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  1. Ellarya

    Fantasy The Strangest School

    Name: Gwyn Lightbane Age: 823 (Looks 16) Vampire or Human?: Vampire Appearance: His hair looks like --->...
  2. Ellarya

    Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    Joe found Oliver Elliot dancing next to the grand piano. 'Joe! So glad you could make it!' Oliver smiled. 'So what brought you to New York again? I've been dying to see you.' 'Does it matter? Can I have this dance' Joe asked. 'Of course, anything for a Brit' Oliver grinned and grabbed...
  3. Ellarya

    Cool Kids

    can we play as cool kids?
  4. Ellarya

    Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    Joe stepped out of the taxi and helped Kory out after him. He walked into a huge room, still guiding Kory buy the arm. It was made of glass and steel. Joe went up to the reception desk and said to a lady with blonde hair 'We're here for Mr Elliot.' The woman ushered them into an elevator and...
  5. Ellarya

    Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    'I'm sorry darling, I had to get ready' Joe appeared behind Kory, dressed in a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, suit trousers, and a black belt. 'Sorry I kept you waiting so long, I had to try and get my hair right.' He said, coming to stand next to her on the edge. 'Funny, isn't it, how that...
  6. Ellarya

    Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    Okay ladies listen the fuck up! I've been working on plans for the New York apartment and so I haven't had time for messaging. But it is finally done and everyone can breathe a sigh of release, because the person wjo matters is back. So I read through all of your comments and I see that you...
  7. Ellarya

    Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    I know that, but it is hard to rp when melanie sometimes appears and sometimes doesn't
  8. Ellarya

    Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    @Kordxna @Kai Ghoul @Kordxna next to Kiel's bed watching him whilst he sleeps. Guys I really need your input and advice on what I should do.
  9. Ellarya

    Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    yay another homosexual! @Zatanna
  10. Ellarya

    Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    Yay happy birthday :D @Kordxna , I have been putting my architectural skills to good use and have been drawing a plan of the NY penthouse. I'm almost done and then we can properly rp so you know the surroundings :)
  11. Ellarya

    Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    'Darling, I don't think you were quite paying attention. This isn't a hotel. We own this apartment. This room alone is worth over a million.' Joe smiled. 'My mum let me do most of the interior design myself. We had fitters and painters come all the way from paris.' Joe said absent mindedly. 'And...
  12. Ellarya

    Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    'Okay, Lorenz, thanks for your help!' Joe said, ushering them through. 'Do you want me to come in?' Mr. Lorenz said as the men lifted the dog out of his crate to be reunited with his owner. 'No thanks!' Joe smiled, and slammed the door as the men left with the crate. 'Creep' Joe walked...
  13. Ellarya

    Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    She was shot, remember? Maybe she's fully dead. @SpookySneeze knows better than me. Just read from like page 189 onwards or just jump straight in and RP with me. @Melanie Teresa
  14. Ellarya

    Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    @Melanie Teresa After Elyana was almost raped, she went with syo and the others and is just moping around somewhere. Kiel has been taken with Kory and Me via helicopter to New York, where we are all standing outside the Jones' penthouse apartment, waiting to go in with the creepster...
  15. Ellarya

    Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    (I'd prefer if you didn't blow up everything whilst I'm gone, especially not the manor house, but if you feel we should blow up the school then that's your choice, It's not really for me to decide) Joe sat back and waited till they landed, and the rotor blades started slowing. 'Gerald, if you...
  16. Ellarya

    Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    Joe's head spun as he looked over at Gerald. 'We're nigh thir ser' Gerald said, propelling the machine forward with his fist. Joe looked back at Kory and Kiel who'd fallen asleep in the back. Joe had tried, but had had too much adrenaline buzzing through his system from the hight, and also...
  17. Ellarya

    Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    (Oh yeah and Kiel and this new girl Kory and Joe have all taken a helicopter to get the fuck out of town to go to New York and they are kinda just flying over the town (If you want to try and signal us you can) and this guy called Tyrone is trying to blow up the school and Demi is fucking pissed...
  18. Ellarya

    Realistic or Modern Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    Gerald closed the crate and shoved it in behind the seats. Joe got inside after the dog had been safely stowed. He climbed around to the co-pilot seat, leaving Kory sitting next to Kiel. Joe pressed a button, and then suddenly everybody's voices could be heard in the headsets. Gerald Pulled...
  19. Ellarya

    Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    Are we sure on this? @SpookySneeze I updated the list btw
  20. Ellarya

    Washington High School: Student Chronicles

    Hey is Demi and Amora still a thing or is one/both of them dead? @SpookySneeze