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Fandom Full Metal Alchemist: The Philosepher's Stone Returns for the Door Of Truth


...the Story Teller
Character Sign-UpSpots Available/Taken/ReservedAlchemists:


1. @FruitNinja

Homunculi/Other: (Please PM me if you have an idea for a character that you want to post that is not a homunculi or alchemist.)

1. @Gabriel97 - Lust

2. @ - Gluttony

3. @Th3W1ttyLl4m4 - Wrath

4. @XeroCantido - Sloth

5. @Birdsie - Pride

6. @Samevi - Envy

7. @Santeru Ishumari - Greed

I also need someone to play Fiurer Edward Elric

Edward Elric - @torakiji

Character Sheet:(Please remove any brackets in the CS from your personal one:)



Age(No older than 21 and no younger than 13 for Alchemists):

Alchemy Specialty(If Alchemist):

Homunculi Abilities(If Homunculi):



Appearance(Preferably animated, but up to you):


After reading your bios, personalities and specialties, I will assign you a State Alchemist Title (e.g Strong Arm Alchemist) in the RP and add it to your CS. If you're not happy with it, just tell me and you can either pick another one or I'll assign another one, depending on what you want to do. If you wish to create a character that is a family member to an existing FMA character, than PM for that as well because I may have plans for some of them as NPCs.
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Name: Serenity Arukemisto

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Alchemy Specialty: she doesn't think she has a specialty but she prefers to work with metal and stone because she can turn it into weapons she can use.

Personality: She is stubborn, strong willed, determined and very much independent despite her age.

Bio: She was born in the country with two younger siblings but she was the only one to develop any alchemic abilities. She was the only one of her siblings who found science and transmutation fascinating and actually studied to her heart's content. She could never get enough knowledge and everything she read, she remembered, thanks to a photographic memory. She was happy as a child and often praised for her intelligence at such a young age.

Unfortunately, one day, tragedy struck her family. Disease took her father, her mother ran off, leaving her to take care of her two younger siblings, but she was only a child herself, how could she take care of them? She did what she could but one night her siblings tried to bring back their father to help take care of them. When Serenity found out she tried to stop them but they trick her into activating the transmutation and cost her, her left arm. She destroyed it and as a repercussion one of her siblings were being taken and in order to save him she thought quickly and created an empty shell of a body and gave up her right leg to get his soul back without much hassle. Her siblings knew they needed help in order to keep her alive so they took her to an old man who knew how to stop the blood and keep her alive.

After months of recovering she decided to provide for her remaining family the only way she knew how, and that was to become a state alchemist. But she would need both arms and legs. She opted for the replacement with mechanical prosthetics they often come in handy. After a few more months of recovery she discovered she could transmute without a circle, and that would come in quite handy down the road, she waited till she was 12 to go and try to become a state alchemist and left her siblings with a friendly neighbor that they knew through their father. It took her almost a year before she entered the capital and when she turned 13 she applied for a state alchemist position and now she ill hopefully get in at any cost.

Other: Serenity's favorite food is stew, but ironically she absolutely hates milk. She is a bit sensitive about her age and height but her age gets her more than her height since she's a girl and it's normal for girls to be short. She hates to be called and treated as a kid or a child or a little girl. She never regrets her decisions nor what got her here. She has looked up to Edward Elric since she was young and was compared to him by her father and said she could be the next full metal alchemist but she knew that was not going to happen because she was her own person and she would one day get her own title.


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Name: Jin Ackerman

Gender: Male

Age(No older than 21 and no younger than 13 for Alchemists): 17

Alchemy Specialty(If Alchemist): Destruction

Personality: WIP

Bio: Jin was born and raised in Amestris in a mixed family as his mother is a warrior from Xing but his father is of a prominent family in Amestris. From an early age he was taught to read the Dragon's Pulse and Alkahestry by his mother. But he seemed to take a liking to his father who became a general in the Amestrian army who eventually taught him how to use blades but not firearms. This became the root of how he came to blend Alkahestry and swordsmanship.

But as he grew older he also looked into blending his knowledge of Alkahestry with his swordsmanship. This led him to research the history of Alkahestry in Amestris which brought him to tales of a man who slaughtered many alchemists with incomplete alchemy called Destruction alchemy which was stopping at step two of the process. He took a liking to this simple yet useful form of alchemy. He inscribed the marks onto his blades so he could channel Destruction alchemy through his blades. He studied this for the years leading up to his state alchemist examination.

