Search results for query: *

  1. TooLazyToLogIn

    Fantasy Hackerz!

    Sorata violently smashed down the door and ran into the room in which Janine & Ryuu resided, the place was oddly clean, but there were a couple of discrepancies at the front door that he noticed. "Sorry to break, 'Lovey Dovey Time' but there are a whole militias worth of cyber terrorists heading...
  2. TooLazyToLogIn


    [Name] Sorata Tadami [Age] 17 [Hacker type] Tamer [Weapon type] His Artificial Hand [summoned animals] Dragon, Demon & Phoenix [Record] Never Caught, Can't be Traced. [Appearance] [Gender] Male [Other] At the age of 12, Sorata's right hand was cut off in a plane crash...
  3. TooLazyToLogIn

    A God's Kiss

    <I>{Identity} </i> [Animal Type:] Distortion Beast [Popularity:] 1 [Power:] 9 [Age:] As long as time itself. [Name:] Shoda [Nickname:] (None) [blood Type:] O- [star Sign:] Capricorn [Date of Birth:] 1st of Jan [Favorite Color:] Crimson [Theme Song:] {Giratina Battle Remix}...
  4. TooLazyToLogIn

    A God's Kiss

    The world is flurishing with the love and wrath of the newly forming gods. But with gods comes familars. Familars that are forced to follow the god's every move and do anything the god tells him or her to do without hesitance or complaint. The familar's job is to keep his or her god safe for...
  5. TooLazyToLogIn

    A God's Kiss

    I love video games and rp'ing, so if you got xbox pm me and I'll give you my gamertag, we can play some CALL OF DUTS xD . I enjoy romance rps but I ABSOLOUTELY DESPISE romance movies. With an exception of a few movies. Like one that Echo showed me, crap I forgot the name. Well anyways, I'm an...
  6. TooLazyToLogIn

    A God's Kiss

    Much like humans, gods are seperated by both power and social status. If the power is above 2, that god or godess is considered an average god. If the power level is above 5, that god is considered an experienced god. And if the power level is above 8, that god or godess is considered an...
  7. TooLazyToLogIn

    Fantasy A God's Kiss

    [Please Read the Overview Before Posting]
  8. TooLazyToLogIn

    Summer High School

    This group has been really dead lately, just saying. .-.
  9. TooLazyToLogIn

    Summer High School

    Goodness, I can't keep up with this rp at all... ._.
  10. TooLazyToLogIn

    Realistic or Modern Life of a Neko

    (Damn. I just got back from my holiday to Vanuatu and I see that this is dying. ) (Also, I have one master who is adopting a neko and one neko who wants to be adopted.)
  11. TooLazyToLogIn

    Realistic or Modern Summer High School

    Instead of letting Liana help him. Sora got up by himself, he had a couple of bruises, but it wasn't too bad. Sora took his phone out of his pocket, it had a giant crack in the middle of the screen and the home button had fell off. "Dammit, they're probably already off by now. CURSE YOU...
  12. TooLazyToLogIn

    Realistic or Modern Life of a Neko

    "You want your freedom, right? Be glad i'm giving it to you." Satoshi replied with a pitiful look on his face before getting up and stretching his arms and legs, he was tired.
  13. TooLazyToLogIn

    Realistic or Modern Summer High School

    (I have no idea...)
  14. TooLazyToLogIn

    Realistic or Modern Life of a Neko

    "I have a million questions, but most of them you couldn't answer right now." Satoshi replied in a sarcastic manner. He looked at the price tag that he was holding in his hands. "Ill take this one. I bid at 100¥" Satoshi yelled to a man in formal attire, he was standing at the edge of the stage.
  15. TooLazyToLogIn

    Realistic or Modern Summer High School

    (My goodness, whens the assembly going to start >.>)
  16. TooLazyToLogIn

    Summer High School

    I haven't been getting notifications either >.> HOLY FUDGECAKEDUCKS, I've missed almost 10 pages worth of posts... Maybe i should just wait until the assembly for my character to join. Is it weird that I REALLY want a love triangle to happen??? Hehehe, Quad post.
  17. TooLazyToLogIn

    Realistic or Modern Summer High School

    Sora took another look down at his phone to see the text message that caused him so much commotion and within a split second his eyes widened. He began to rush out the library doors and into the hallway. While turning around a sharp corner Sora noticed a small group of people conversing, but at...
  18. TooLazyToLogIn


    "DOWNLOADINGCOOKDATA#06" Leif said with a blank look pasted across his face. It looked as if he was traumatized yet not at the same time. After about five minutes Lief got up and placed a perfect slice of white bread down on a plate. He then swiped a butter knife and spread a fair amount of...
  19. TooLazyToLogIn

    Realistic or Modern Summer High School

    (Bloody hell, my internet cant keep up with these posts ;~ ;)
  20. TooLazyToLogIn

    Realistic or Modern Summer High School

    Sora casually headed into the library. He was quite late to this 'summer event' thing as his parents forced him to go against his will. "My peaceful summer is ruined... Those bloody runts." Sora whispered to himself as he walked through the masses of bookshelves that towered over everyone. A...