Soul Eater - RP

Homuraa Akemi

Junior Member
Characters wanted (Including a meister for my Star)

Please fill out this form and post it below:

Character's Name:


Hair Color:

Eye Color:



Appearance (Include an image)


Weapon or Meister?

If a Weapon, what kind?

Character's Personality:

Male or Female:

Character's Name: Takashi Moss

Age: 15 (Might change over time)

Hair Color: Dirty blonde

Eye Color: A bright blue colour

Height: 5'7

Weight: 112 lbs.


His typical apparel usually consists of black dress pants and a very fashionable white dress shirt slightly unbuttoned, so the gold under shirt can be seen.

Backstory: Despite his fancy clothing Takashi was born to a rather poor family. They had a rather simplistic and basic life, something Takashi's bursting passion could not take. Trying to cover up that he was poor, he enrolled in a summer job and used every last penny for two sets of the same clothes to change his persona a bit. Another thing he wanted to do was to become a Meister at the DWMA, as he was no weapon transformer. "My weapon hand twitches ma'" he would say to try to convey his mother to allow him to attend. Of course like any responsible mother she said no, and told him to get a real job. His dad however, was happy about the opportunity to teach his son some discipline and he was sent regardless of his mothers will.

Weapon or Meister?: Meister

Character's Personality: A strange boy, always boasting about his passion to do the righteous and rarely shuts up. He is rather sensitive to mean remarks, but always cheers up quite quickly. He tries to be very social but usually fails because most conversations end with him ranting on about something irrelevant. Because of his social awkwardness he is usually left alone, and has not yet found a weapon.

Male or Female: Male

Extra: (edit) Also if needed I will go as Star's Meister.
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Character's Name: Bitva Voyna

Age: 16

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 6.0

Weight: 120 lbs


Backstory: Bitva grew up at a cold place where it snowed a lot and he was an orphan. Bitva lived in an orphanage until he was 13 when he left to make something of him self. He travel all over and seen many, since he had no money he stole a lot and that came with a price. He ran and stole from many people and made many enemies; he stopped at a place where there was a school that would take people who turn into weapons. Bitva can turn into a mini gun so he joined the school, this was the chance he was looking for.

Weapon or Meister? Weapon

If a Weapon, what kind? xm214 minigun.


Character's Personality: He is a quiet guy who doesn't talk to people much, he steels a lot and he is stubborn guy who doesn't like to take orders from anybody except people that he respects.

Male or Female: Male

Extra: I'm open to be anyone's weapon.
Character's Name: Kayden Ryanne

Age: 17

Hair Color: Orange/Red

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'9

Weight: 145


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/StySPgx.jpg.91b2dd8ef27ed96ee52e91c6367c8f20.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14811" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/StySPgx.jpg.91b2dd8ef27ed96ee52e91c6367c8f20.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Backstory: Kayden has grown up fairly privileged with both sets of grandparents living nearby and no real monetary problems. She's lived with her parents and two younger brothers who wreak havoc in her life but then, she wreaks havoc in their's so it all evens out in the end. Kayden has always hated being treated 'like a girl'.. as if that made her inferior somehow so she strives to prove herself just as worthy as anyone. That's how she ended up at the school- everyone telling her it was a waste of time to become a meister but after finding she did have the spark she went for it. She doesn't have a weapon that's solely her's, though she pairs up with a friend of her's every now and then. Their souls just don't quite match in the end so she's on the hunt for 'her true weapon.' She spent a lot of time playing baseball and tends to try to stay in shape though she'll never turn down chocolate or cake or... well anything sweet really. She takes pride in being able to run a mile in 7 minutes and will always jump into any sports game (usually waits until she's invited but sometimes she doesn't) even if she doesn't quite know the rules.