Appearance(Preferably animated, but up to you):



He uses Alkahestry

He can read the Dragon's Pulse

He is skilled with knives and swords

He channels Destruction alchemy through his blades by marking them with Alkahestrical marks
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Name: Dania Iota

Gender: Female

Age(No older than 21 and no younger than 13 for Alchemists): 15

Alchemy Specialty(If Alchemist): she's done some research (actually, being the science nut I am, I did) to find that she can use alchemy to control water because of the oxygen in the air and hydrogen from the evaporating water in the air. This works best on humid days and in the rain, it's even better. But in a desert, her speciality is useless, so she has to figure out something else.

Homunculi Abilities(If Homunculi): N/A

Personality: she is a passive aggressive loner, with a longing to be friends with people; to be able to socialize with society.

Bio: raised by her uncle, who wasn't an alchemist. In fact, she was forbidden to learn alchemy, unlike her mother, who passed away. That was until she ran off, worked hard for years to learn alchemy on her own. She wants to join so that she can help people. But also because she wanted to prove her uncle wrong.

Appearance(Preferably animated, but up to you): chocolate brown hair and green eyes, pale complexion and v-shaped chin, she has a small nose, she wears a grey sweater that she keeps the hood up on at all times. She wears black cargo pants and grey boots as her casual wear.

Other: N/A

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.c905332d6e0edee59f164fdadbf1cd88.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127208" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.c905332d6e0edee59f164fdadbf1cd88.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Matthew Gates



Alchemical Specialty:



Selfless, apologetic, and not particularly outspoken, Matthew prefers to shoulder as much of other's burdens as he can, asking for nothing in return. He hopes this will win him friends.


Matthew's family only recently returned to the nation of Amestris. In response to the extermination order given during the Ishvallen revolution, a brief period of universal drafts was imposed to fill out the ranks of the regular soldiers, who had a high mortality rate in the bloody desert conflict. During that conflict, Matthew's grandfather, with his wife and young son had defected to Creta in order to escape the draft. From Creta, the Gates family read about the events of the Ishvallen Revolution, the near destruction of the Amestrian outpost at Table City, and heard rumors of the "Promised Day" when the infamous Mustang Coup had taken place, and strange events which surrounded it.

Matthew's father had grown up in Creta, married a Cretan woman, was raising a half-Cretan son, Matthew, and had settled into steady job as a craftsman. All was well, but even so, he wished to return to Amestris, to once again be among his own people. Matthew attended Cretan school, was taught Cretan history and culture, danced with his Cretan neighbor Paula to traditional Cretan Music at the Cretan Summer Festival. Matthew thought of himself as Cretan, and was proud of it. When Matthew was 14, his father acted on his dream of returning to their homeland, enduring a lengthy immigration process to finally relocate to the northern region of the country.

Matthew and his family were not received well by their Amestrian neighbors. Some shops refused to sell groceries to his mother, other people refused to do business with his father, and parents were hesitant to let their children near a young Cretan. Many accused the family of being Cretan spies; hostilities to foreigners ran deep, and the last battle with Creta was not so long ago that memory forgave. The isolation led to Matthew becoming very reserved, his studies soared, well past his classmates. He graduated from school at 16, lacking a job, he began teaching himself Alchemy, it could prove useful around the house, and make simple complex jobs his father undertook. Matthew found special interest in the field of electrical alchemy, that he could use a simple transmutation circle to produce a powerful electric current to flow through any object. In addition, through a different circle he could cause an object to rapidly decay by exactly half its mass and produce a burst of energy. Matthew decided to take his talent to Central, where he could attempt to become a state alchemist, and further study the uses of this powerful alchemy while earning funds to send back to his parents.


