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  1. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    He looked down at her feet. He forgot that she wasn't wearing any shoes. "Oh it totally slipped my mind. What happened to your shoes? Did you lose them back at the water?" He grabbed her hand again and rushed inside. He walked to the front desk alone and got a key for a room. "Hey got it! Hey ya...
  2. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    "Ahh perfect!" He started running, dragging her along with him. They wondered around until they were in front of a large building that said in large letters 'Sun n Sea Inn' "This is perfect don't you agree?" Jack said with such excitement. The building was a dark red and made almost entirely...
  3. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    He quickly cut himself off realizing he was rambling on. "So your parents leave you alone often?" Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  4. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    Jack felt as if she was hiding something, but wasn't sure what. His memory was still a bit hazy. All he could remember was fragments of what happened. For instance why was she caught in a net? How was he brought to land so quickly? The more he thought about it the more it made his head hurt...
  5. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    "It's funny how ya don't seem to know much about the area considering you pulled me up on this shore." Jack giggled. "Ya must be as bad with directions as I am." He looked up at the sky. "It's getting late hopefully we find a place." He spoke with confidence although in his mind there was a bit...
  6. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    "Perfect!" He grabbed her hand and started heading north, not asking Halia whether she knew if there was a town nearby. Jack smiled wide. He always did enjoy a new adventure. Whether the situation good or bad. All this excitement had him distracted from the small wounds he had from the fall...
  7. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    "Hmm" Jack scratched at his head as he was thinking. "Well if we can find a town nearby we can find an inn. It's the least I can do for you." After he uttered those words his face suddenly became a bit flushed. "Of coarse I don't mean together in the same bed or anything like that! I meant a...
  8. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    (I'm sorry it took so long) Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  9. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    "Halia huh? It's nice to meet you." He gazed out to sea. "I'll be fine. It's the getting back that's got me a bit on edge." He laughed a bit. "Then again I'm always lost and that's a lot coming from a man with no home." Jack looked at her again. "Where are you from? I can walk you home if you...
  10. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    He stretched his hand out to her as he looked her straight in the eyes. He smiled softly as he struggled to keep balance. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  11. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    Jack thought for a moment, rubbing his head due to the whole ordeal. "Hmm maybe I imagined the whole thing." He looked at his fingers which seemed to have a little bit of blood from his head on them. "My memory is a bit foggy from the incident though." He got up and brushed himself off a bit...
  12. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    (Sorry I've been a bit busy lately) Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  13. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    Jack walked towards her amazed. "You really are one aren't you? Can you understand me?" Without thinking to much into it he touché her legs gently. "How did you do this?" He sat down in front of her panting slightly Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  14. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    Jack looked her straight into the eyes. His were half open and when he notice her bottom half his eyes shot open with shock. "Y-you! Are you a-" he passed out in mid sentence. His body seemed to have taken quite a beating from the prior events. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  15. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    Jack noticed her face and tried to talk but kept coughing Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  16. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    The men screamed in anger but lost sight of them. They eventually gave up looking around because the captain had another mission to attend to. When Jack made it in land he bean to cough up water. His eyes were still shut as he did this yet he sensed the presence of another person that wasn't...
  17. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    "Move kid!" One of them said. He glanced into Halia's eyes. He jerked back when he was grabbed. "Listen people like us don't get the opportunity to see a woman in distress this far off land. Captain Geof wouldn't be happy about this sort of behavior kid." Jack pulled out a lil dagger and began...
  18. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    The pirates continued to laugh barbarically and point. Jack noticed Halia and forced his way through the crowd. "Hold it there is a woman among them!" The men all noticed her . "Looks like we got a poor woman at sea to "use" here." Hack jumped in front of the net. "Stop!" Sent from my iPod...
  19. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    The ship came closer and closer to them. Jack continued to mop the deck as the pirates lowered a net down to catch fish, trapping some dolphins in as well. "Hey look at what we snagged here." One of the men said laughing. "Some dolphins? Where's they come from?" Jack murmured to himself as he...
  20. Xero Deces

    Into The Deep [Inactive]

    Jack heard noises in the distance. He pulled out a telescope to get a better look,but one of the pirates bumped Into him and he dropped it into the ocean. Jack turned around. "Hey!" The pirate continued on walking giggling a bit. "Kid you keep spacin out like that and ya might end up fallin...