Search results for query: *

  1. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    "'s a pain. I nearly died in the hospital, they gave me a blood transfusion just in time." His mood took a momentary downturn, but he smiled and quickly shrugged it off, burying in his heart for later. Even if it was hard, he was alive and that was something to be thankful for. The teen...
  2. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    Dima was silent for a moment, wondering whether or not he should tell the trust. The logical part of his brain told him it may be a good idea to tell at least someone, just in case something happened. But, what if they just thought him weak for it, like everyone else who knew? He didn't want to...
  3. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    Dima elected to ignore most of the interaction between Grey and Cheshire, feeling a little awkward. He accepted the drink that was poured for him and ate a few bites of the pasta and bacon. After taking a swig of the alcohol, he sighed faintly. His appetite had yet to fully return from his near...
  4. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    A light smile graced Dima's features as he was offered the alcohol and food. He drank every now and again, but due to his condition, it was better if he didn't. It never really mixed well with his medication but, at this point, he just didn't care. Accepting the bottle from Cheshire, he took a...
  5. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    Dima was unsure of what to say as he listened to Cheshire and Ace in silence. House for the broken? Well, that made sense, in a way. He was certainly broken. So Cheshire had been trying to burn the place to the ground? Not a bad idea in theory; however, it seems as if, in practice, the plan fell...
  6. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    A faint blush colored Dima's cheek as he let out a slightly nervous laugh. The male was not exactly the smoothest when it came to that sort of thing. Even thinking about flirting made him blush. He really wasn't the type of person to flirt. To be honest, he had a lot of friends, but his...
  7. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    Looking from Minxy to Grey, Dima smiled a greeting before directing his attention to Minxy. Not much? In the teen's experience, everyone was worth a whole hell of a lot, but that was just how he saw the world. "All you can do is try. But, I have never met anyone who wasn't important. You...
  8. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    Dima seemed shock at the sudden emergence of more people. Glancing at everyone, the male seemed utterly perplexed. How many people were here? He made sure to keep his facial expression relaxed and smiled a little towards the new people. "So...I'm just gonna shoot out a guess and say we aren't...
  9. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    Dima could sense tension in the air when he asked his question. It didn't really occur to him that Ace would be just as unwilling to discuss his problems as he was. The male decided it would be best to pretend he didn't notice the change in mood and instead smiled. "Fair enough, " was all he...
  10. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    Dima seemed somewhat disappointed in the reply, but quickly shrugged it off. It wasn't a big deal. He would see the world, someday. When Ace said that they should stick together, he nodded his head in agreement. The teen didn't expect the other to trust him, but at least he was being...
  11. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    Dima hadn't heard any voices at all. Then again, he was really only focused on the first person he found, which happened to be Ace. If there were other people, then he wondered what exactly was going on. Maybe the other male was just hearing things? After all, he had seemed fairly upset when the...
  12. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    Seeing Ace relax, Dima allowed himself to fall into a more casual stance, as well. He took Ace's hand and shook it, still smiling. "Pleasure to meet you, Ace." Hearing the male's question, the teen's expression fell into one of perplexity. He didn't really know where they were, either. "I have...
  13. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    Dima stood up, as well, stepping back a little from the male and held his hands up, maintaining the warm smile. The British accent had taken him some time to comprehend, but he realized the the other was most likely asking who he was. A pretty valid question, considering the circumstances. Based...
  14. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    Dima hated hospitals with a passion. He didn't like the constant interruptions or the smells. Especially the smells. It always smelled like death covered up with bleach. He hated all the white and the sounds, too. It didn't matter, though, he was being released. In fact, he was waiting in the...
  15. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

    Name: Dimitry Romain Williker Nickname: Dima Age: 18 Gender: Male Sexuality: Homosexual Your Situation Why You're Here: He had neglectful parents and an abusive older brother, who nearly killed him. He has hemophilia and his brother nearly made him bleed out by cutting him with a knife...
  16. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern Your IQ is WHAT?!? (Third Time's the Charm?)

    @SomatoToup123 We haven't really started hardcore plotting, yet. Freddie says the plotting will be more organized later once he isn't limited to just his phone. ^.^ So, hopefully it'll be easier for you to catch up, then.
  17. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern Your IQ is WHAT?!? (Third Time's the Charm?)

    @SomatoToup123 I believe there are three characters that are musically inclined, in some manner.
  18. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern Your IQ is WHAT?!? (Third Time's the Charm?)

    From what I've read, yes he's the only dance centric character so that does make him unique. I've just had rather negative experiences with the characters that are on the outside looking in, in a manner of speaking. Whenever I try my hand at them, they seem to just fall by the wayside because...
  19. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern Your IQ is WHAT?!? (Third Time's the Charm?)

    That makes perfect sense. Jer really doesn't hold much use to the DHS, at the moment. But he can be re-tasked into someone more useful later on. Writing him back into the story sounds pretty reasonable. Or I could scrap him and use another one of my stock of characters. I wrote Jer up, not...
  20. spaceadel

    Realistic or Modern Your IQ is WHAT?!? (Third Time's the Charm?)

    That would be very true. The musical geniuses would be excellent for spying and recon. Jer could also be a pretty good fighter, too, if they wanted to train him. He already has the muscles and the flexibility for it. A lot of dancers take martial arts courses because it helps with their...