Electrical Alchemy is not like Flame Alchemy, it is not used to fling bolts of lightning at targets or create indoor thunderstorms. Rather, it uses transmutation circles to direct electron flow through molecules, requiring whatever the electric current is being channeled through to be touching the circle. The transmutation circle for this is emblazoned on Matthew's gloves, which extend to the middle of his forearms. The second circle, which divides the mass of an object by half in exchange for an energy blast is based on the formula for calculating the half life of materials, the energy blast being a small cloud of atomic radiation. This obviously dangerous transmutation circle is only inscribed in Matthew's notes, as he fears using it as a weapon.​



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Amos Wilheim

Name: Amos Wilheim

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Alchemy Specialty: Amos is a liquid alchemist. As long as the liquid he is controlling has fifty percent or more water within it, he can manipulate it. This means he can also turn manipulate its state (steam/vapour, liquid, or solid/ice). He can also condense the vapour in the surrounding air if humid enough (wetter than the air in the desert).

Personality: Amos is mild-mannered and a hard person to offend, waving off insults and jokes in an equally offhanded manner, as long as it is directed at him only, of course. Quick to banter with people he has been acquainted with before or anyone he is comfortable around, he is the sort of man that is easy to befriend, work alongside and open up to as long as he is not being his typical lazy self, which usually rubs some people the wrong way. He is serious when he has an objective to work towards and will do whatever it takes to complete it. He works best when sufficiently motivated and/or under pressure. If not, he is pretty lax and uninitiative until a superior gives him a command.


Amos was the eldest of two children, his younger sister being born two years after him. His father served as a soldier in the military, leaving his mother to raise both children mainly on her own. He was always rather fascinated by alchemy, reading on all the history books about the Ishval War, the "Promised Day", the famous alchemists like Roy Mustang, Alex Armstrong and the Elric brothers, the older of which was not Fuhrer. Against his mother's wishes and fears, he dabbed a little in what he dared to experiment on, keeping it a secret from his parents and sister.

It was around the same time news of his father's unfortunate demise in a shoot-out against a group of rowdy rebels that Amos discovered he had a better grasp on controlling water and liquid than the other minor transfiguration and fire techniques that he tried in honour of the war heroes he often read about.

Like many of the other children with a parent who died in service to the military, Amos and his sister, Lana, decided to become soldiers. However, he went about it in a different way; the path to becoming a State Alchemist. Both had dreamt to enter the military together, but their mother held her daughter back, not allowing her to enter until she turned sixteen. Hence, Amos undertook the State Alchemist exam first, passing before his sister and entering the ranks of State Alchemists at sixteen.



Others: He carries a gun with him but his alkahestic marks are branded on his palms, which are covered by gloves as seen in the picture above. He removes them when he wants to use his Alchemic abilities. His favourite food is mac&cheese.

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Elizabeth Jackson Kagomi


Lizzy, Eli, Jacky, Pipsqueak

Given Alchemist Name:

None At The Moment

Sexual Orientation:





120 lb.





Current Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca772f380_ScreenShot2016-06-01at7.51.58PM.png.4a50695d9832fe2726a49378fbd2bbdd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131000" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca772f380_ScreenShot2016-06-01at7.51.58PM.png.4a50695d9832fe2726a49378fbd2bbdd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Elizabeth has dark skin and green eyes with light freckles across her nose and cheeks with a scar on her right cheek.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca773c5ce_ScreenShot2016-06-01at5.55.09PM.png.9fd569ea5cce1a471643449d76fd9e67.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131002" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca773c5ce_ScreenShot2016-06-01at5.55.09PM.png.9fd569ea5cce1a471643449d76fd9e67.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/67671d34d77eb8876920d3b08a10f4ae.jpg.1c417d52f6671d20f74b8573bdf30c81.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131001" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/67671d34d77eb8876920d3b08a10f4ae.jpg.1c417d52f6671d20f74b8573bdf30c81.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her tattoo resides on her right arm.

[subject to Change]

Alchemy Specialty:

Deconstruction, Regular Alchemy, Woodworking

Fetish(es) [subject to Change]:

Collarbones, Jawlines


Elizabeth is a generally extroverted person when she doesn't have a set goal in mind. When she meets new people, she will most likely come to then rather than them coming to her. She enjoys having people around her, but can get a little cranky and rude when she doesn't have some alone time every now and then. Some trust issues are in place, but she tries very hard to not show such traits. Friends mean a lot to her, but she is always able to accept the news of their death. Elizabeth is not one to cry when someone dies, but feels a need to finish what they started and has a sense of responsibility to help the deceased's loved ones. When determined, she will go the extra mile to do so, but in the rare situation, if her friends get through to her, she will head to their word. A sense of humor comes with this package, as Elizabeth finds happiness in laughter. At times, violence is her way of affection, but this most commonly occurs with men rather than women; she feels as though women should be treated with more care. When in an argument, she will be very weak when she knows she is wrong but persists. Her face will turn red for a few seconds, but the anger will soon vanish and she will fumble on her words and eventually apologize. In recent events, her personality has changed due to her focus on her goal, but when she finds her niche she will most likely fall back into place with her old self.


