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  1. U

    Starting with Sorcery

    I should have been more clear, and maybe I'm talking out of my @$$ since I'm unfamiliar with 1ed, but it seems that allowing players to *buy* their way to more powerful spell Circles (which is what I assume--if I'm wrong, it's "my bad"--you mean when you speak of 1st and 2nd level spells)...
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    XML Charm Cards - Lunars? Sidereals?

    I don't think I have the time or energy to contribute to the project at the moment, but I did want to say that your work is very impressive and I'm sure many users find it quite helpful. Nice job.
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    Starting with Sorcery

    Just one of the many reasons 2ed is superior, overall, to 1ed...
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    RL Racial Analogues.

    I agree with RBRC's assessment of the Realm... it seems to be a jumble of whatever ethnicities developed on their own elsewhere in Creation. As to certain regions having different native ethnicities, that's a problematic assumption because of all the migration that they say took place after...
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    Sidereal predictions

    I'm a bit of a nube myself, but I can at least speak to the Exaltation issue. I think that as soon as one Exalts, that person becomes invisible as far as using the Loom of Fate or other divination techniques to locate him, because the ability to manipulate Essence allows one to defy destiny...
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    Starting with Sorcery

    Just one of the many reasons 2ed is superior, overall, to 1ed...
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    Weapon Breaking Defense FTW!!!

    Check out Margaret Atwood. The Handmaid's Tale.
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    Jade - Stone or Metal?

    and why does it come in different colors? I'm no geologist, but...
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    God/dess of Heroic Challenge

    I like the ancient/deceased Sixth Maiden idea, but doesn't this proposed Goddess of Heroic Challenge sound an awful lot like the Unconquered Sun?