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  • Users: Dino
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  1. Dino

    Futuristic Flashback

    Checking the sign-ups out.
  2. Dino

    Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood [Inactive]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  3. Dino

    Looking for a GM

    I require a GM to help me run my Fullmetal Alchemist : Brotherhood roleplay I am writing. They will be required to write 5 paragraphs minimum as well as help me brainstorm a plotline and roleplay NPC's that writers will encounter, they will assist in monitoring applications and whether or not...
  4. Dino

    Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  5. Dino

    Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood

    Character Sheet and Sign-up Name- Gender- Age- (Just make the age appropriate I don't want any unrealistic ages for characters, I don't mind if you make a child but then you won't really have much involving alchemy) Occupation- (State-alchemist, Soldier, Etc.) Appearance- (Again...
  6. Dino

    Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood [Inactive]

    Dino submitted a new role play: Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood - A fandom of the FMA:BH series before the events of it with it's own storyline. Read more about this role play...
  7. Dino

    Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood

    Woops. Didnt mean to post this
  8. Dino

    The Broadcast [Literate Roleplay]

    Character Skeleton: | Name | Bradley Cross Ricard | Age | 33 | Gender. Sexuality | Male, Bisexual | Appearance | | Description of Appearance | Standing at 6'3, weighing in at 164 lbs Bradley is a pale skinned middle aged man with a bushy brown beard and average length brown...
  9. Dino

    Death comes to all.

    Rules : 1. Minimum of 2-3 paragraphs per post, would prefer 3 but 2 is fine.( A paragraph is 5-7 lines) 2. No bunnying other peoples character unless you have been given permission by the owner of that character. 3. There isn't a limit on how many characters you can have, just don't go...
  10. Dino

    XCOM: Beyond Hope (Derp and Dino)

    They had all been hand picked, The best of the best you could say. Each and everyone one of them had been plucked from all over the world, from Africa to America. They'd been picked up in a multitude of ways, from plane to boat. Once they had all arrived, they had been ushered into a large...
  11. Dino

    RPN Shoutbox Family Tree Illustrated~!

    You can just draw me under a loner tab xD
  12. Dino

    RPN Shoutbox Family Tree Illustrated~!

    The joy of having no family ties!
  13. Dino

    Shoutbox superstars

    Sounds like I good idea to me Lung.
  14. Dino

    Shoutbox superstars

    I'd love to be involved and teams sound like a great idea.
  15. Dino

    Melancholy [Sign up]

    Name: Dale Age: 27 Appearance: Uniquities: What makes your particular character unique? Include strengths, weaknesses, goals, phobias, and any other quirks here. History: How have you survived as long as you have in this unforgiving place? Share your story, and be sure to fortify...
  16. Dino

    Fantasy World War Tabletop RPG Idea? (Yes, With Dice Rolling)

    Im interested
  17. Dino

    Reign of Retribution [Character Creation]

    Name: Gaxif Yertor Age: 39 Rank: Advanced Keim Class: Sniper (Marksman. I.E Stealthy guy with a bow, just bad at thinking of names) Location: Elfencrown Guild: Elfen Streik, Recon Corps. Personality: Gaxif could be known as the humorous one from his family, the one to play tricks...
  18. Dino

    Fallout Role-Play Ideas:

    Play yes 3 And new Vegas plenty of times. You can count me in if said space is available
  19. Dino

    The Fall of Gaia

    Rered Rafariu inside Hiren in a bar called The Drunken Tavern, Rered sat at the counter of the bar, not normally a place he would be but he needed somewhere to stay and a tavern that had breakfasts on the menu and this was the only one in Hiren. Hiren a despicable place he normally came...
  20. Dino

    This isn't a Bug Hunt(IC)

    This wasn't the first time Jefferson cyro-sleep but it still didn't change the fact he still hadn't gotten use to the time it took to be able to feel your limbs once you had woken up, He was cold as hell and certainly didn't like it. He doubted he'd be the first to get to showers so he might as...