Elizabeth grew up with no parents, and is unknowing of them being alive or dead. As a young girl, she was raised by Ishvalans, and has become accustomed to their culture (however, she is lacking in knowledge of their religion and has therefore taken up alchemy). Her childhood revolved around other Ishvalan children and became very skilled at their sports. However, her ethnicity was a problem in the other children's eyes as well as the parent's. This became a bullying issue, and Elizabeth was unable to fend for herself. One day, she came home from playing sports with the other children only to find that her caretakers were not home and had gone out to run some errands. While awaiting her caretaker's arrival, a traveler was passing by. She caught the traveler's eye and he made his way over to her and began to tend to her wounds. The traveler then asked why she was hurt and she explained; bringing him to a question. The traveler suggested that she be taken out of her town and brought to another place where she would be trained with several other children in martial arts and alchemy. Being the child she was, she was delighted at the thought and left with him that day, without saying a word to her caretakers. When her caretakers returned, they did not find her anywhere. After searching for days they finally declared her missing.

Elizabeth enjoyed her traveling with the newcomer, but much to her dismay, the only way to get to the location was by sea. The seasickness quickly sunk in and she dreaded the entirety of the trip. Soon after her training had begun, she found friends of her own and quickly became close to them. For the next several years she spent her childhood here, learning alchemy and martial arts. Being gifted in martial arts more so than alchemy, she took some time off to educate herself to become better in alchemy, but by the time this decision had been made, she had graduated from her sensei's teachings and moved on with her life, leaving the location. It wasn't until this point in her life that she began to wonder about her family and her roots, and decided on a journey that would be to discover her history.

The information she gathered led her to travel to a nearby country called "Amestris", where she would find more information about alchemy and her background. Upon arriving, she found, much to her surprise, she has a sibling who happened to be living in Amestris. Immediately, she made her way over to his residence and introduced herself. It was awkward towards the beginning of their meeting, but after everything sunk in they found that they were a lot of like--like siblings. Their bond became greater and greater, soon it was as though all of those years apart meant nothing. They knew everything and everything about each other and love each other dearly. A few years passed by as the older sister and the younger brother continued to bond and he found himself some nice friends while Elizabeth lived with her brother.

It had been 3 years since they had reunited and nothing could separate them. Except death. Elizabeth was on her way home from getting groceries on a rainy day, when she found her brother smeared across the pavement 2 blocks from their house. He had been subject to a hit and run, and no one was around to see. The blood began to wash away from the rain, while she ran over to see him. After this, she was determined to bring him back.

Human transmutation was the only way she could bring him back, so she set all of the necessary arrangements and performed human transmutation. It was unsuccessful, and took both of her legs. Both of which were replaced by average performance auto-mail. Under further investigation, she has found that the root of her brother's death was due to her research with the philosopher's stone and has therefore made it her goal and aspiration to destroy any and all philosopher's stones. In order to do this, she found research including simple ways to destroy philosopher's stone such as an arm of deconstruction; knowing that Scar was the last known individual to have this arm, she takes caution in covering her arm up so not to alarm people. To search for stones, she has decided to become a state alchemist.






Her Brother

The sound of a click or snap





Clothes that don't fit

Squeaking doors

Rusted blades

Unclean work stations


Serenity Arukemisto~ Unknown

Jin Ackerman~ Unknown

Dania Iota~ Unknown

Matthew Gates~ Unknown

Amos Wilheim~ Unknown

{Her favorite food is Cashew Chicken :3}



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? ? ?

Santeru Ishumari "Greed"

  • Name:

    Santeru Ishumari


    17 (Physical)





    Blood Type:



    January 25th

~Character Quote(s)~

"I am many things, a lying cheating degenerate is one of those many things my dear."