Character's Personality: Kayden is pretty easy going as long as something isn't being said that she absolutely disagrees with. She's usually the first to help someone when she knows how to help them, and the one to stand awkwardly to the side when she doesn't know what to do. Kayden can be pretty thoughtful when she's not acting on rash judgement and though she has trouble talking at times her thoughts are always clear and concise. She often explains this as her brain and tongue having a disconnection somewhere. Overall Kayden is pretty fun loving and playful, and sometimes a little ignorant, but can be serious when needed and loyal to a fault.


Extra: Open to a weapon

In character Kayden is actually afraid that she'll never find a weapon that she can truly resonate with. These fears are founded upon her family's lack of support and the fact that she never has truly felt like she fit in anywhere.



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Character's Name: Minami Suziki

Age: 17

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'7

Weight: 110

Appearance (Include an image):

Backstory: Minami's parents were both weapons, so she grew up learning well how to be a weapon. Her mother and father would tell stories about when they used to go to the DWMA. She is very excited to go to the DWMA and hopes she can have as good of a time as her parents did.

Weapon or Meister?: Weapon

If a Weapon, what kind?:

Character's Personality: Minami shy and likes to be alone. She can be bipolar sometimes, but she tries not to be. She loves going on missions and hates when things are unfair for her.

Male or Female: Female

Extra: Minami thinks it's unfair how her meister is younger than her, she thinks her meister should be older than her. (@BEX is my meister)
Name: Ruka Celenctine

Age: 15

Hair Color: Black or a black blue

Eye Color: red

Height: 5'3

Weight: 107lbs

Appearance (Include an image)


Backstory: Despite her rather clean cut looks, Ruka grew up raised in poverty. At a young age she was abandoned by her parents, who apparently were also Meisters at DWMA. This caused her to grow up in an orphanage, always being cast out from the other children because she would speak of seeing "things" in the night, like Kishin souls. However she didn't know what these were. Ruka heard about DWMA through the other children, who were speaking about a battle that they had witnessed. Ruka instantly felt like she had to somehow go there, so she left the orphanage and sought out the school, where they saw potential in training her...

Weapon or Meister?: Meister

Character's Personality: Naturally a curious person, always striving for her goals, only appearing as if she doesn't care, or rather is just too lazy. Considered just a lucky rookie by many of the other Meister's. A lot of the time they don't like her because of her natural talent. Her personality can switch in front of certain people, and she can adapt well to any situation she is in. Normally Ruka will think things through with a calm and level head... Though, there are times when she can snap like a twig.

Male or Female: Female

Extra: She can run the 100meter dash at 5.57 seconds. @MADZ is my weapon.
Character's Name: Leviathan "Levi" Lemuria

Age: 16

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Yellow

Height: 6'0

Weight: 114 Ibs

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Kiryu.Kyosuke.full.197458.jpg.4218bc9a8919ba70fae4ec9023daf05a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Kiryu.Kyosuke.full.197458.jpg.4218bc9a8919ba70fae4ec9023daf05a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Backstory: Levi grew up in a constantly changing environment with friendly parents, albeit absentminded. They were extremely absentminded parents, and they continuously forgot that he was a weapon and that he was their son. Were they forgetting on purpose? Levi would never know. He and his family moved around constantly around the world, be it Japan, Greece, or Hawaii. The last place they moved to was Hidalgo County, Texas, where they forgot him and left him behind when he was 9 years old. The police found and placed him in a variety of foster homes, where he grew up longing for a proper home, eventually leading to Levi running away to the Shinigami Academy. At the Shinigami Academy, he never made any friends, believing that they would forget him and leave him like his parents.

