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That guy who's not around much right now
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Before posting their applications below, it is suggested that members read the rules through the link above.

Now for a little more setting information relevant to character creation:

The rp will be taking place in a temperate hab-center, a place where radiation and population are lowest, somewhere North of the equator, where exactly, is no longer known. Outside of hab-centers, it is not terribly uncommon to see people sporting mutations, though these usually aren't pretty little things, mutation often involves tumors, or missing/extra organs. Not everyone in the hab-centers are nice people, so you'll always need to keep an eye open for bandits, even if you are a bandit. Lost machines are most often discovered outside of hab-centers, things like what used to be called automobiles, firearms, and so on, though few people ever uncover how to use them.

Nanites, are the machines that are commonly used here. An individual that finds themselves ingesting nanites in some way, often finds themselves capable of wondrous things, such as lifting distant objects, seeing far off places, and so on. These nanites receive electrical impulses from the human brain the same way that muscles do, and become something controlled by the subconscious. To perform tasks, nanites often need a source of material so that they may self-replicate, iron is the most commonly used of these resources, and in a pinch, the iron of human blood will be used to complete a task, so one should always be careful of overuse. Not entirely understanding the nanites, common folk see their application as magic, and often become aggressive toward their users. The use of nanites are literally infinite, they are only limited by imagination, and fuel.

I may have forgotten things, so don't be afraid to let me know if I did.

Character Skeleton:

Name: What your character answers to, and/or their birth name. Some still cling to surnames, though not everyone does.

Age: How many times have they flown around the sun?

Uniquities: What makes your particular character unique? Include strengths, weaknesses, goals, phobias, and any other quirks here.

History: How have you survived as long as you have in this unforgiving place? Share your story, and be sure to fortify anything posted above here.
Name: Dale

Age: 27


Uniquities: What makes your particular character unique? Include strengths, weaknesses, goals, phobias, and any other quirks here.

History: How have you survived as long as you have in this unforgiving place? Share your story, and be sure to fortify anything posted above here.

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Age: 42


Strength: Not the strength that nanites provide but the strength of a body conditioned to a life of physical hardship and conditioning, he also possesses a strength of character; honour, kindness and mercy.

A dog: A mutated animal by the name of Mac, it has two hearts and is abnormally larger than a common non-mutated dog.


Log is a man of simple proclivities; his life lived in relative seclusion from others. His life apart from others has not stemmed from a deep distrust of foul characters but merely as requirement to a simple life, a tribute to days when the life of a man was dependent on the strength of his arm and the endurance of his soul against the harshness of nature and whim's of other men. Heir to a lineage of men and women who have carved out their lives with their own hands, whether by the strength of bulging muscles or the sharpness of their bulging brains. Log has lived alone for many years, he sought to create a life in which he could make his own choices, be responsible for his own survival.

Townspeople, travelers, bandits and killers he does not discriminate one from another. To him they are all simply shades of people. Beyond that he surmises that his undiscriminating hospitality is one of the few reasons he continues to live unmolested. Bandits in the area provide him with the honour of their protection, simply because he's earned their respect (not all bandits are unscrupulous hoodlums without a conscience). Villagers in the area often rely on him for his knowledge of the terrain, his expertise in farming and his minor know-how when it comes to some machines.

Once he had a wife, they were married for ten years before she died of a wasting disease. The local Dr. didn't have the necessary expertise or equipment to save her, he couldn't even give her the blessing of a painless death because supplies were so short. Log couldn't even bring himself to bless her with a quick death by his hands. He stayed with her night and day, he tended her, he applied what herbal remedies he could to help allay her pain even if only a little. Eventually she died but ever since then, Log could not bring himself to love another woman. He was afraid that despite all his efforts he would not be able to care for another.

His children followed the wind and left him behind, his eldest to live with the woman he loved in the town, His daughter dead; of the same disease as her mother and his youngest son; gone off to join the bandits. With no word from either of his sons he lives his days wondering if they are still alive. Currently he has a dog named Betty, a stray from beyond the walls of the Hab-Center. Mutated to the point where it stood three feet high and was at least 4 feet long. From what he could tell the dog had two hearts, there was no other way to tell what else was wrong with the cur but it was docile enough. It took log two months to get the dog to accept him s part of its pack and another week to cement his position as alpha.

Now he lives alone in a small forest, tends it as he would a garden, he cuts down only the oldest of trees and processes the wood himself for use by the villagers, the fruits he sells at a market held by the town but he does not lay claim to the area, people simply stay away because they believe Mac to be some sort of demon dog. People often ask why he is named Log, he simply replies; "Should I ever punch you, you will find out."
The chap depicted in the video. Hammer and all. Stands six foot eight.

Age: 34


Bozar is a VERY strong man. He chalks it up to a combination of good blood,diet,and activity. This is only half-true,however,as nanites bolster his body further,granting him enough strength to flip a derelict pickup truck end-for-end. This strength extends to movement speed,when pressed. Countless bandits have been reduced to a greasy smear on the ground for underestimating the giant's speed.

-Endurance. As his frame would suggest,he's a durable man,thanks to a combination of bone density,muscle mass and definition,and body fat. He chalks this up to the sane sources as his strength,but,just like his strength,nanites are at work here,too. They reinforce his bones with a honeycomb lattice of iron and carbon,and reinforce his skin with iron-carbon nanotubes.