"I forgive no one, I only forget."

"I have done things not for the right reason and not for the wrong reason, I made those choices simply because I could and because it seemed like it would be fun."


Name: Dominac Ren Revara

Age: 21 physically (35)

Gender: Male

Alchemy specialty: He prefers to work on people aka healing alchemy and is quite proficient at it.

Personality: Dominac is a kind hearted person who puts others before himself he is calm cool and collected rarely ever scared. He sometimes seems to have no emotions though often not reacting to anything that isn't a call for help.

Bio: Dominac grew up in Central and he lived his life helping his dad who was a doctor help treat patients. Soon Dominac started getting into alchemy and he used his ability to help make medicine for his dad's patients. This Dominac liked doing helping people with alchemy soon when he was 18 he wasn't just making medicine he started mending people's wounds. He could make the cells of a body but this cost him he slowly began to age faster and faster. By the time he was 21 he was physically 35



Erik Schreider, aka 'Wrath'

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/nero__from_darkness_to_hell_by_wisekumagoro-d3esil3.jpg.5798bc37f81e39ad699ca51982fba72c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131528" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/nero__from_darkness_to_hell_by_wisekumagoro-d3esil3.jpg.5798bc37f81e39ad699ca51982fba72c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: Male

Age: Appears around 21

Homunculi Abilities: Aside from a homunculi's standard ability of physical regeneration and durability, the male's exact ability lies inside him. Not simply an essence, but an actual being..a demon from the Gate that lives within his body. Erik's right arm is the physical manifestation of this demon's power. The arm possesses superhuman strength, which it can also manifest a larger, spectral arm. The limb glows depending on his current physical state or his emotions. However, the German's trump card is his dormant rage. The angrier Erik becomes, his strength magnifies to immeasurable proportions. To what most have seen, the white-haired male is not capable of performing alchemy.

Personality: Even before becoming a homunculis, Erik was always the arrogant one. He was an excellent fighter, as well as stubborn which bode well with his free-spirited mind. The male had always aimed to live his life to its limit. This of course was accompanied by sarcastic, egotistical remarks. When enraged, his light-hearted demeanor vanishes, leaving only an unstoppable blood-thirsty beast.

Even at a young age, the white-haired male was a rambunctious one. He had always imagined life beyond the small farm he lived on with his family. He had always heard stories of the renown State Alchemists that have protected Amestris from the horrendous homunculi and even other, twisted alchemists. It gave Erik such a thrill, to think how he could be part of the military and maybe become a state alchemist himself one day! Ahh, the dreams of a young boy..

The years passed, the white-haired boy now a young man who had set off from home to build his life. However, it had proved to be difficult at first. Money being a rather pressing concern. Knowing he needed a source of income, Erik had volunteered at a small pharmaceutical shop that a man had owned. But instead of actually working and helping the owner, he was asked to volunteer for a series of tests the shop owner had been undergoing, combining botanical ingredients with alchemy to cure illnesses and diseases..

However, Erik knew something was off immediately when he was escorted down to the basement level of the shop, where he had seen tables with bubbling brews cooking upon it, hospital beds, a wall of bloodied tools...and the red liquid. The male's sapphire eyes gazed inside a sealed container, filled with a crimson liquid. Floating at the bottom was a scarlet rock about the size of an eyeball.. Before Erik could react, he had been struck in the back of the head and rendered unconscious. When he came to, the male had been strapped down tightly to a hospital bed, an IV setup with the crimson liquid filled in a bag beside him. This day was when Erik had experienced the absolute most pain of his life. Hours, or what felt like days of torture he had endured in the basement of that shop. It had left the young man within inches of his life, tired and so very ready to give up..

But the man had other plans. It was now that he had injected the IV of red fluid into Erik's arm, before forcing the male to swallow the red stone he had seen floating in it previously. Fire was the first thing Erik felt when it started. His body felt as if it were melting from the inside out, tearing through him and bathing Erik in pure agony. Visions blurred through his head, then voices. So many voices.. Suddenly, the male had found himself somewhere he knew not, before him a towering, black Door.. The whispering voices became louder, and the door creaked open. Eyes peered through, and the voices called out to him. Erik screamed..

