Into The Deep [Inactive]

Halia nodded, "Probably." It was almost difficult to hide a soft, triumph smile. She stood up as well and quickly brushed herself off, wrung out some of her slightly dripping hair, then gave him her hand, which would probably end up being much more petite and fragile feeling then the pirate's own. "I'm Halia... Are you sure you're OK?" She asked, concern in her tone.

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"Halia huh? It's nice to meet you." He gazed out to sea. "I'll be fine. It's the getting back that's got me a bit on edge." He laughed a bit. "Then again I'm always lost and that's a lot coming from a man with no home." Jack looked at her again. "Where are you from? I can walk you home if you wish."

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The corners of her mouth rose into a small smile. It suddenly dropped however when he offered to walk her home. "I-uh..." She had to think fast now.

"My parents took a boat to go on a fishing trip..." Hopefully humans did that and she wasn't being cruel and lying for nothing. "And left me here for a while, they forgot to give me a place to stay or anything though." She shrugged and avoided eye-contact. Halia also didn't know that humans used money.
"Hmm" Jack scratched at his head as he was thinking. "Well if we can find a town nearby we can find an inn. It's the least I can do for you." After he uttered those words his face suddenly became a bit flushed. "Of coarse I don't mean together in the same bed or anything like that! I meant a room with two beds, Im not a pervert or anything!" He began to raise his tone in embarrassment, seeming more and more awkward through each word he spoke.

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"Ok." She nodded. She hadn't had any thoughts about him being a pervert or anything. In her kingdom sharing a bed didn't mean much of anything. They only had tails after all. Apparently humans were different however...

"It's ok, I... I know what you mean.." She said. Suddenly she realized this would be her first time away from the water, and her first time sleeping out of water. If father ever found out... She'd probably be in trouble.
"Perfect!" He grabbed her hand and started heading north, not asking Halia whether she knew if there was a town nearby. Jack smiled wide. He always did enjoy a new adventure. Whether the situation good or bad. All this excitement had him distracted from the small wounds he had from the fall.

"There's gotta be a place around here somewhere right?" He said to Halia although you could question whether he was talking to anyone but himself.

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She was surprised at first, though went along with it, looking up at the sky curiously. It was very pretty, especially now when the colors were fading after the sun, and everything above them was a wash and mix of colors. It was probably around 7 o'clock, but of course, Halia didn't know anything about time.

"Huh? Oh, uh, I suppose." She was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts at the question and slowly lowered her head back to it's normal position.
"It's funny how ya don't seem to know much about the area considering you pulled me up on this shore." Jack giggled. "Ya must be as bad with directions as I am." He looked up at the sky. "It's getting late hopefully we find a place." He spoke with confidence although in his mind there was a bit of doubt. He hoped that luck was on their side tonight. "So tell me about yourself."

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She blushed, thought managed a small giggle in response, as if she agreed it was a little funny. In all honestly, she had never really been here before, and the fact she was getting farther and farther from her home was making her a little nervous and skittish.

And now he wanted her to talk about herself? Crap.

"Well um... I have a few siblings. My favorite color is blue. And uh... I like dolphins. Your turn." She quickly added.

Halia didn't know what to say about her home or her family and friends, so she just said some of the stuff she couldn't really lie about, and wasn't dangerous to say.
Jack felt as if she was hiding something, but wasn't sure what. His memory was still a bit hazy. All he could remember was fragments of what happened. For instance why was she caught in a net? How was he brought to land so quickly? The more he thought about it the more it made his head hurt. "Well ok then. My favorite color is red and as far as siblings go I'm not quite sure if I have any. I like the Sea. Not the water particularly, but what dwells in it really. You might find this strange, but I believe there are such things as mermaids. "

Great, he thought she probably thinks that he is crazy. "That's why I've been traveling with those brutes. They found some artifact that I believed came from the water. It was just a strange coin, but still."

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He quickly cut himself off realizing he was rambling on. "So your parents leave you alone often?"

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"Uh...Yea. Usually." She shrugged. He thought mermaids were real? That could be bad... "Hey look," She suddenly said, pointing with her free hand to his right. She could see a large sign with lights pointing at it. It was a town sign, obviously. A road was next to the side too.

The sign said 'Welcome to Sea Side City'.
"Ahh perfect!" He started running, dragging her along with him. They wondered around until they were in front of a large building that said in large letters 'Sun n Sea Inn'

"This is perfect don't you agree?" Jack said with such excitement. The building was a dark red and made almost entirely of bricks. It seemed very old but still in good shape.

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She was slower than the pirate, but tried her best to keep up. She hadn't ever ran before.

"Yes. Perfect.." She said, trying to catch her breath. By now the sky was dark and the stars were starting to come out.

"Let's go in. My fi-- Feet..." She nearly said fin, but managed to catch her self. "My feet are cold.." She finished. Her bare feet were getting a little chilly now actually.
He looked down at her feet. He forgot that she wasn't wearing any shoes. "Oh it totally slipped my mind. What happened to your shoes? Did you lose them back at the water?" He grabbed her hand again and rushed inside. He walked to the front desk alone and got a key for a room. "Hey got it! Hey ya holdin up?"

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"Uh.." She shrugged, and just followed silently. "I'm fine." Halia nodded, and followed Jack up to the room. (short)
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