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  1. Zero Akisunerai

    Welcome To Sword Art Online

    Many Thanks : ) ill make sure to catch up when I return.
  2. Zero Akisunerai

    Welcome To Sword Art Online

    Thanks : ), ill have to join in a few days though, holiday, no internet. :(
  3. Zero Akisunerai

    Welcome To Sword Art Online

    I've lowered them, let me know if they're still too high
  4. Zero Akisunerai

    Welcome To Sword Art Online

    Real Life Information: Name: Zero Akisunerai Age: 16 Gender: Male History: After Zero's parents were incarcerated when he was six, he was adopted by a... not so loving family... In school he was disliked and spent most of his time drawing and fumbling about with computers. Getting strait...
  5. Zero Akisunerai

    One Piece [Inactive]

    Finished with polishing his swords Zero wondered where everyone was so he got up, propped five of his swords up against the mast, picked up his Katana and began to wonder around the ship.
  6. Zero Akisunerai

    One Piece [Inactive]

    After the earlier events during which Zero was stood watching everything that transpired and everything had calmed down he collected his thoughts and began to polish his swords thinking to himself. "I need a better sword, one that could cut one of those Logia type users in half but i'd need a...
  7. Zero Akisunerai

    One Piece

    Hey guys and gals, how's it goin
  8. Zero Akisunerai

    One Piece

    Gunna have to go off i'm making stupid decisions and it's 3:20 am
  9. Zero Akisunerai

    One Piece [Inactive]

    The air strings that had been pushing on Zero's chest and legs prevented him from moving him any closer, he didn't notice them until now as he had only just noticed strain they had on him and he was forced back to his original position after he stood up. "Huh?" he said puzzled
  10. Zero Akisunerai

    One Piece [Inactive]

    "Bastard!" Zero said as he walked over "Why don't you lay down and stop causing trouble till we get to the next island you do what ever you want there we won't care " as he approached Yui, Noctis and Kazuma he brought his leg back to kick Kazuma in the head his but foot stopped and wouldn't...
  11. Zero Akisunerai

    One Piece

  12. Zero Akisunerai

    One Piece [Inactive]

    Zero looked at Noctis as if he just said he killed his family "Your not touching my swords" As he sat down and gathered them to his right "I don't trust people to use my swords so use your own" Zero rested his arm on his swords and leaned against the mast closing his eyes as he dose so.
  13. Zero Akisunerai

    One Piece [Inactive]

    "Thanks again" Zero said as he checked each one of his swords and carefully and propped them up at the base of the mast "Good none were damaged" Zero then turns to Noctis "Whats with the kid, why isn't he over-board yet ?"
  14. Zero Akisunerai

    One Piece [Inactive]

    Zero snaps out of his confusion and grab's shades hand "Thanks, at least someone cares enough" Zero smiled at Shade and began the climb back up to the crows nest where his swords were tied.
  15. Zero Akisunerai

    One Piece [Inactive]

    "Please cut me down, bloods rushing to my head and i'm starting to see things" Zero says calmly trying to move his head "Like that sea-king over there..." Zero stopped struggling and began to giggle to himself about the invisible, non-existing things happening around him as he releases the rope...
  16. Zero Akisunerai

    One Piece [Inactive]

    "Great congratulations you beat up a kid" Zero shouted from his position upside down in the rigging "NOW GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!" Zero struggled more...
  17. Zero Akisunerai

    One Piece

    Confirming view of rules - : )
  18. Zero Akisunerai

    One Piece [Inactive]

    "What the!? Why can't i move!?" Zero said as he struggled he then looked at his feet and noticed he had gotten himself tangled in the rigging. "Damn it!" Zero continued to struggle...
  19. Zero Akisunerai

    One Piece [Inactive]

    Zero once again woke up but this time he in the crows nest he was several feet above the crows nest. "What the heck's going on?!" he shouted "Why are we falling?!" He grabbed all his swords and tried to reach the top of the mast only just managing to pull himself to wards it, he took some...
  20. Zero Akisunerai

    One Piece [Inactive]

    Zero, feeling the shudder, opened his eyes and looked around unwilling to lift his head over the edge of the crows nest he dismissed it and shouted "Keep the ship steady i'm trying to sleep up here!" he then fell back asleep.