When the male finally came to, he sat up with a jolt. All around him was the burning remains of the underground testing lab, the pharmacy upstairs miraculously burned to the ground as well. When Erik emerged, there were three things that had immediately come to his mind: He was no longer the human he once was, there were voices that spoke to him in his head, and the bastard who did this to Erik was nowhere to be found..


  • The being within Erik's body is an unforgiving, relentless spirit that thrives on the male's rage and the bloodshed he produces. The beast fights with Erik at every turn in attempt to claim the male's body as its own. It is already able to possess Erik's body at times.
  • When the demon takes control of Erik's body, the once blue eyes turn completely red, his voice echoing as the sound of a thousand condemned souls speaking at once. The being refers itself as 'Oblivion.'
  • After the incident that had caused Erik to lose his humanity, he had blamed it on the philosopher's stone, and alchemy itself. It horrified the male to see that alchemy had the potential for such ominous, inhuman feats. Therefor he resents any state alchemist or anyone who practices the dark craft..
  • Erik's favorite food is steak.



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Name: Envy

Gender: Male

Age: Created less than a year ago. Looks 17.

Homunculi Abilities: Shape-shifting.

Personality: Not usually one to keep to himself, he likes to flaunt the fact that he's one of the Homunculi to humans, thinking himself a higher, more powerful being. But in actuality, he's deeply jealous of how the humans can live so carefree compared to the Homonculi, and he wants to become a human, although he'd never show it. For this end, he wants to get a strong alchemist to sacrifice themselves to give him a human body and soul.

Bio: Somehow created by an unknown entity, Most of Envy's current life is just darkness. He woke up in darkness, crawled through the darkness, and lived in the darkness, not knowing exactly what or who he was until he discovered his powers and began to think himself higher than humans. Using these powers, he disguised himself as a State Alchemist to gain access to the Central Library - the greatest source of information in Amestris. After a long time of research, he discovered written documents detailing the previous Homonculi, and fancied himself one of them, memorizing the form of the previous Envy because he liked it, and wanted to use it. After hearing about the State Alchemist exams, Envy had a plan he wanted to hatch. He wanted to kidnap one of the newly appointed State Alchemists for his own goal.




Other: Ouroboros tattoo is on upper left leg.
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Name:Sloth<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.a38ee30b56745aab9ccd36c73e6c0872.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139068" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.a38ee30b56745aab9ccd36c73e6c0872.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: Male


Homunculi abilities:


-Telekinesis: Can move large and small objects, people, and himself with his mind, because he has limited movement with his own body

-Sixth Sense: Due to an unexplained connection to the Gate, Sloth can see the structure of anything he concentrates on to an atomic level. Although he himself cannot use alchemy, this power could be an important tool to the study as a whole.

Personality: Sloth is cold and emotionally detached, even to his own brethren. He see the World differently, focusing on discovering the Truth above anything else. He has only one goal: find the secrets of existence and knew the complete, unabridged Truth of everything. He has no hatred or scorn towards humanity, in fact he couldn't care less about it. He is completely indifferent to everything except his research and philosophies. His only interest in the State Alchemists is to combine their alchemical abilities with his intellect.

Bio: The first couple years of Sloth's life are hazy, but it's not like he cares. He gradually grew to acknowledge his own existence, the only thing he knew before was the fact that everything in the world was connected, and was left with strange markings on body. As he became sentient, he discovered that his body was frail and unsuitable for movement, but that he could move himself with a simple thought. He also noticed that his conscious was not composed of one soul, but hundreds. Sloth realized tha he was not a natural born creature, and longed to know more. As he grew to know more about himself, he realized that his powers were somehow connected to his memories, and vowed that he would figure out how it was connected. However, Sloth realized that to do this, he had to discover the secrets of the world, alchemy, and its forbidden Stone.

Appearance: As above, but with Ouroborus tattoo on his left breast and a vertical eye marking on his forehead.



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Introduction As the name suggests, Pride is a Homunculus. One that's very... 'Pride'-ful in his work. He's not as much serious, or decrapid. He's stiff, emotionless, impervious and loves to taunt his enemies.




"I am Pride. My real name? I don't-... I don't CARE about it."

Pride, when he was human he was known as Wallace Breen.


"What do I look like, to you? Do you want to check, just to make sure?"



"I'm 29. Just like the Old Pride, I too am the oldest."



