Search results for query: *

  1. Theflamre

    Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)

    He smiled and nodded, keeping the freindly looking face right up an tell Oz left the room. His body posture improved when Oz was gone, it wasn't noticable to anyone that was watching but he stood straight up with out even an inch of lean forward or backward. He clicked the last few keys and...
  2. Theflamre

    Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)

    "Sebastian George Wraith, though you can Seb or George" He didn't look it but he was not hispanic in the least. His father was a mix of irish and northern European with a capitalization on german. His mother was Greek, he was a Half and Half of a very dark skinned people and a very light one...
  3. Theflamre

    Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)

    He stood akwardly in the room, he was on the precipice of going and trying to apologize to Oz for being too foward. That or just leaving for a bit and talking to him later, he didn't really have a frame of refrence for how to interact with people. His powers had rendered him akwardly unnoticed...
  4. Theflamre

    Fantasy Thesta Penitentiary for the Wicked [Rebooted]

    The large spider ascended to the upper bunk of his cell, it's akwardly large body soon enough proved more maneuverable then one would think. Its large limbs tucked closely under it's underbelly, they acted as belts to restrict the large somewhat fatty outer parts of ththe spider to the bed. This...
  5. Theflamre

    Eldritch abomination

    Eldritch abomination
  6. Theflamre

    Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)

    He clicked his toungue at the words, he had some understanding of normal peoples feelings on things and knew that he may have over stepped. He would apologize later but for now he appreciated the horns. He assumed they were made of glass or ice but nothing was certain in this place, he only...
  7. Theflamre

    Fantasy Thesta Penitentiary for the Wicked [Rebooted]

    His mind in it's diluded state started to try and make sone connections that it would normally make quite easily. This was a prison for supers and he couldn't quote the bible, which meant ether he summoned jesus in boxing gloves, or his power was in some other way related to the bible. He...
  8. Theflamre

    Fantasy Thesta Penitentiary for the Wicked [Rebooted]

    He had been guided to his room a while ago, it wasn't a pleasent experience to anyone privy to it. Had been guided in a little bit later then most due to the akwardness that was fitting him into the building. He swayed and wobbled and hit everything that could be hit in his akward dilapidated...
  9. Theflamre

    Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)

    He giggled in glee as he walked into the suit maker, honestly the waiting had made him anxious. He slipped in past the last person pressing into the booth, I mean the last person did it so it wouldn't be a super big deal if he followed suit. It didn't turn on immediately, he was suprised it...
  10. Theflamre

    Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)

    He was already trying to get their attention when the othet man began to talk, so he figured he had the advantage on being picked. He raised his hand "I need out of this jacket anyways" he wore it mostly for the times he had spent in it. He always knew that red or something like it would be...
  11. Theflamre

    Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)

    "any time~" He said walking past the blue haired man smiling, he slipped his jackey on properly and got a few steps ahead of him moving towards the instructors. He made sure to button up his jacket so that the stereotype of a hooker wasn't showing and he looked a little bed roused but...
  12. Theflamre

    Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)

    rich boy certainly was atleast somewhat interested, normally straight men turned him down immediately. With his "taste testing" over he relaxed, his predatory smile becoming more of a freindly grin. He pulled him self up onto a table, leaning forward as to keep them close enough he could lean...
  13. Theflamre

    Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)

    The sound of chair being pushed back onto its back legs imitating from the back of the room was the first thing he did that would draw attention to him self. He had walked straight past the buildings security, past the guy in the room, and past the group that had been leaving the simulator. It...
  14. Theflamre

    Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. CS show him the doors he had gone through to get there and show him the fact he had removed a bigger chunk of the door to enter the room. *Personality Sebastion normally is a freindly young man with simple tastes, he enjoys the taste of cheap food and to idlely wondering around. Honestly if...
  15. Theflamre

    Dice Desperate Times (OOC)

    I'll I'll just make a new post in the morning
  16. Theflamre

    Dice Desperate Times (OOC)

    Well that's improbable given my luck he'll just sneak over the fence and toss his jacket to cover the barbed wire
  17. Theflamre

    Dice Desperate Times (OOC)

    What is the check
  18. Theflamre

    Dice Desperate Times (OOC)

    Wait can I keep my post?
  19. Theflamre

    Realistic or Modern Infernal Intervention

    "big traps" He said having a obvious sort of favortism to the idea of traps as he unloaded A large spool of metal wire, a couple of motor oil canisters, a large container of cooking oil, a and nails. "not to under mind you" he said nodding to kalio "But we don't know what these things can do...
  20. Theflamre

    Fandom Sword Art Online Rp || CLOSED

    I would like to join