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  1. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    Upon seeing that Star was upset Kuro said worryingly, "S-sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, sorry Star", Kuro felt almost disappointed in himself for being so insensitive.
  2. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    Kuro answered Stars question proudly with "A little village just outside Death City, but I recently moved to my cousins house here in Death City, what about you Star?" Kuro asked curiously.
  3. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    Hearing Stars words back in the distance he stopped and pulled back strongly saying "If you're gonna walk then I am too, it's not fair that you're the only one late, right, friends don't leave friends behind soldier!" giggling at the end of his sentence.
  4. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    Upon hearing Takashi's words Kuro muttered quietly "We are so dead" before breaking out into a dash, the rules probably say something about not running in the halls, but screw the rules Kuro was late!
  5. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    While Takashi spun around, Kuro grimaced and thought to himself, we are going to die lost and hungry in these hallways. Forgetting that he then asked, "Wouldn't there be a map for students at this school?", but upon Takashi finding the map he added, "Oh good, you found one!" thumbing up Takashi.
  6. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    Seeing Takashi stumble Kuro reached out and offered him a hand worryingly adding in a "H-hey, you alright?" upon hearing what Star said Kuro replied, "No-one could be mad at you for being inexperienced, they better not, 'cause they were new once too!"
  7. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    While following swiftly behind Star and Takashi, Kuro remarked "Wow, it wouldn't be hard to believe that this is where Granny Kailen was taught!", but then he asked the question that he assumed everyone had on their mind at some point, "Speaking of which, have either of you got partners yet?"
  8. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    As soon as the bell rang Kuro got up packed his books and got ready to leave the class, his bag was a bit of a challenge with someone like his stature, but he could manage, he stopped at the door, where Takashi and Star were standing and asked, "Do you know where we go now, I didn't get a...
  9. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    During Kuro's whistling, his tune changed to something familiar, the tune of a song his grandmother Kalien used to sing to him, until... Kuro couldn't finish that thought, it brought back bad memories. But it struck his curiosity, he didn't really know much about his grandmother, and maybe...
  10. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    The loud booming voice of the teacher awoke Kuro from his pleasant slumber. He wondered if the class was over, but apparently not to Kuro's dismay. He wondered to himself if there was anyone who didn't know what a meister and weapon were meant to do, and if there were any point of this class at...
  11. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    "SHORTY?" Kuro could not believe the nerve of Levi... but, class started, and he was feeling sleepy, so he whispered to Star "Don't let him get to you, some people are just ice cold." and put his head down on the desk, falling asleep.
  12. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    "Yeah we're friends I guess...?" Takashi didn't need to ask that, anyone that meets Kuro is a friend to him... that how it always is... He noticed a new face, but he heard the way he talked to Star, "You shouldn't talk to people like that, it's not very nice. Mr, um, Levi."
  13. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    Kuro turned to Takashi, he wasn't sure what to think of him, but for the time being replied with a short and simple "My name's Kuro, nice to meet you."
  14. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    Kuro looked over to Star, replying with "Yeah i'm new too, I don't know why I was made to attend but I was, since we're new wanna be friends?" Kuro asked, still smiling.
  15. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    Kuro turned to the girls and saw the red-haired girl who called herself Kayden extending her hand out, he took it and shook it carefully, you never know what can happen... It could fall off, this is the DWMA after all. He replied with a friendly "I'm Kuro, nice to meet you!" while smiling gently.
  16. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    Kuro noticed the red-haired girl approaching, he was wondering if she was going to beat him up, she had a baseball cap, do bullies in tv shows have baseball caps... Kuro was so deep in thought that he forgot all about the girl approaching, his thoughts were suddenly broke by a loud... tall...
  17. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP [Inactive]

    Kuro awoke to hear his alarm blaring at him... It said 8:30, he was late! Kuro sprang into the bathroom washed himself at the speed of sound and changed into clothes and rushed out into the streets. After all, he had to start at the DWMA today, so he couldn't be late, right? With a shred of luck...
  18. Kuro Turoko

    World of Pokemon

    Name: Black Townsfield Age: 12 Gender: Male Height: 3"7 Weight: 112 lbs Eye color: Blue Description: A young cheerful boy who loves pokemon and food, will never back down from a challenge even when in great danger. Region: Hoenn Starting pokemon: Eevee History: A young boy who...
  19. Kuro Turoko

    Soul Eater - RP

    Please fill out this form and post it below: Character's Name: Kuroien "Kuro" Turoko Age:16 Hair Color: Black w/ Blue highlights Eye Color: Red Height: 3'5 Weight: 100 lbs Appearance: Backstory: Kuro was born thought to be an ordinary child, the grandchild to a famous Meister...
  20. Kuro Turoko

    Hello everyone!

    Hi, everyone at RpNation! I've never really went into full on RP's but i'm ready to give it a shot, I hope we all have a good time together!