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  1. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

    Ahh! I live!
  2. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] (Qing Jin's Library) The Dragon's Arse Tavern- Part 1.5

    Manna had shrank back near the doorway, allowing the girls to accept their praise, lightly coughing up something kinda gross into a white handkerchief he had produced from the inner chest pocket of his armored coat. It was a light, rhythmic cough, something along the lines of allergies or a...
  3. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] (Qing Jin's Library) The Dragon's Arse Tavern- Part 1.5

    "But, of course." Manna gave a light salute to Kana, shifting up and away from the wall. He stopped for a moment to tie some loose cloth across his forehead. "Although, don't mind trying to fill me in on..." He gestured at Chao, no doubt still rambling, "On whatever that's about. It just...
  4. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] (Qing Jin's Library) The Dragon's Arse Tavern- Part 1.5

    Manna twisted his lips about, as if he was going to say something, but drowned out his thoughts with an other pull. He then let the bottle slip down gently to the floor, landing with a whirling, rolling motion before coming to a neat stop. "Putting a stop to Skullstone seems a bit lofty...
  5. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] (Qing Jin's Library) The Dragon's Arse Tavern- Part 1.5

    "Well, then," Manna said, leaning back from his work and helping himself to the alcohol that had been earlier used as a sterilization product. "As I understand it, we should probably find some time to regroup." He moved across the room, peeking out through the window. If he had any luck, the...
  6. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] (Qing Jin's Library) The Dragon's Arse Tavern- Part 1.5

    "I can speed the process," Manna said, looking over the tools Kana had provided, giving a small look of approval. Manna wasn't exactly the doctor his Exaltation might lead one to believe, and in fact danced around the same knowledge as a typical mortal, but a large amount of pride sat in the...
  7. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

    Normal people call that 'Steam,' love.
  8. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

    Ah, shame, shame. We can always play on a simulated LAN connection. But this laptop is a POS and is quite literally falling apart (my keyboard comes out and it don't supposed to do that), so I'd have to wait until I buy a new computer, anyway.
  9. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] (Qing Jin's Library) The Dragon's Arse Tavern- Part 1.5

    For a moment, Manna was alone in the little bar, more or less, with the other islander sticking her head out the door. The building seemed to whine as the ninja--er, Kamen Rider--er, whatever she was--made her way through the building sporting her body armor and the full weight of a healthy...
  10. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

    Missed you, Tabs. Er, if you want, I'll play CnC with you. It's kinda sad to see you say, "I was in this awesome epic multiplayer game just now! It was me, and my friends Bot 1 and Bot 2 versus Bot 3, 4, and 5."
  11. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] (Qing Jin's Library) The Dragon's Arse Tavern- Part 1.5

    The commotion outside seemed to leak under the door too slowly to be considered authentic. Adrenaline still pounded inside of Manna's brains, and the familiar twitching ache to do something more screamed against his muscles as they slowly relaxed. As he wrapped up his weapon, he felt like a...
  12. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] (Qing Jin's Library) The Dragon's Arse Tavern- Part 1.5

    "I'd be honored, Cap'n, but there's the small issue about your haunted ship to take care of, first." The edge of his blade came to a rest against the deck of the Inn, the bandages falling from their dance to litter the floor. He cut a glance at the Captain, however--almost warning him to use...
  13. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] (Qing Jin's Library) The Dragon's Arse Tavern- Part 1.5

    Impressive, Manna noted, watching Chao's form. He didn't have much thought past that, not being much of a martial artist himself, but seeing as she tossed a ghost across the room and snapped it's undead back was more than enough to earn his quick respect. Besides, she just plain looked cool...
  14. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

    It's great how long I can forget to check this place when I manage to keep up to date with just about anything else fine. ><;;
  15. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] (Qing Jin's Library) The Dragon's Arse Tavern- Part 1.5

    Manna, who's much slower to start, carefully picked his way out of the ship, across the dock, and to the shore. His eyes followed Kana's wake, as she slinked off like a ninja, and came to rest his eyes on the young boy's body. He twisted his lips slowly. His emotional reaction may be a bit...
  16. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] (Qing Jin's Library) The Dragon's Arse Tavern- Part 1.5

    "Oh, interesting," Manna chimed, shifting his weight and leaning his wrapped weapon into his hand. He almost looked uninterested about the chance of violence, here. -- I have no Awareness and only three Wits. So, I rolled my one die and got a '5'. That's zero successes. Like a boss.
  17. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] (Qing Jin's Library) The Dragon's Arse Tavern- Part 1.5

    "Yeah," Manna said, taking a step back and covering his mouth politely. "You'll need access to the ship yard, building permits, and likely a crew of workers to get even started on a project this side. Unless you're a Dragon-Blood, of course." He sniffed at the air thoughtfully, and...
  18. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] (Qing Jin's Library) The Dragon's Arse Tavern- Part 1.5

    "You ladies in charge?" It was punctuated by a sudden weight being dropped onto the deck, followed by a light cough. Smoker, likely. Didn't smell like it, though. Manna adjusted his glasses with his free hand, his left resting against his packa--er, his wrapped up weapon. "Looks like...
  19. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] (Qing Jin's Library) The Dragon's Arse Tavern- Part 1.5

    Manna gave a good-natured wave at the ship-mate as he was allowed on board. He'd protest his apparent state of inebriation, but there wasn't much point in defending a lack-luster reputation in the first place. Besides, it helped him rather casually smuggle an Orichalcum artifact on-board with...
  20. Valentine1

    [Lords of Creation] (Qing Jin's Library) The Dragon's Arse Tavern- Part 1.5

    The bar, as empty of patrons as it happened to be, seemed to be alive with swimming emotion and voices that echoed still from shouts long ago. The walls seemed to breathe and twist, aching to be moved out of the foundation...the very chair Manna sat on seemed to bow out under his weight and...