[Lords of Creation] (Qing Jin's Library) The Dragon's Arse Tavern- Part 1.5


A quick wipe and Look and See are good as new. Not so much as a scratch on either. Even after all you learned since you were Exalted, those weapons remain impressive in their elegance and durability.
"Well, then," Manna said, leaning back from his work and helping himself to the alcohol that had been earlier used as a sterilization product. "As I understand it, we should probably find some time to regroup."

He moved across the room, peeking out through the window. If he had any luck, the actual sunlight outside would mask his incredible display of essence. "I hear Solars get a warmer reaction in this region than other parts of Creation, but it isn't worthwhile for me to go about risking exposure. So I have time to get to know you three."

He turned around, leaning against the wall and dragging from his bottle yet again. His eyes settled on Takeo. "Of particular interest -- you, Captain. You've got a ruined ship, a haunted crew, and no Dragon-blooded backup. Isn't that suspicious?"
Takeo laughs.

"It's probably not what you're used to, I'll grant you that. I probably mentioned earlier that I'm ex-Lookshy. I didn't do anything criminal, I was just... A bit too individualistic to fit in well back East. So as soon as my military service ended I got me a ship and sailed off to find my place in the world with my family's blessing, just without most of their contacts and money. That was, ooh, about 11 years ago now. My family probably thinks I'm dead by now. Been taking whatever jobs will keep myself and a crew sailing. Mostly Guild stuff, but I get a few private offers too. We've done pretty well until recently. Skullstone has always managed to hush up its worst piracy, but lately they've been real blatant about it, antagonising other nations. I used to be able to sail right by them, but they're setting up blockades and inspecting cargoes, and even attacking without reason, like my latest trip. Sooner or later someone's going to make a real move and the whole West will go to war."
Manna twisted his lips about, as if he was going to say something, but drowned out his thoughts with an other pull. He then let the bottle slip down gently to the floor, landing with a whirling, rolling motion before coming to a neat stop.

"Putting a stop to Skullstone seems a bit lofty, right now." He cast a glance to the two women, and then back to Takeo. "But it's worth priority."
Takeo gives Manna an appraising stare.

"Taking on Skullstone... The Realm would be cagey about trying it even without a civil war on their doorstep. Overt actions, anyway. You might be able to slow them down by attacking the right targets, but you'd be bringing down an empire's wrath, you'd want to have some neat tricks up your sleeve to stay ahead of the Silver Prince once he takes notice of you."
Kana watches the visions of granduer for a moment, knowing in her soul that they can be those people. And then the moment is gone, she clumsily slides into the conversation thinking over the current situation. "Perhaps we should focus on that which is quantifiable for the time being. We can't get anywhere without getting Takeo's ship fixed up, and we can't do that if the local populace is unwilling to provide us materials. Before we were set upon I got a pretty good assessment of the damages, and I think what is listed here will be enough to fix her up. Sadly I doubt we can find wood as such quality as the original, but I'm sure Chao and I can think up some enhancements. The sooner you can track down that wood for us the better.

Hmm, I guess there is no point in sneaking about now, we can use local workers if you like, but things might go faster if we were able to take certain.. liberties.. in our work. I'll leave that up to you to decide as it is your ship."

With a quick glance at the others Kana heads toward the hall.

Skullstone might very well be a viable target if they can get the Sword into some sort of working order, but she wasn't going to get into that in front of their new dragon friend. No matter how serious he was about helping them out, she wasn't the sort to trust someone at first meeting. This leaving the annoying problem of Manna. Circumstances and her gut told her to trust him, bring him in on this. I mean, he is just as entitled as the rest of them right? But, her mind rationalized that it would be naive to assume that every solar they met held to the same goals, or perhaps even the same knowledge of what they were. In this case, it seemed that reason could merely temper her feelings. *annoyed sigh*
Hovering awkwardly around the bedside like a vulture waiting for fresh carrion, and by carrion she meant rape, Chao was faced with a dilemma; she could try to excuse herself to go do something useful, or continue waffling around uselessly in the vague hope that she could contibute in some way. Still, at least Takeo was happy, and not trying to kill them, and - that was good. It still bugged her that he had expected the evul Anathemas to kill him, but c'est la vie. Wait, she wasn't supposed to know French, but then there were a lot of things she wasn't supposed to know that she did anyways.

"Well. Can't speak for everyone else, but I mean, I grew up in Dynastic society, I just don't think we should all be killing each other because of birth shit. Or... uh. However Solar stuff... works. ...Is it decided at birth?"

Chao fidgeted, pondering exactly how the whole exaltation thing worked. It had never really occurred to her before, but she knew absolute nothing about the process of exaltation, save that it had felt remarkably similar to getting hit in the chest with a lawn mower made out of essence cannons and the essence cannons were all actually the Kukla. Supposedly, at least going by the Dragonblooded friends she had known who had undergone Terrestrial Exaltation while she was still on the Blessed Aisle, their experience was a little less... giant exploding thing hits your chest and everything goes white. Which suggested a different delivery method. ...Probably. Maybe some sadist had decided that Soalrs should all exalt with crushing chest pain. ...Although, now that she pondered it, Azure hadn't mentioned taking an Essence cannon round to the chest when he exalted either.

