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  1. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop looked at all that was going on around him, and decided that he wanted no part of this. He turned to Castle and called, "Castle, I'm leaving. Are you coming to? We'll meet Zabuza in another time and place. Now doesn't seem to appropriate."
  2. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop stood up as he watched the the blonde had instructed him to. The news was a rather scary thing. The utter obliteration of conduits, right? Yeah, not good. Bishop thought. None of this was okay. Mostly because it involved genocide and needless bloodshed. Furthermore, the threat the 'GCE'...
  3. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop twiddled his thumbs a bit before sitting down on the floor. He was never good at the waiting game, but he had more than enough to entertain himself with. He slowly led his right hand closer to his left until a stream of electricity flowed from one hand to the next. The action raised a...
  4. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop nodded and sat down. "I can wait. I doubt The demon could get any older anyways." ((Sorry for the one liner, I didn't know what else to put...))
  5. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop thought heavily of the pros and cons of this decision. Join The Sires and have to go toe-to-toe with The FFA, Bishop thought. or not join and have a chance to join the FFA or simply have full reign over my own life. Man, he hated choices. Still does. Nonetheless, Castle's right.. He spoke...
  6. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop continued to stare at Xavier. His eyes were blank and emotionless, but deep inside, he was honestly terrified. "Being sired simply means to become Zabuza's lapdog. You get his powers of advanced regeneration, physical ability, senses, and wicked sharp fangs and claws. Although, you have...
  7. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop sneered at the thought of continued political things. Eww, political matters. Bishop thought. Despite what he thought, he was actually impressed with this idea. A social pyramid, even the permission to ascend to theoretical divinity. On top of all that, freedom, Bishop grinned, but then...
  8. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    "Castle!" Bishop stared at Castle with a deathly stare. "Put. It. Back. Otherwise, I'll do mean things. You'll..." Bishop pretended to put on shades. " shocked at what I'm capable of." Bishop lifted his head and yelled, "YEEEEAAAHH!!"
  9. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop looked at the door and took the opportunity to dodge the question. He headed inside, looking at all the technology that didn't belong to them to begin with. On top of all the stolen DUP, First Sons, and other technologies, there must of been thousands of terabytes worth of information...
  10. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop shot a look of irritation at Castle. "Okay, first off, nothing is wrong with being philosophical. Second, I'm not a pessimist. I am a realist. Get it right." Bishop took some time to glare at Castle before looking at down his hands with reminiscence. Electricity coursed through his veins...
  11. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop glared down at the cat. "I'm gonna regret this..." Bishop pets the cat for a moment before quickly wiping the hair off on his robes. "Also, I don't always mutter to myself and wallow in self-loathing." Badecs voice grew softer. "That's on Mondays." Bishop stopped knocking on the door. He...
  12. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop raised his eyebrows not in surprise of pulling a cat out of his handbag as opposed to his voice reaching such a low tone. "Castle, you're not even a bass. You're a baritone. Plus..." Bishop gestured to himself. "I'm allergic to cats." The cat sneezed after Bishop said stated that. "Cats...
  13. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop shook his head. "Humans are political fuel. So, thus, genocide is a political matter. As medieval times have shown us, you cannot mix politics and religion. Even then, martyring only applies to the religion of the person being killed!" His voice grew with irritation. He took a deep breath...
  14. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop raised an eyebrow. "Martyr?" His voice was calm. Manslaughter was a common occurrence with Castle. Another reason to be wary of him. "You DO know that martyring is for religious reasons, right? NOT your own personal vendetta." Castle always had a tendency to say the wrong things, write...
  15. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop heard the pit pat of footsteps quickly advancing to him. He swiftly turned around to find Castle running to him. Although Castle was a friend, and the on who broke Bishop out, he was still incredibly unstable. Probably a REALLY bad case of PTSD from the whole affair in Iraq. Oh well...
  16. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop, having nothing else to do, heads straight to the address Zabuza told him to go. A Conduit Utopia, huh? Bishop thought, as he zoomed along the phone lines. It sounds interesting. I still don't know the exact plans, though. Only Zabuza has that kind of information. The lightning sizzled...
  17. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop nodded and spoke back to the 'Demon'. "Yeah, how exactly would you hope to attain this 'Conduit Utopia'?" Bishop was honestly surprised at how this supposed demon knew of his interest of this idealistic future for his kind. Bishop kept that to himself, for all he knew. Perhaps it was...
  18. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    Bishop stared at Jax. A power that doesn't have a definite source of regeneration? Bishop had never seen that before. "Perhaps it's directly linked to your muscles?" That made sense. The power tired him out, resting restored it, and it's not really meant to kill. Just locomotion. The...
  19. Badec Otnyz

    Fandom InFamous: Repercussions of War

    "Yeah, the life." Bishop tilts his head and asks, "Do you need to recharge your ability, or no?" He needed to recharge, but he didn't have to worry about shortage in a place like this. Generators were easy to come across, and there's this one generator by the Empire State Building. It's the best...
  20. Badec Otnyz

    Fantasy ~The School of Hybrids~ (Sign-ups open)

    Badec sat down in the library, reading a book titled, "Umbra de Infernum". It was an umbramancic tome that his father had given him. He quickly read through the chapter he was on, then pressed his hand against a small pentagram, no larger than the palm of his hand. The book sounded with a...