Codlark Academy

Name: Mr. Ragno

Birthdate: Feb. 20th

Ethnicity: Italian

Orientation: Bisexual

Background: Mr. Ragno had been a teacher at the Codlark Academy since the 1850s and is one of greatest teachers. Mr. Ragno originally is from Florence, Italy and stayed there for most of his life until the 1740s, which was when he moved to America just for teaching reasons and has been living in Cape Cod ever since. He's a good teacher but has been rumored to have been having affairs with some of his students, which has highly affected and completely appalls him in general.

Personality: Mr. Ragno is passionate and imaginative. He isn't afraid to yell at students if necessary.

Likes: Wine, smart people, reading, learning

Dislikes: Idiots, pepper, trouble makers. Loud noises

Name: Adelina Marie Rydell

Age: 17



Orientation: Bisexual

Race: Grim Reaper

Background: Born and raised in Sarlat, France Adelina was considered the prized jewel of her family, being fairly good looking, smart, and hard working. She grew up under much pressure to be perfect, pressure coming from her own family as well as neighbors, teachers, and friends. If Adde ever did anything wrong she was severely punished... Physically and verbally. As she grew the pressure grew as well, and eventually, she cracked. She yelled at her parents, asking for them to leave her be and her father became very upset. He slapped Adelina across the cheek, causing her to fall to the ground. She stood up with a small cut on her lower lip. Her head was down in shame before she picked it up and tackled her dad, choking him to death without hesitation. Adde's mother screamed and called the police, only to be strangled by Adelina. Feeling guilty, Adelina stepped back in horror then shakily grabbed a gun that her parents kept in their closet. She raised it to her head and shot... She died. Without a second thought. Adde woke up in hell, literally. There, Satan himself handed her a scythe and told her to go take the lives of more people without mercy, just as she had done to her parents. To get close to her victims, Adde has a human form (show in the image above) and before she takes them back to hell, she transforms into her true grim reaper form.
Name: Kenna Vesta, Faerie

Birthdate: June 21st

Age: 16

Orientation: Bisexual

Background: Kenna was abandoned at 5 and thrown into the foster system until 12, when her powers emerged. Her then foster parents abused her emotionally, physically and sexually, until she snapped on the night of her 12th birthday.

She snuck in the backdoor, hoping that Carter and Amy had already passed out from drinking and heroin. No such luck. Carter stalked leeringly towards Kenna as Amy glared at her. Insults and threats flew from their mouths as Cater grabbed her arms. Kenna kept her expression blank, unwilling to encourage them with any sign of emotion, not that she has any. However, as they went on and on about her birth parents, she felt something snap. Anger, rage, lust, jealousy, insecurity; but those aren't hers. She felt the emotions as power surged through her. Carter gasped and loosened his grip as he stared at her eyes. He flung backwards into Amy. Did she just do that? Yes, my child. Kill them. Make them suffer as you did. Thousands of painful memories flitted through her mind as a shadow takes over. She could feel her own emotion now. What? She has never been able to feel. Fear, anger, hatred, abandonment and insecurity, confusion. They swirled around her and disappeared, feeding the shadow. Enormous amount of power surged through her body, but she can't feel it. She watched as everything shattered around her; the floor and walls cracked as green flames appeared out of nowhere, surrounding them. Kenna watched as she walked towards the couple, unable to control her own body. Stop! This isn't right..moral. Moral? Were they moral to you? Before Kenna could answer, they reached the couple. They stared at her in horror as she smiled maliciously. Feeding off their fears, she reached into their minds. They screamed and pleaded for mercy as she pried through their memories. She pulled at their darkest memory; the murder of Kane, their 8 year old son. She replayed the memory over and over in their heads as she reach for them slowly. She held their gaze as she torn out their hearts. They faded away as she threw the hearts into the fire. Kenna clawed at the barriers of her mind. Falreneva Mirest! Kenna shouted instinctively. The barriers vanished as she took control of her body again. Knowing that there was nothing she can do, Kenna sprinted through the back door, barely escaping as the house caved. She collapsed on the damp grass as sobs escaped her throat. What the heck just happened? Who and what is she?

Kenna ran and hid in an abandoned house a few blocks away. She returned a few days later, hoping to find anything salvageable. She rummaged through the debris methodologically, in the still night. So far, nothing had survived. Suddenly, as she reached the last section of the debris, a small shudder rippled down her spine. Someone is watching her, she can feel it. Before she can dwell on the feeling, a glint of silver in the rubble caught her eyes. As soon as she reached it, something slammed into the back of her head and she blacked out.

Kenna woke up in her grandfather's house. It turned out that William had been searching for her since her parents went missing. He told Kenna that Angelica, her mother, his daughter, was a witch, and her father, Kavio was a fae. They eloped and disappeared a few years before Kenna was born, as relationships between Fae and Mortals are taboo. William claimed that he had never met Kenna's father, but only learned of him through a short letter Angelica left before disappearing. Although loving and supportive, William was strict about Kenna's education and training as a witch, as he, himself, was a warlock.
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Fredrick (Freddy) BlackWood.





Sexual Orientation:


Godly Parent:

Aphrodite The Goddess of Love and Beauty.


  • Unresistable Charm:Fredrick is able to put people or beings under his spell for a certain period if time.
  • A Symbol of Beauty and Peace: As the son of Aphrodite, Fredrick is able to transform into her favorite and majestic animal " The Swan".
  • Purification: As the son of a peaceful goddess, non-violence is his expertise. Fredrick is able to heal or cure an ally , at the same time he may use this to lighten his path in a dark area or at night.


Fredrick is mostly a loner.. he wont enter anyone's life unless they introduce them selves. People hanging out with Freddy will not regret it, especially ladies. As Aphrodite's son Fredrick is an affectionate person until provoked. When provoked or talking to a stranger he is likely to be rude and very " Not Down To Earth".


Thrown out of his old war school, Fredrick was rated "not the war type" but he could actually kill a bunch of soldiers with nothing but daggers and a shield. They think he is too soft, maybe to goodlooking to be rough and ruthless. Fredrick looked for a new home.. but not new friends, people judge him as too soft just by the way he looks although he has a well-built body. Fredrick truly believes that Beauty is power, and not Power is Beauty.


  • People who do not judge by the looks.
  • Knife-throwing Or knife play.
  • Women and slightly Men.
  • Being alone.
  • Competition.


  • Show offs.(jerks..assholes etc..)
  • The millitary.
  • Hot weather.

Scent: Roses.


Aphrodite has given Fredrick her unique daggers, they might look soft but they cut flesh, they pierce the skin of any being his daggers meet.


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