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  • Users: Kuito
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  1. Kuito


  2. Kuito

    Realistic or Modern Home for the homeless Children

    Im sorry guys, have been working. Il catch up and role play.
  3. Kuito

    Four Will Rise

    Yeah, its been your post for awhile, you should really check back if it dose not alert after awhile. It tends to do that.
  4. Kuito

    Four Will Rise

    I think cecilia ether forgot the rp or quit lol.
  5. Kuito

    Fantasy ~The Hexosphere Chronicles: Now Ready and Recruiting!~

    awesome bro! Il join up if you are not full!
  6. Kuito

    Realistic or Modern Home for the homeless

    Halwned slowly walked into the front building looking up at the desk which stood taller then he was. Halwned got a book out and sat at a table in view of the desk and started to read a chapter book, he flipped the pages to where he was last at noticing that he forgot the boom mark he had drawn...
  7. Kuito

    Realistic or Modern Home for the homeless Children

    Name: Halwned (Most call him wind-a.) Age: 8 Sex:Male Personality: Sleeps allot, not really open for friendship but if you are stubborn and don't quit. You can become friends. He loves to read, sleep and draw. (More soon too tired.) Bio: Halwned never really had a good life like most...
  8. Kuito

    Realistic or Modern Broken Wing, (Interest Check)

    Is there any lore on this? Usually (From my experience) the more lore and back story a rp has the more interesting it is. Sometimes you just don't have a idea people wanna rp in, but good luck with your rp man :)
  9. Kuito

    Realistic or Modern Broken Wing, (Interest Check)

    The concept idea is good, but you might need to work on deeper detail. (not saying your detail is bad.) But interesting idea, I might join if you need people if this gets big :)
  10. Kuito

    The High School for Society's Rejects

    Ah ok, thats good. I hate when rp's die.
  11. Kuito

    The High School for Society's Rejects

    I think you have the case of a dead rp.
  12. Kuito

    The High School for Society's Rejects

    sorry, got busy and could not rp, im back now.
  13. Kuito

    Fandom Four Will Rise

    Swiftfeet looked at the cat now smelling him finally, he sighed at the thought they would try to attack him and lose the battle 2 on 1, as he was more experienced. But he waited for any challenges, he wanted to be impressed by what they had to offer. Or a utterly disappointing display of skill...
  14. Kuito

    Realistic or Modern The High School for Society's Rejects

    Senka watches the clouds flow by a wile longer before deciding he needed to do some practice, he jumps up onto the fence preventing people from falling and does a hand stand on it. The light wind making it hard to stay steady but Senka has done this plenty. So he manages too stay balanced and...
  15. Kuito

    Realistic or Modern The High School for Society's Rejects

    Senka watched the two walking away from the school on the roof before going back to watching the view, alone is what he always was. No friends, no family, just alone. He sighed at the thought that he may have caused that girl more trouble than he wanted to. He looked at his hand opening a small...
  16. Kuito

    Fantasy Forbidden Academy {Interest Check}

    she's probably busy with Irl problems, but she said she will open the character thing again at a later date and you can be new students up there ^^^.
  17. Kuito

    Realistic or Modern I'm recuriting a task force.... (This is an intrest check)

    I think it is inspired by white collar so theres no need to have to watch it hehe. Welcome to the rp :D
  18. Kuito

    Realistic or Modern The High School for Society's Rejects

    Senka ignores the ignorant girl now opening a portal to the roof of the school and walking threw it. Closing the portal behind him and sitting on a bench on the roof looking out of the town before going into meditation again. (When did he call her ether of those xD .)
  19. Kuito

    Realistic or Modern The High School for Society's Rejects

    "Never called you one, madam." Senka sighed showing a little emotion now. "I assumed you would be smart and use your power to get out of a kidnapping. But what ever makes you happy." He says sighing again before starting to walk away and examine the rest of the school area. Noting quick escape...