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  1. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    (I'm back, but we might as well wait for Miss Mack to continue =P)
  2. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    (Kenna is feeling mischievous xD ) (btw, i will be offline for a few days, Friday night is the latest and Wednesday night is the earliest I will be back)
  3. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    Kenna woke up with a start. What a strange and vivid dream. She groaned as she checked the time, it's been only 13 minutes. Oh, well, I'm awake now. She smoothed down her clothes before exploring the library. Kenna smiled as she glided through the rows, making mental notes about the books in...
  4. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    (Oh, ok, it sound cool how he hunts. =]) Kenna smiled as she breathed in the fresh book smell of the library; she loves the smell of books, as it reminds her of the library at her grandfather's place. Kenna noticed there were only a few students scattered throughout the library. She found a...
  5. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    (Does he usually go hunting for food? And yes, he went without teaching for third) Kenna lagged behind, debating on whether to ask questions about Fae. She decided against it, as Mr. Dragomir might get suspicious; the less people learning about her Fae heritage, the better, as some Mortals...
  6. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    (0.o what does he eat,usually? Btw, are we continuing without Adeline or waiting for her?)
  7. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    Mr. Dragomir droned on about the Fae history, the Seelie and Unseelie Courts. Most of which Kenna already knew. The Seelies are considered "light" Fae, governed by Queen Meira. The Unseelies are considered "dark" Fae, governed by Queen Aveta. Both Courts are under the rule of King Drake...
  8. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    Kenna's eyes glowed as she absorbed Mr. Ragno's emotions. Ahh, much better. The invisibility spell had drained her more than she thought. Kenna hurried to her third period, Fae History. She sat near the back as the bell rang.
  9. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    Kenna hurried after Mr. Ragno, running past him, out of sight before dropping invisibility. She ran to her locker to grab the book for third period. She paused as she stood in front of her locker. Someone has broken into her locker, she can feel it. Kenna took a deep breath before examining the...
  10. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    Kenna sighed silently as Mr. Ragno decided against reporting the death. Kenna felt sorry for the guy. Sure, he's strange and strange looking, but she was pretty sure that Mr. Ragno was not responsible for this. Kenna moved closer to the door to create an invisible warning ward around the...
  11. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    Kenna took a deep breath before calming down. She opened her eyes just in time to see Mr. Ragno taking off his coat, revealing his strange figure. Interesting. I wonder if he's gonna report her death or hid it.
  12. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    Kenna followed Mr. Ragno towards the west wing bathrooms, hurrying in before the door shut. Kenna watched as Mr. Ragno mumbled. Reaper? So Adeline did this? No. Reapers can take souls, but not cause death....I think. Kenna choked down a gasp as he put a hand around the girl's neck. She felt her...
  13. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    "Oh my God" Kenna's eyes widened "What do you think he was trying to do?" Her mind is finally cleared as the bell rang. Kenna's mind tentatively felt around. Although the feeling of dread decreased, she still sensed something. Mr. Ragno ran past her, barely avoiding bumping into her. An image of...
  14. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    "What do you mean by not mentally stable?" Kenna asked, ignoring the crawling on the walls part. (Be back later, gym awaits =])
  15. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    "Mr. Ragno? What do you know about him?" Dang it, why did I have to take the pill? It would have been so much easier for Kenna to read intentions. Another chill reverberated through her body at Lynn's expression. Although Kenna was mostly convinced that Mr. Ragno will be the cause of an...
  16. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    "It's nice meeting you too" Kenna replied. "What are you, if you don't mind me asking?" Kenna's tone suddenly shifted from playful to serious, most likely from Lynn's comment about people getting thrown out of the window. Although the pill had dulled Kenna's powers and senses, a sudden chill...
  17. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    "It might be a hard year,but I bet it will be loads of fun too." Kenna smiled. "I'm Kenna Vesta, What's your name?"
  18. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    Kenna looked up, recognition flashed in her eyes as she noticed the girl. "Sorry, I was distracted. Hey, weren't you in Mr. Ragno's class? What did you think of it?"
  19. Kenna Vesta

    Fantasy Codlark Academy

    Kenna paused at her locker as students pour into the hallways; excitement hung strongly in the air, tinged with frustration from the honey blonde. "Crap" she muttered as she reached for the pills in her locker. She grabbed the bottle and sprinted down the hallway to the bathroom, as her eyes...
  20. Kenna Vesta

    Codlark Academy

    Name: Kenna Vesta, Faerie Birthdate: June 21st Age: 16 Orientation: Bisexual Background: Kenna was abandoned at 5 and thrown into the foster system until 12, when her powers emerged. Her then foster parents abused her emotionally, physically and sexually, until she snapped on the night...