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  1. G

    The Fleets of Talavah

    @Wavebird - Glad I wasn't the only one wanting to hitch a ride on the hovercraft...even though I doubt Zazjh would even understand the concept...bah! JOY RIDE!
  2. G

    The Fleets of Talavah

    In that case I vote we immediately go blow up one of the giant tanks instead of go on a road trip. Screw realism, let's break out the demon swords and magic cannons! Anyone got a lot of explosives? Let's DO THIS! @Wavebird - What about Red Thunder? The other two seem to not have been active...
  3. G

    Futuristic The Fleets of Talavah

    As Zazjh charged forward toward the hiding Fleet members he was glad to see that Shifra was better at combat than she was at initiating conversations without someone getting murdered. She instantly picked up on what was happening and moved in for the attack, proving to be faster than Zazjh...
  4. G

    The Fleets of Talavah

    Post is up. Sorry it's been a while since I posted but I figured until there was a reason for Zazjh to either attack or retreat there was little reason to post since it would have amounted, "Zazjh waited", "Zazjh played card games in his mind as he waited", "Zazjh took a nap while he waited" :P .
  5. G

    Futuristic The Fleets of Talavah

    Zazjh had been amazingly calm and still for a man currently poised very uncomfortably between two rooftops using nothing but friction to hold himself in place. But it was a technique honed from years of stalking wild beasts, his prey was a bit different this day but the skills still made their...
  6. G

    Futuristic The Fleets of Talavah

    It was not long after Zazjh broke off from Shifra that Aliz followed up behind him. He had gathered from their previous interactions she considered herself something of a hunter as well. Not that she had said as much, but from the way she sort of seemed bemused by his own claims seemed to...
  7. G

    Futuristic The Fleets of Talavah

    Zazjh wasn’t surprised at anyones reaction to the offer, after all he would have been suspicious of them had they done the same…hell, he WAS suspicious of them. But he was placing his trust in Erevel who had more experience with inhabitants of this world. It had been a common social custom in...
  8. G

    Futuristic The Fleets of Talavah

    Zazjh was unfamiliar with the way Shifras personality was turning. If he was still in his homeland he would have called it protectiveness, defense of ones kinsmen was of the utmost importance to the Ri’leyn, but did certain groups out here hold the same stance? Or perhaps it was some form of...
  9. G

    The Fleets of Talavah

    @Wavebird Hey what direction DID they come from? Because Zazjh can answer that by knowing which direction they came from in orientation to where the sun rose. But since we never really said anything about that in detail and just said they passed him at one point I don't really know. I could just...
  10. G

    Futuristic The Fleets of Talavah

    The girl who called herself Aliz seemed friendlier than Shifra, however Zazjh quickly picked up on the fact she was also more manipulative. Though he didn’t fully grasp the nature of her words due to a simple lack of details he realized she was trying to get details out of him in a sly way...
  11. G

    The Fleets of Talavah

    Sorry about the lack of post folks. It was my birthday earlier this week and I was screwing around, then I've had a late night every day this week at work. But they can't keep me on a damn Friday (...well, ok, they totally can but since I'm already 15 hours overtime this week I've been given...
  12. G

    Futuristic The Fleets of Talavah

    Zazjh heard and saw the two girls but kept his eyes on the shopkeeper a while longer. For a few moments the shopkeeper returned the look but after a moment he looked away and busied himself with some glasses without answering his question. Whether he was intimidated by Zazjh or simply didn’t...
  13. G

    The Fleets of Talavah

    Awesome job.
  14. G

    The Fleets of Talavah'll be up tonight or sometime tomorrow. I get home from work and am like, "Do I want to spend my hour of free time thinking real hard and writing, or do I want to play VIDYJAAA GAAAAMEEESS!!!!?" *insert rainbow of happiness here* ...I'll give you one guess which answer wins out most of the...
  15. G

    The Fleets of Talavah

    Pretty much accurate. But before you color it in I figure I'll mention Zazjh doesn't have a beard. If it's too late to remove it that's fine, he'll just have to grow one.
  16. G

    Futuristic The Fleets of Talavah

    The remainder of the walk to the inn was filled with tense silence. He didn’t know if his traveling companion was aware of it but he saw the occasional movement in one of these foreign buildings windows, or a face peeking out from a doorway. It made sense that the village had measures in place...
  17. G

    The Fleets of Talavah

    Yeah but water has to be coming from somewhere. Every small village in the world can't be importing enough of it from Skadia to support hundreds of thousands if not millions of people every day for centuries, and the lore makes it pretty clear Skadia is protective of their resources anyway. The...
  18. G

    The Fleets of Talavah

    Ah, alright. I was imagining it as the surface level being frozen but it being liquid water beneath, explaining how they survive since water has to come from somewhere and it can't all be tainted with the red.
  19. G

    The Fleets of Talavah

    Alright. ...also...I have to bring this up. If the red is soft enough that it can be broken down and consumed by inhabitants of Talavah then how does it support a giant sandcrawler sized tank?...just...just asking.
  20. G

    The Fleets of Talavah

    No problem.