Weapon or Meister?: Weapon

If a Weapon, what kind?: Ocean Lance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/FFXIII_Dragoon_Lance.png.dda8629e1ec27820a97e0694edab0947.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14909" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/FFXIII_Dragoon_Lance.png.dda8629e1ec27820a97e0694edab0947.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Character's Personality: Levi is an immature teenager, and he enjoys mocking and teasing people. He's rarely serious, even in dire situations, and would prefer to laugh and joke around cruelly in a fight. He has a large ego that enjoys being stoked, as well as a tendency to be belligerent and hostile. He takes pleasure annoying others, and his pride makes it hard for people to synchronize with other Meisters properly. Despite his arrogant demeanor, Levi is cowardly and meek when it comes to people of immense power threatening him. Surprisingly, he likes animals, particularly penguins. He would constantly sneak small animals back to the foster homes he used to live in, because he never felt comfortable with humans despite his wish to be with others. Levi pushes people away with his mockery and insults because of his uncomfortableness with others, but he always wishes that one day, someone would appear and understand him.

Male or Female: Male

Extra: Open to a Meister.



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Please fill out this form and post it below:

Character's Name: Kuroien "Kuro" Turoko


Hair Color: Black w/ Blue highlights

Eye Color: Red

Height: 3'5

Weight: 100 lbs


Backstory: Kuro was born thought to be an ordinary child, the grandchild to a famous Meister, Kalien Turoko, however on the day his Grandmother was murdered right in front of his eyes, his soul had created a loop, and created a resonance with itself, he was sent off to train, to see if his power could prove useful.

Weapon or Meister? Meister.

Character's Personality: Always cheerful and peppy, tends to be hyperactive, he is very childish doing things like colouring, but can get serious in battle, but if you upset him, expect great waterworks to flood the area, does not like being misjudged because of his height.

Male or Female: Male.

Extra: Open to a Weapon.
Name: Natsu Hatakame

Age: 16

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 6'0

Weight: 135

Backstory: Natsu was born into a family of weapons though his father was a Meister and his mother was his weapon. Natsu turned

turned out to be a weapon like his mother Natsu hopes that by going to the DWNA he will find a good Meister.

Weapon or Meister?: Weapon

What kind of weapon: Two Giant Shurikans

Personality: Natsu is very straight to the point, but can be a great friend he loves to hear new ideas he is also very open.

Male or Female: Male

Extra: Nastu likes his meister at any age but to be good at making plans.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-21_18-15-57.jpeg.dc0198646b90ebc15006480c4297eb4a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14926" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-21_18-15-57.jpeg.dc0198646b90ebc15006480c4297eb4a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Character's Name: Kayne Lockhearth

Age: 16

Hair Color: Black with Crimson highlights

Eye Color: Red

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 120 lbs

Appearance (Include an image)


Backstory: When Kayne was a young boy, he witnessed his parents die in a horrible fight between the keeshin and them. As he grew up he learned to be a Meister for all sorts of weapons. He had enrolled at the DWMA, in search of a weapon and a few friends to get his mind off things that had happened in his past.

Weapon or Meister? Meister

If a Weapon, what kind?

Character's Personality: Punk, Independent, Slightly curious, Silent, Tends to be a trouble maker

Male or Female: Male

Extra: I'm open for anyone's meister lemmie know if you want me to be your meister and i'll be down with it!
// Thought I'd take a quick break from the roleplay and introduce my character a bit more;

Name; Star Evans

Age: 16

Hair color: Pastel pink

Eye color: Pink

Height: 5'2

Weight: 100 lbs


Back story: All her life she tried her best to avoid contact with others. After her parents nearly left her for dead on the streets she was never able to trust again. 

Death Scythe

Traits: Rebellious, Shy, Quiet, Fun,

Character's Name: zero

Age: 17

Hair Color: blue

Eye Color: blue

Height: 5'5"



Backstory: after training in martial arts for years zero decided to use his fighting ability for something bigger he then was confronted death from DWMA he had said he was watching him for a long time and now that he was ready to do more death asked him to come to DWMA zero wasnt sure it was in the middle of the year but death insisted and over all zero said yes

Weapon or Meister: Meister

Character's Personality: shy cant talk to others so well not good at making friends doesn't know if he can work with a weapon or even wants to

Male or Female:male

Extra: none
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