"My favourite food is Revenge."

Pride's favourite food is Apple Pie.​

  • Appearance

    Height: 1.85m

    Weight: "Like I'd tell you." Human-like

    Hair: Blond, can't you see?

    Eyes: Yellow

    Body: Thin, and Handsome.

    Attire: Black suit, that represents a high rank in the military.

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Introduction She is Lust, representing the sin of pleasure.




"I'll tell you when we are in private~"

Her name is Vanessa Husspat


"Isn't it obvious, darling~?"



"What age would you tell I am?"



"My favorite food is you~"

Her favorite food is shrimps.

  • Appearance

    Height: 1.71m

    Weight: "It's rude to ask a woman the weight~"

    Hair: Black

    Eyes: Red

    Body: Thin and seductive

    Attire: Casual Pleb Clothing

Theme Song


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<span class="pln">
Oliver Right


<img alt="anime-boy-with-white-hair-and-blue-eyes." class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-f15hcGmfBpA/Vg10uKvRaFI/AAAAAAAAERA/Pq_ojK8OSqE/w426-h449/anime-boy-with-white-hair-and-blue-eyes.jpg&key=68b48f39c46ebe17c7fbe138c33a3998f5b82a6112b7b59ab3b20512e933097e" /></p>

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<span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><strong><strong>NAME</strong></strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><strong> </strong></span></span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';">Right, Oliver</span></span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><strong>SEX</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> Male </span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><strong>AGE</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> 16-17 </span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><strong>DATE OF BIRTH</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> July 7th (no exact year) </span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><strong>PLACE OF BIRTH</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> The Sewers, Central City </span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><strong>BLOODTYPE</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> AB+ </span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><strong>HEIGHT</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> 170.18 cm </span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><strong>WEIGHT</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> 53.5 kg</span>