Okay that was. Hurm. There really needed to be a manual for this shit. Chao shook her head, then returned to the conversation at hand. Apparently Kana had shown up at some point, which was good, because Kana was cool and nice and that was good. She smiled at the older Solar - not like OLD old, but less-young, which in retrospect didn't really sound a lot better - and listened to the interplay between members of the conversation, quietly polishing her sexy suit and ruminating on anything interesting. She couldn't help but empathize with the good captain about the whole "family thinks you're dead" thing, and mumbled something along the lines of agreement on that note, but mostly kept quiet.

But then everything ground to a shuddering halt as someone said something very, very right.

"Sadly I doubt we can find wood as such quality as the original, but I'm sure Chao and I can think up some enhancements."

Initial impression: "...but I'm sure Chao and I can think up some enhancements."

The part that actually got through to Chao: "...Chao and I can think up some enhancements."

The only word she focused on: "...enhancements."

"I'M IN."

She didn't bother having the decency to look ashamed for abruptly jumping in, either. "Okay yeah I am SO FAR beyond in on this idea you don't even know. I've always wanted to turn a ship into a directional battlefortress... if we had a workshop and some decent ingredients I bet we could mount at least an essence cannon on that, maybe ensorcel the ship proper to resist damage and move without wind..." Her gesticulations grew slightly wilder. "Water elementals... Sword uplink node... thousand forged dragon silos... the Kukla..."

Takeo gets to his feet, a trifle unsteadily, smiling at Chao in that manner people do when they don't understand exactly what you're talking about but nevertheless admire the enthusiasm.

"Sounds like you're just itching to go fix up my ship, and then some. I'll let you at it. You saw me drinking with Herrad earlier, he's the man to talk to about getting things done. Tell him I'll settle the bill. I'm going to take it easy for the next few days, with my ship indisposed I'll be staying elsewhere. There's an old teahouse about an hour's walk inland, they have healers and such there, not to mention good food. You'll find me there if you need me. Can't miss it, it's on a hill and painted blue."

He limps downstairs to find his first mate Takichi, and leaves him in charge while he's gone, before hitching a ride inland.

Even before Takeo heads off, your group is approached by a young man who bows deeply before speaking. "The town chief is grateful that you stopped the hungry ghosts from slaughtering so many, and would very much like to meet you regarding your recent journey to the isle of Nalon. He... There were tears in his eyes, happy tears. I have never seen him so. I will take you to him as soon as you are ready..." He bows again, waiting for a response.
Chao blinked owlishly, sidetracked from plans to tie the Kukla to the ship to digest what the boy had said, unbidden images of an eternal armada of flying airships, an aerial fleet worthy of Heaven itself - which was oddly familiar for some reason, she'd have to look into that later - still clouding her mind. "Uhm? Yes. Yeah, okay. Elder. We were going to do that, weren't we? ...Were we?"

It was slightly embarrassing that she couldn't actually remember if they'd been about to visit the elder but that was completely not important. Not when there was science to be done. But it would probably be a nice thing to do to visit the guy, after all, they'd kind of been running into trouble constantly since they'd arrived.
"Indeed we were, but that was about when Takeo's ship came stumbling in to port. Perhaps you would like to join us Manna? You deserve at least a good share of the heroics for today, and it will give us a chance to fill you in on some other things."
"But, of course." Manna gave a light salute to Kana, shifting up and away from the wall. He stopped for a moment to tie some loose cloth across his forehead.

"Although, don't mind trying to fill me in on..." He gestured at Chao, no doubt still rambling, "On whatever that's about. It just reminds me that I've found company with two women much more intelligent than I. It'd be a blow to my ego if it wasn't for your particular inflictions. Or afflictions. Or...uh, whatever is wrong with that one."

The chief's place is, of course, the largest, and one of the only buildings on the island with stone in its construction. The Neck is a tribal place, and old habits die hard even in the face of civilisation. Surprisingly, you are not brought to where he holds court, but upstairs, down a corridor and to what the guide says are the chief's personal chambers. Compared to the rest of the town the place is ostentatious, with gold and silver decorations here and there. Chao, as someone from the Realm's higher echelons, has of course seen better. The guide knocks once, and an elderly voice calls out "Enter." He opens the doors and makes himself scarce.

The chief is an old man, with the weight of decades pushing him into a stoop. He sits on the edge of a large bed, staring blankly at a set of Immaculate prayer beads wrapped around his hands. He blinks away tears every now and then. When he speaks, his voice is hoarse with emotion.

