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  1. Greenhunter

    Fantasy Jones: Demon Hunter

    I have an idea for a roleplay thread and I was told to come here to see what people think of the idea :) I hope you like it : For many years, pirates have been the true rulers of the ocean's terrors. Greedy, lustful and selfish, pirates were considered villains among those who live on solid...
  2. Greenhunter

    On The Sea

    Character's Name: Captain Jones Age: 39 Appearance: Short black hair, small dark eyes. A black beard that covers his cheeks. A long coat, leather, his sword strapped to his hip. He usually wear long pants, heavy material to prevent the ocean spray from seeping in. His shirts are heavy cotton...
  3. Greenhunter

    Days of the Dragons

    Name: Eagle Gender: Female Age: 100 years Preference: Male Race: Ice Dragon Crush: None (yet ;) ) Spouse: none Children: none Powers: Freezing powers, stimulated by aggressive feelings Personality: Eagle is an easy going ice type dragon. Born of the ice caps in the north, she...
  4. Greenhunter

    Fantasy Night Caller ((group rp version))

    Juliett sat down on her haunches, confused by the sudden change in dynamics. She wriggled her nose, tilting her head to one side. How had were they suddenly best friends? As the knight mounted his mare, Juliett slinked back into the shadows of the forest and changed form.
  5. Greenhunter

    Fantasy Night Caller ((group rp version))

    She was so stunned, she could not move for a whole minute. The man that stood before her was no man. He was unwavering as he looked into her dark brown eyes, his whole presence was calming, strong and quiet. Like an alpha. Juliett had never met an alpha before, her other encounters with lycans...
  6. Greenhunter

    Fantasy Night Caller ((group rp version))

    Juliett watched the man draw closer to her hiding places amongst the bushes. She backed away as slowly as she could, the hair on her back rising in fear. What if he caught her? what would he do with her? and if he discovered what she truly was? If he found out the terrible things she had done...
  7. Greenhunter

    Fantasy Night Caller ((group rp version))

    She saw the knight's head turn, staring directly into the trees where she crouched, as if his eyes could pierce the darkness she shadowed herself in. She was tempted to shift form, being a human was less likely to get you killed than being a wolf these days. But that would leave her naked and...
  8. Greenhunter

    Fantasy Jones: Demon Hunter Pirate

    Jones took a gulp from his mug of ale, though his heart wasn't real in it. Usually he enjoyed a swig as much as the next man, but his mind was elsewhere tonight. His eyes glanced over the grimy pub, his hope sinking like a broken hull. He had been looking forward to some time on land, away from...
  9. Greenhunter

    On The Sea

    Okay, here are the rules to this Roleplay: 1 You can be a pirate aboard Jones's ship, a pirate from another ship, a member of the sea village people or a demon from Hell. 2 Cursing is allowed, and judging by the characters, its probably encouraged :D 3 No playing God. You can die, you can...
  10. Greenhunter

    On The Sea

    Welcome to the OOC chat :)
  11. Greenhunter

    On The Sea

    Sign up : Character's Name: Age: Appearance: height: hair: eyes: skin: Personality: Bio: Picture:
  12. Greenhunter

    Fantasy Jones: Demon Hunter Pirate

    For many years, pirates have been the true rulers of the ocean's terrors. Greedy, lustful and selfish, pirates were considered villains among those who live on solid land, with their rules and laws. Upon the sea, law had no power. But there was more to the pirate life than it would seem...
  13. Greenhunter

    Fantasy Night Caller ((group rp version))

    Juliett felt more alive than she had in a very long time. All her muscles stretched and snapped with the simple action of running, her fur blowing in the breeze. She darted between trees and bushes, leaping over rocks and dirt. How long had it been since she shifted into wolf form? it must have...
  14. Greenhunter

    Night Caller ((group rp version))

    Name: Juliett Age: 125 Type: Werewolf Appearance: 25 year old. Shoulder length dirt blonde hair that she spends a lot of time sweeping out of her eyes. She was born in Ireland, but its been a long time since she set foot on that god forsaken rock. She stands at 5'6". Her eyes are brown and...
  15. Greenhunter

    High School Of The Gods

    Name: Aphrodite Age: 16 Height: 5'6" Appearance: She has long blonde hair that flows down her back, but which she also has a tendency to hide behind. Her eyes are round and brown, her skin very pale but also prone to spots. She is rarely seen wearing anything other than a large pair of...