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<span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';">
</span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><span style="color:rgb(255,255,255);">PERSONALITY</span></span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';">
He is often the quirky guy who does not have a clue, he tends to get lost in thought thinking of others and loses track of what he is supposed to be doing. But he is extremely focused on his work and his passions. During which, he is able to remain almost completely focused but is a bit tense in matters of emergency. he values quality over quantity and gets somewhat upset when this can simply not be the case, but when push comes to shove his is flexible and can do what is necessary. Oliver has a very complex personality due to his past. Although irrational to others, he fears that anyone who gets to truly know him will ultimately die. This conclusion comes from his part in his parents' deaths, ultimately causing their demise in his mind. They remain his deepest regret. Therefore, he puts on a happy face to not let people dig too deep. Even though he tries not to get close to others, he has one of those personalities that can't help from being themselves, so he uses the alias Oliver Right to feel there is still a boundary between him and others. His naturally compassionate and can't stop himself from helping people in need. This is also one of the reasons that he practices Alkehestry and Automail. Along with being his passions, these two arts can bring people up when they're down, rather than simply transuming something. He puts his entire heart and soul into his art form which most believe is why it is so effective when he uses them.
</span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><span style="color:rgb(255,255,255);">BIO</span></span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';">
It was raining on the night he was found. His body, about 3 months after birth, was lied on the side of a busy road in the central city. Unable to defend himself and dying. Luckily, he was noticed by an immigrant couple from Xing, who had coincidentally, lost their child not a few days before. Without hesitation, they picked him up and decided to raise him as their own. Oliver had a very full and rich early life, his mother and father were both masters of Alkehestry and worked using their knowledge as a sort of slums doctor. Of course, this didn't mean that they were bad people, but they didn't </span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><em>always </em></span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';">provide services to the </span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">right</span></span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"> people. Never the less, they always enjoyed taking care of their son and teaching him the art that they grew up learning. He was quite good at his parents' work, but also loved machines and tinkering with different devices and metals. This lead him to the study of Automail and how it could be used to replace limbs. Studying these two arts, he became a prodigy and impressed his parents with all of his new inventions and discoveries. Of course, all good things must come to an end, when he was around 5 years old, on that fateful day, he walked into his house to find his father dead on the floor and a strange man in the livingroom, his mother held at gunpoint by one of their former patients. The captor made him walk in and sit next to her. He didn't understand the entire situation, but it seemed this man heard that Alkehestry can create a philosopher's stone to lead to immortality. This man was demanding one from his mother in which she denied she could make it. The man seemed to get impatient, flustered, and more angry, enough to make him take Oliver hostage with a gun to his head. Horrified, Oliver's mother pleaded for him to let the boy go, but the captor refused until they would make the stone. To this day, Oliver can remember the look on his mother's face and how she screamed. Soon, the kidnapper became frantic, pushing and shoving and moving the gun in so many different directions, firing at random. At this time, he had pushed Oliver away from him, but soon the gun found it's aim at his head and he pulled the trigger. Full disgust in his eyes. But the bullet didn't hit him His mother had jumped in front and blocked the way, the lead capsule ripping through her chest through her heart. Oliver's blue eyes now full of shock and pain, were startling to the man, he dropped his gun and tried to tackle the boy, so Oliver made his move, lunging for the gun and only means to defend himself. Quickly obtaining it, he pointed it at the man, closing his eyes and pulling the trigger. Lucky shot, the man fell dead onto the ground next to his mother, a bullet hole in his head. Crimson stained his vision as did the lifeless eyes of his father, mother, and the mystery man captor. All bodies lying around him and slowly bleeding out to stain the room red. His clothes, his face, and his hair all slowly becoming part of the matching decor. Hot tears fell from his eyes as he continued to scream, staring at the gun in his cold, red hands. This moment would haunt him for the rest of his life, not only had he watched his parents die for him, but he had killed a man as soon as he held a gun. His mind ran through those images over and over and over again, praying that they had got it wrong, that it was all a dream. But reality planted itself in his mind and came to an unshakable truth. It was all his fault, all of those people died because of him, because he knew them and because he was the one to pick up that gun and pull the trigger. Therefore he made a promise, he would never get close to someone ever again, in order to protect their lives. Because he was proof that if you got too close to him, you would end up 6 feet under. From then on, the streets had become his home. He learned how to live on the streets, returning what he could, but only stealing when necessary. Though, this new life change didn't stop him from devoting his entire life to perfecting the Automail and Alkehestry that his parents loved to see him do. Hiding in libraries after they closed, looking at local magazines and blueprints, nothing could escape his eyes and his absolute thirst for knowledge. After 6 years, he knew how to make all sorts of specialized medical options and different types of Automail. Living meal to meal, (most of the time from the garbage), he wouldn't let his journey for knowledge prohibit anything he wanted to work for. When he was around tween age, he decided he had to stop living in this way. His clothes were rags and he was around 15lbs underweight due to his malnourished diet. In order to change his way of life, he decided to open up a business of his own, an Automail repair shop. He rented out a small building, ( with what little money he found on the streets over the years), and started his retail. Surprisingly, his idea had worked for there were not many in Central and though sometimes it took some convincing, he was able to get some regular customers. Soon, his business began to grow, and his way of life moved from homeless to small business owner, all the while slowly advancing his Alkehestry through his off hours. He has run his business successfully for 3 years now. But still feels he is missing some adventure. Oliver's favorite food is gruski.
</span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><span style="color:rgb(255,255,255);">ALCHEMY/SKILLS</span></span><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';">
His experience does not lie in a type of alchemy, he uses Alkehestry, taught from his parents in advanced Alkehestry and continuing his studies He uses it mainly for elixir and potion making, these can cause multiple effects for healing. Immune system boosts, blood thinner, pain killers, he can make almost any potion or herbal blend at any time from his knowledge, making him one of the best Medics in Amistres and Xing. Second, he is an amateur automail mechanic, but he knows enough to repair any automail that he can get his hands on. He has memorized several systems of machinery that he can identify at a glance to fix. His fees are pretty cheap and he gets the job done relatively quickly unless it's a nerve readjustment or connection job, those absolutely cannot be rushed. But he still knows how to do them, and can. As an unknown skill, he can cook quite well and quite resourcefully. Because he is able to identify herbs and plants easily, he knows what flavors to blend together in a pinch, (literally). He enjoys cooking and uses it as a stress relief rather than a form of work like his other ventures. Cooking is a way of expressing himself, which he is not always able to do, and he takes the rare opportunities with love and does his best when the time arises. </span>




[/row] (Sorry this took forever to get up. I did my best but code is an absolute nightmare)



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