Search results for query: *

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    Highly interested and since my last game went belly up I've got no other online commitments. Gotta think of a concept before I start any work on the character but I'll send something your way either tonight or sometime tomorrow.
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    OOC- The Thing [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Anyone out there?
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    Jotun, city of Ice and Snow [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Adachi As the cold crept onto their small group, Adachi huddled up against Nashil and pulled his furs tighter around him, thankful that unlike the others he had enough common sense to not only dress for the weather, but in colors that would prevent him from standing out. 4d10=19 (7,10,1,1)
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    OOC- The Thing [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Want the roll here, or in the IC thread with a bit of descriptive fluff attached.
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    OOC- The Thing [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Shhh! We're thinking here :wink:, though in all honesty Mishka doesn't seem to want to smash her way in, and with the interest of keeping himself in one piece Adachi probably wouldn't go against that idea.
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    Jotun, city of Ice and Snow [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Adachi His scowl forming into a smile, Adachi nods his head in approval, And for once I agree with Lotus, Green Star is too eager to indulge her desires, too quick to take pleasure in flesh and while this is useful in certain situations it is a hindrance in others. It is that quality that...
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    Jotun, city of Ice and Snow [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Adachi Leaning against the wall next to Mishka, a scowl darkening his face, his distaste with current situation perfectly clear, born from professional and personal opinions, after all his tastes in consorts were more in line with those less willful companions. In a hushed tone, certain that...
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    OOC- The Thing [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Got a question for you Lochar, one that I probably should have asked earlier, namely what do we know about the dead GSP? I mean both basic and advanced knowledge, things like name/alias(es), appearance, hideouts, mission details, contacts, etc. I mean so far we've been making things off the...
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    Jotun, city of Ice and Snow [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Adachi Frowning as well, Adachi half-turns to Mishka, "I was hoping to revive him, so that we could extract the location of this Jael, rather then stumbling around looking for him. However you hit him hard enough that without proper treatment I doubt I could bring him back around before the...
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    Jotun, city of Ice and Snow [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Adachi A grim smile on his face, like that of a child tearing the wings off a fly, Adachi stifles a laugh, barely so, "This is why I leave the fighting to you Malfeas types, no subtlety, but when you need something dead nothing beats what you can do. However you do realize we could have...
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    OOC- The Thing [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Ah, but now the surviving one can help us find Jael...hopefully. Edit: Depending on the results of this Medicine roll. Edit Edit: Quick note, I'll have Nashil all stated up sometime tomorrow, don't have to work so I'll have some free time to put towards that.
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    Jotun, city of Ice and Snow [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Adachi "Well it is unorganized, but I understand the need for urgency in this situation and the Principle of Hierarchy should forgive us for moving forward without order." Turning to Carmine a small smile slowly spreads on his face, "Patience. Widespread destruction and carnage is not...
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    Jotun, city of Ice and Snow [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Adachi Shrugging his shoulders Adachi shakes his head, but after a moment he nods his head in approval a moment later, "It is a simple plan and perhaps that will be enough. However before we move forward there are some...issues to be solved. Namely how we plan to convince this Jael Mnemon...
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    Jotun, city of Ice and Snow [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Adachi Shaking his head Adachi takes a quick survey of the outpost and when he is sure there are no obvious eavesdroppers he speaks up, "Well that could have gone better, granted it could have gone far worse. Now we should take the errant drunk to the barracks and head back to the inn...
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    OOC- The Thing [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Sorry bout not posting much this week, its been finals week, but now I'm done with school until the fall semester so I should be able to post with greater frequency, starting sometime tomorrow.
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    Jotun, city of Ice and Snow [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Adachi Still grinning Adachi bows his head in appreciation, Whiskey will do quite fine and I appreciate your generosity Taking his drink and sipping at it Adachi turns his head a fraction of the way, but enough so the inn keeper can't see his face. Staring at the others the smile...
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    Jotun, city of Ice and Snow [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Adachi Turning away from his view of the other patrons, Adachi takes a draw from the ivory pipe before fishing in his furs once more. Pulling a black money purse out from the furs and sets it on the counter, from the sound of the jade inside it one can ascertain that it is at least...
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    OOC- The Thing [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Gotcha, its just an idea for now, a Chekov's Idea
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    Jotun, city of Ice and Snow [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Adachi As he followed Mishka and the others into the inn, Adachi loosened his furs and pulled the hood down. Brushing off the extra snow before making his way to the bar with the others Adachi nodded at Nashil, who took the hint in took a space up against the wall where she could watch the...
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    OOC- The Thing [The Reclamation of Creation]

    Well as Nashil is a Metody, which can excrete pure vitriol if necessary, and with Resources 5 I wouldn't be hard pressed to afford it. I only asked because combat is not Adachi's field and with the Puppet Spell and Vitriol bombs, or hell just Vitriol bombs by themselves I can hopefully remove...