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    ~Alone~ (RP)

    Before he drifted off to sleep, Aiden saw Sabrina pull out a silver locket. He wondered what was in...or rather who it was that she was missing. He also decided that he would go look for more people in the morning. There just had to be more people out there...
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    ~Alone~ (RP)

    Aiden turned and pointed at the corner of the room. "You can sleep over there." he said. He went to the corner of the room in which he was when Sabrina walked in. He grabbed a few sheets and handed them to her. "Here's some cover if you want it." Aiden then returned to his corner of the room...
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    ~Alone~ (RP)

    "Well, it's nice to meet you, Jewel" Aiden said jokingly in his best baby-talk voice. He was sure it was a little rusty because it's been so long since he's even hear the sound of another human. He turned back to Sabrina. "Help yourself to what you can fit into your bag. You're welcome to stay...
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    ~Alone~ (RP)

    Aiden couldn't help but notice her smile. And seeing a smile for the first time in ages also brought one to his face. "This guy here is my pet ferret, Slidell. and who's the bird that keeps following you around?" Aiden said with a slight chuckle.
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    ~Alone~ (RP)

    "The name's Aiden. I'm from Georgia. I was in the process of moving to live with my Aunt here in NY when the world just about ended." He said, as Slidell climbed up his leg, and back and perched on his shoulder.
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    ~Alone~ (RP)

    "Alright. Who are you? Where did you come from? and uh...i guess that's it" Aiden said. he felt a little stupid for only being able to think of the two most useless questions in the world
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    ~Alone~ (RP)

    Aiden hated to admit it, but the girl was right. He was being selfish, and to be selfish to the first person you've met in what felt like forever is just wrong. He lowered his sword, not breaking eye contact with her once. "Alright, you can have a few, but you have to answer some questions...
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    ~Alone~ (RP)

    "Well for one, this is my home you're stealing cans from." Aiden said to the girl. He kept his katana firmly pointed at her. He wasn't just going to let this girl come in and ruin his perfect spot.
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    ~Alone~ (RP)

    The door to the shop opened and Aiden couldn't believe his eyes. There was an actual person there, a blonde. Aiden watched with caution as she walked up and down the aisles grabbing things and stuffing them into her bag. Aiden knew that he should let her continue on about her way, but her...
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    ~Alone~ (RP)

    Aiden Edger sat in the corner of the room in a deserted shop he had began to call home. He and his pet ferret Slidell had been staying there for a few months now. It was safe, it provided him with protection from the rain, and best of all, it did a good job of keeping out the cats. Aiden heard...
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    ~Alone~ (sighn ups and info)

    Form: Name: Aiden Edger Age (17-19): 18 gender: Male looks: personality: A very opinionated individual, sometimes his words get him in trouble with others. Usually sticks to what he believes in, but will ultimately do what is necessary so that he can survive. Pet: A ferret named...
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    The Supercell (character sign-up)

    It was an ordinary night out on the town for several ordinary people, before they knew what was actually happening though, they blacked out. When they came to, they were each in a separate cell and discovered that they could do things that they couldn't before. Some might even call these...
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    Hello Everyone!!

    New member Uryuuichi Here! Just thought i should introduce myself