"I... When you first arrived, Chosen, I was suspicious. I believed that you would bring doom upon my people, that the Realm would immediately tear this island apart to get to you. I prayed that you would leave, and that we would be spared further hardships."

He holds up the prayer beads.

"These belonged to my son. He embraced the words of an Immaculate missionary some months ago. In anger and pride I swore that so long as he followed those dry monks and their sterile, hollow faith he would not be welcome in my home. He was among the first to disappear. At first I thought it punishment from the gods, either on my son for his blasphemies, or more likely on me for casting him out."

He swallows, and walks to the window, looking out over the bay.

"I believed I would not see him again, until you went to Nalon. Many of us have had... Visitations. Our lost friends and family came to us in the night. They were... They were dead, alas, but they were also free. My... My son appeared to me. He told me that you had freed him from a great torment, and... And that he forgave me and was sorry. He left me his prayer beads and..."

He chokes up momentarily, coughs and tries to get a grip on himself.

"Chosen, there are no words for how grateful I am, or how deeply I beg your forgiveness for my earlier suspicions. You have done more for this town in days than the Realm has done in a century. We have so little to offer in return, except our friendship. You will always be welcome here. If there is anything I or the whole of Petraya can do for you, you have but to ask."
Somewhat taken aback by the emotion displayed, Kana remembers herself and nods in acknowledgement of the offer.
Manna had shrank back near the doorway, allowing the girls to accept their praise, lightly coughing up something kinda gross into a white handkerchief he had produced from the inner chest pocket of his armored coat. It was a light, rhythmic cough, something along the lines of allergies or a simple cold. It almost felt as if he merely coughed to clear his throat because it seemed, thematically, that's what one did when they witnessed an old man expressing far too much emotion for one's personal boundries.

He was, however, the speaky guy, so he folded up the cloth and tucked it away again, and took a step forward. His height seemed to be defined in this room, towering over the two girls and the Elder.

"Actually, these two ladies are quite the skilled craftsmen. We're looking to do some repairs on the ship that recently came in, and it would be fantastic if we could make the use of a shipyard and make some gentle market trades without all the mess of paperwork and waiting times." He gestured grandly at Chao, extending his hand out to her, as if presenting her. "This one in particular seems quite excited."

"Of course, Chosen, immediately."

He claps his hands and a well-dressed official-looking man appears. "Yes sir?"

"Trake, see that these people are given the freedom of the island. No red tape, no delays. It's the least we can do after they saved our town twice."

"Very good, sir. If you could just follow me we'll sort this out quickly..."

He leads you back to the more official parts of the house, and into an office where he writes you some documents on behalf of the chief. Trake signs them, as the chief's head advisor.

With these you quickly get the Yanaze Empress into drydock and top of the queue for repairs, and most likely all at a hefty discount too. Not to mention quick travel around Petraya.

OOC: Ok, so the ship will take about 3 weeks to repair with all-mortal workers. Chao and Kana can chip in with appropriate craft rolls to speed them up (they know you're Solars, and either don't care or outright approve at this point), and Manna can get some of that lovely motivation and organisation going with Charisma/Manipulation and Socialise/Bureaucracy (Despite the lack of red tape, there are some things that still need to be recorded and weighed and such, which limits the speed everyone can work at).

If you get stuck in, make 3 appropriate rolls each. Every 5 successes will take 2 days off the repair time.

Then we'll get into a new scene. And dish out some delicious xp. \o/
Amazed by the speed at which things got moving, Kana eagerly took to the task at hand spending most every day inspecting, supervising, and repairing any particularly tough spots, mostly that though. Manna was sure to be busy organizing the inventory and materials coming in, but Kana figured he had a knack for figuring out what people wanted so she asked if he'd find out things the sailors thought would make the ship better.

She just liked building things, and she was determined to refit the boat a bit better than it began. Not without a good bit of influence from Chao, many of the enhancements were designed to aide the ship in time of war. Without magical materials it certainly felt lacking sometimes, but they did their best to design against the weapons Skullstone had used.


If we get stuck in? I'm not sure what you mean by the qualifier.. but Kana is totally going to make some crafty rolls, sadly can't apply crack mending with only wood 1 trained. :-P

Int (5) + Craft (wood) (1) + 1st excellency (4) + hearthstone (2) = 12

(going for max dice from 1st ex, which I think is 4 right? since DP = 6 normally and is up 6 from 4 excellency and 2 hs

craftin' roll x3

Kana rolled the following on her 12 dice:

1, 1, 8, 1, 9, 10, 2, 7, 6, 6, 7, 2

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 6 successes.

Kana rolled the following on her 12 dice:

6, 6, 6, 10, 1, 7, 5, 10, 10, 8, 9, 1

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 9 successes.

Kana rolled the following on her 12 dice:

6, 9, 9, 7, 10, 3, 5, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 7 successes.

4 motes peripheral each

Personal 7 / 15

Peripheral 20 / 36 (4m commited)

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