-Call Mjolnir. This one is purely nanites. His hammer,Mjolnir,is made entirely of iron and steel,making it quire magnetic. The nanites in his body can become magnetic themselves to call Mjolnir back to his hand,just like Thor in the movies.

-Mjolnir. That big hammer he's always toting around. He uses it for a great many things,from tearing down walls,smacking around bandits,digging trenches,driving stakes...You name it. If it involves application of force,he'll find a way to use Mjolnir for it. He got the name from one of the few surviving books. Not much of the book survived,however,and it disintegrated shortly afterward. He pronounces it "Mu-jol-near"

-Dim-witted. He's not the brightest bulb on the tree. He isn't exactly good at math,or logic. However,he has some flashes of brilliance. Hey,even a broken clock is right twice a day. These flashes of brilliance are the result of the nanites in his system.

-Nanite-overridden brain. The nanites of his body overridden his brain's functions,making him constantly desire iron-rich food. His conscious mind interprets this as "Steak. Fresh and bloody!"

-Appetite. To say the man's impossible to fill is like saying a black hole sucks. It's fundamentally correct,but it doesn't fully convey the scope of the fact of the matter. He's almost constantly eating. And it's always in large volumes.

Background: Something involving nanites...I'll work out the deets later. I just needed to get this out there before they burrowed out of my skull on their own.
Name: Domovoi

Age: 30


Agile: Domovoi has outstanding speed and reflexes. he assumes that he has been naturally gifted with this trait, where in fact it is nanites that have improved his nervous system and muscles and lungs, vastly increasing their efficiency. The nanites allow him to run for hours on end without feeling winded. the nanites have also modified his brain structure, allowing him to process sights and sounds quicker, and respond accordingly.

Stealthy: After many years of ambushing unsuspecting merchants, he has perfected the art of concealing himself and moving quietly through most terrain.

Expert Swordsman: Domovoi has had to defend himself from wild beasts, mutants, guards, and fellow bandits countless times over the past decade. This constant fighting has honed his skill with his sword to that of a master.

Hand and a Half Sword: The weapon of choice for Domovoi. he found in the vault of a long forgotten structure. It is perfectly balanced, and has incredibly intricate patterns within the metal itself (Damascus steel). The pommel and hand guard were once inlaid with gems, however most of them are missing. By the marks around the empty gem sockets, it appears that they have been pried out.

Honorable: Though it is a uncommon thing, some bandits have a code of honor that they abide by. Domovoi is one of those people. He refuses to attack unarmed opponents, and will only rob those that are well off. He also only kills people if there is no alternative and will try to protect a helpless victim.

Fragile: Domovoi does not wear armor, as that would impede his ability to fight more than it would help protect him.

Wary: Living most of his life amongst raiders and thieves, where your "best friend" will undoubtedly try to stab you in the back when they can manage it, has made Domovoi slow to trust those around him.


At the tender age of 5, Domovoi's family was the victim of a bandit raid. he watched in horror as the bandits cut down his parents and set fire to his home. he barely managed to escape the burning building with his life. as he ran out to the thick black smoke, coughing and choking, he ran right into the arms of the waiting bandits. they took him to their camp and for the next 10 years, he was subjected to hard labor.

When Domovoi finally came of age, the bandits began to bring him on raids. On the third raid, the townsfolk were prepared for the raiding party. As they entered the town, they were surrounded, and as the townsfolk attacked, he discovered his extreme speed and agility. Frantically sidestepping arrows, spears and swords, closing on his enemies before they had a chance to react to this superhuman speed. Armed with only a simple club at the time, he simply incapacitated the defenders in his path. In the end, Domovoi managed to escape the ambush, a known bandit, but a free man.

Over the next 2 years, Domovoi led the only life he knew, that of a bandit. Using his new-found abilities to his advantage, he managed to scrounge together a small camp on the edge to the habitable zone. This is where he met Horis. Horis was a thief and proposed that he and Domovoi form a team, watch each-others backs, and although the thought of having another bandit nearby made him uneasy, after years of solitude Domovoi welcomed Horis into his camp. Horis taught Domovoi how to use the shadows to his advantage, and the basics of disguise. One night, after a particularly good raid, Horis got greedy. he slipped his dagger out of his cloak and went for a stab to Domovoi's kidneys. Unfortunately, Horis had severely underestimated Domovoi's reaction time, and he found himself lying face down in the dirt, a split second later there was a sharp pain on Horis's head, and the world went black. Domovoi had killed his first person.. and he didn't like it.

After burying Horis, Domovoi decided to move his camp further out into the wastelands. While searching for a suitable spot, he found what was left of an ancient structure. As he searched the ruins, he found a large metal door that had been broken open. He tentatively peered inside, and let out a sigh of relief when he found that it was uninhabited. the metal room was largely barren a skeleton lay in the corner and there were many small doors lining the walls. all of the doors have been broken open, and some were missing altogether, whatever was once in these small storage spaces is long gone. While inspecting the human skeleton, Domovoi found a something from the age of legends, a magnificent sword, roughly 4 feet long from tip to pommel, with the blade being just over 3 feet in length. he decided that this is a good a place as any to call home, and began to set up his new camp.

Over the next 12 years, to this very day, Domovoi lives alone in the metal room beneath the ruined structure. he occasionally goes out on "raids" taking only from those that he deems can afford to lose it. Though he has killed many beasts and bandits over the years, it still gives him the same feeling as the night he killed his only friend Horis.
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