solar.  Roll again for Lunars."

I wonder if a severe enough Wyld Mutation could create a Celestial Shard?

Or even turn a mortal with breeding of nil into a DB with Mythic Breeding (or even weirder, a genetic purity, giving them something akin to  Breed True, creating a pure genetic lineage of one Aspect of DB - take that and run with it if you will, Jukashi).

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