The super natural rebellion. [Inactive]

Demonic Angel

The Holder Of The 7 Sins
MythsAreRealLoveGem submitted a new role play:

The super natural rebellion. - In the medieval times dragons burnt down everything. Can the people who survived turn it around?

Dragons have burnt down everything and all you have is a small amount of supplies to survive adding to that you also have to go through dangerous thing to get to the dragon kingdom will you and your partner make it and turn this literally mess around.
Time period: medieval

Pets allowed: yes but only one

Weapons allowed: can't be a lot.

Races: elves,shadow people,vampires,dragons,demons,elementals ,fae dragons can't be used though
Read more about this role play... 
Name: demasona funika (dema-sa-na )(f-u-ni-ka)

Age: 17

Gender: female


powers: fire

personality: she is very nice,stubborn,childish,can be mannered,tom boyish,loves to battle, helpful, and sneaky

Weapons:a dagger and bow and arrow

Pet(optional): a wolf with grey eyes and black and white hair

backstory: she was born in hell and was told to go to earth to find the cursed blood stone so they can control the blood of people but she started to like it there and never returned but now she has the stone under her shirt on a necklace all the time. Parents are unknown

and looked or an image<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.993798452fe233a78050fedf6d3546ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17966" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.993798452fe233a78050fedf6d3546ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Good ok now for the story 
Demasona was walking through the ashs of a forest

"Sama....can you smell where the dragons went" she said and a wolf with black and white hair with grey eyes shook it's head no

"Great....I just need to get my dagger back from that stupid dragon..." She kicked up some ash and coughed



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Walks around nearby trying to find arrows and without noticing you. 
(Hey I'm gonna get off it's late where i am.)
I noticed the person but decided to ignore him.

"Ok so is there anyway you can tell by which burnt parts are fresher?" I said sama nodding her head and sniffed the ground

"Just don't choke ok" I said and as if on Que. sama began to choke but was back to normal fast

"I said no to choke" she face palmed
Looks up at you. "Oh hello ma'am i didn't see you there. Have you seen any arrows that look elvish?" Holds up an elvish arrow.
"It's alright and no I haven't I'm chasing the dragon so I haven't been paying attention" she said smiling
" has my dagger" she said looking at the drawing until sama snatched the drawing and started to run off with it

"SAMA!!!" She yelled and began to chase sama
"Wait up!" Runs after the you. "That's a wolf, maybe it knows where to find the dragon. They have great locating skills."
"....asked sama already she said that it went this way in first place" she said still running till they say a burnt up used to be town with a giant dragon on a cliff on the other side asleep

"Great the dragon had to be a sand dragon" she said petting sama on the head

(The color of the skin is the type of dragon so if you wanna control next dragon encounter that's the only info you really need to know)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.0bc78c4fc66f5e6825482149d7aae709.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18006" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.0bc78c4fc66f5e6825482149d7aae709.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Wait I know this town." Walks over to a rock. "Ahh yes this is the rock I was told to get to." Grabs my small knife and sticks it in a crack of the rock making two sets of armor fall out of it; one for an elf and one for a demon. "Well that's good news. I finally have armor" Takes the elf armor and puts it on. "If you want you can have this other armor. It doesn't look like you can use it though being demon armor."
"Heh....ok this is so weird it like they knew we need armor, and thanks" she put the armor on with ease and smiled to him

"I forgot to say I was a demon didn't i? Sorry" she looked back to the dragon
"" she smiled again so far she felt invincible till she realized again it's a sand dragon

"Sand.....dragon" demasona looked to her pet to see if sama agreed it was a sand dragon not fire...which sama agreed
"Yea why?" She titled her head in confusion the dragon began to open it's eyes and roared a bit (it's actually a yawn)
"Ok that is very good." Gives you the fire starter. "When I give the que, do what you need to do to get the power you need and kill the dragon. Got it?"
Starts to run to the dragon quietly. Once near it I jump high enough on it's tail and walks to the head very slowly making sure not to wake it. *whispers* "I hope this works." Grabs three arrows and tosses one in the air as the que signal and uses the other two to stab the dragon in the eyes.
The stab in the eyes shot missed and hit the dragons neck waking it up and flying into the air trying to shake the person off(we can't have it perfect or it makes the story boring)

Demasona saw the three arrows and turned into her demon form giving her red hair yellow eyes black twisted horns a black devil tail and bat wings and her pupils were silted she flew into the air lit the fire starter and threw it into their spinning making more and more fire till it reached her and she ate it all together and made it look like a actual fire was in her eyes and there was a aura of fire around her now
"Help me please! I feel like throwing up!" Holds on as best as I can until I fall off landing on a log which crumbles into ashes. "I'm okay!" 
(Ya still there?)
(Now I am)

Demasona yelled out

"Sorry!!" And then quickly as she could flew in front of the dragon and grabbed hold of the dragons ear and lit her whole body on fire causing the dragons ear to be lit on fire as well (white fire)

(Btw we both control the dragons )
"Wait if this is a sand dragon..... Doesn't it turn to glass?" Ponders on that for a few then grabs bow and starts shooting the dragon.
"Isn't glass easier to break?" Sand dragon in deeds turns to glass and begins to roar out glass at the person shooting with arrows while where they hit the glass would break

Demasona took her dagger she found over in ashs somewhere and ran back to the dragon
"Can you not go for a dagger and just kill this thing instead?" Runs up to the dragon with knife but gets whipped but it's tail making me fly backwards. "So much pain caused by sand."
Dema(nickname) laughed at that

"First off daggers can break ice and to get rid of sand you have to solidify it or other way around" she said trying to sound like a genius and stabbed the dragon in the wing causing it to roar and cause a earthquake making her have to fly but then got hit with rocks and fell hitting her head

'And I though sand dragons were the easy ones...' She thought

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