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  1. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    "All this for a dagger? And I thought I was materialistic." Walks around trying to find my arrows I shot.imma get off for a bit.
  2. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    "I'm a dragon hunter. Plus I've been tracking that things for days now."
  3. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    "Nice to meet you." Holds my hand out.
  4. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    "Oh my name is Sasuke." Pets sama. "What are your guy's names?"
  5. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    I fall out of the dragon holding it's heart. "I think it might be dead now."
  6. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    "Good." Runs at the dragon. "Hey eat me you fat lizard!" The dragon sees me and swallows me whole. "Now where is this thing's heart?"
  7. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    "I meant does it have sand for blood?" Dodges rocks.
  8. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    Stands upright during the earthquake. "Is it's blood sand? Cause if it is I have a genius idea."
  9. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    "Can you not go for a dagger and just kill this thing instead?" Runs up to the dragon with knife but gets whipped but it's tail making me fly backwards. "So much pain caused by sand."
  10. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    "Wait if this is a sand dragon..... Doesn't it turn to glass?" Ponders on that for a few then grabs bow and starts shooting the dragon.
  11. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    "Help me please! I feel like throwing up!" Holds on as best as I can until I fall off landing on a log which crumbles into ashes. "I'm okay!"(Ya still there?)
  12. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    Starts to run to the dragon quietly. Once near it I jump high enough on it's tail and walks to the head very slowly making sure not to wake it. *whispers* "I hope this works." Grabs three arrows and tosses one in the air as the que signal and uses the other two to stab the dragon in the eyes.
  13. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    "Ok that is very good." Gives you the fire starter. "When I give the que, do what you need to do to get the power you need and kill the dragon. Got it?"
  14. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    Grabs a fire starter. "Does fire make you stronger?"
  15. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    "I had a hunch you were." Looks at the dragon. "I have an idea but it may mean you have to get burned."
  16. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    "Wait I know this town." Walks over to a rock. "Ahh yes this is the rock I was told to get to." Grabs my small knife and sticks it in a crack of the rock making two sets of armor fall out of it; one for an elf and one for a demon. "Well that's good news. I finally have armor" Takes the elf armor...
  17. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    "Wait up!" Runs after the you. "That's a wolf, maybe it knows where to find the dragon. They have great locating skills."
  18. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    "A dragon? Did it happen to look like this?" Holds up a drawing of it.
  19. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    Looks up at you. "Oh hello ma'am i didn't see you there. Have you seen any arrows that look elvish?" Holds up an elvish arrow.
  20. neko dude

    The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

    Walks around nearby trying to find arrows and without noticing you.(Hey I'm gonna get off it's late where i am.)