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  1. Emilia Knight

    Fandom Soul Eater: Child's Play

    Okay this may sound like a stupid question, but has my profile been approved and if not does it need to be approved in order for me to be able to contribute to the roleplay?
  2. Emilia Knight

    Fandom Soul Eater: Child's Play

    I'm here, sorry I apologize for the late message... I have been busy prepping for exams...
  3. Emilia Knight

    Fandom Soul Eater: Child's Play

    I'm here, sorry I apologize for the late message... I have been busy prepping for exams...
  4. Emilia Knight

    Fandom Soul Eater: Child's Play

    Wow, I feel very silly for asking this, but has the starting post been made...? I have quickly scanned through though, I guess my real question is.. Is there an order that needs to be followed...?
  5. Emilia Knight

    Fandom child's play violin. long-arrow-rightA green/aqua green bandanna that his "aunt" gave him when he was little that he often wears. *I will add more to this. I swear this is not the best I can do, and I will add more over the weekend. I apologize since I was writing this in...
  6. Emilia Knight

    Fandom The Battle's End (A.U. After Fire Emblem: Awakening)

    @animefan374 and @Cunning Commander the roleplay is starting if you two would like to part take.
  7. Emilia Knight

    Fandom The Battle's End (A.U. After Fire Emblem: Awakening)

    @Diran the Thief this may be a little late now, however in this area, actually in my rules I did ask that there would be some sort of order to the roleplay. However you (and @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki) progressed with the story without waiting for the others. However I am willing to look past it for...
  8. Emilia Knight

    Fandom The Battle's End (A.U. After Fire Emblem: Awakening)

    @animefan374, @Cunning Commander and @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki you guys can post whenever you would like, though please stick to an order once it is made. Thank you!~
  9. Emilia Knight

    Fandom The Battle's End (A.U. After Fire Emblem: Awakening)

    @Cunning Commander approved!!
  10. Emilia Knight

    Fandom The Battle's End (A.U. After Fire Emblem: Awakening)

    @Diran the Thief whenever you guys are ready, you may start. I have the intro written, I don't really know if I can add more to it. However I can try.
  11. Emilia Knight

    Fandom The Battle's End (A.U. After Fire Emblem: Awakening)

    Trouble Comes in Two: Name: Elise Kalie Mallen Age: Seventeen Gender: Female Appearance: Hair Colour: Elise's hair is an auburn colour and cut in a short fashion that reaches just to her shoulders. Her bangs are also cut so that they are just out of her eyes. Eye Colour: They're...
  12. Emilia Knight

    Fandom The Battle's End (A.U. After Fire Emblem: Awakening)

    @Diran the Thief , @animefan374 and @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki : Approved!~
  13. Emilia Knight

    Fandom The Battle's End (A.U. After Fire Emblem: Awakening)

    @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki I like the idea! It could be interesting to see how that plays out!~
  14. Emilia Knight

    Fandom Full Metal Alchemist: The Philosepher's Stone Returns for the Door Of Truth

    [] I will fill this out tomorrow. It is getting late where I am... Sorry. [] Name: Gender: Age: Alchemy Specialty: Personality: Bio: Appearance: Other:
  15. Emilia Knight

    Fandom Shadowhunter Academy: Revival

    May I have a spot? I have been looking for a Mortal Instruments roleplay to do~
  16. Emilia Knight

    Fandom Soul Eater: Child's Play

    Is this still open...? I would love to make a character if it is.
  17. Emilia Knight

    Fandom The Battle's End (A.U. After Fire Emblem: Awakening)

    Welcome to the land of Ylisse. In a sense, this isn't much of an "A.U." it is more of a "After the fact" sort of deal. Either way, this is happening after the events of Awakening, for those who have played the game, you will know what I am talking about. I'm going off of the ending where...
  18. Emilia Knight

    Fandom The Battle's End (A.U. After Fire Emblem: Awakening)

    Hello Everyone! So I know my "overview" explination is not the greatest, however if there is any questions I would love to answer them! So just a few things I would like to cover before I get to excited. 1. You may have more than one character, however! I ask that if you are making...
  19. Emilia Knight

    Fandom The Battle's End (A.U. After Fire Emblem: Awakening)

    ...Template!~ Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: [Picture or description is optional. I personally do both, but I am good with whatever] *Hair Colour: *Eye Colour: *Height: *Weight: *[More Appearance based 'stuff'] Class: [Mage/Warrior/Rogue] Subclass: [Mage...
  20. Emilia Knight

    Fandom The Battle's End (A.U. After Fire Emblem: Awakening)

    After Grima was defeated, the 'chosen hero' vanished. No one knew where they went, or even if they were still alive. Yet the search continued for quite some time, but they were found and returned to the castle village just as Chrom had sworn. "Come on! We're going to be late for...