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  1. inirlan

    Wyld Hunting 101 [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    I think that with occult 1 you may have heard about them, but you don't know much. However a demon summoning sorcerer with occult and lore at 5, should be able to name and identify most of them. As for GrayWatch's idea, it seem like a good one! Though we must be able to pull that off, and i'm...
  2. inirlan

    Scene 1, Act 1: How to Organize a Hunt [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    "I belive that Cynis Gavarin's plan isn't so unwise, though it would be to let him carry it out. If a reconnaissance is needed, I wouldn't object to possing as a trader, and since I REALLY am a trader. We could combine this with Yugo's plan and all go there but in several groups that will...
  3. inirlan

    [OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Yeah, Inirlan's demon's club having a high-speed collision with Gavarin's head. Several times. Inirlan researching the spell shown on the bottom of this stip might help too, if afformentioned mesures prove insufficient.
  4. inirlan

    [OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    More like my charater changes clothes(he took "cheap" clothes, relatively speaking.), and then drops your character(after having his guards force some ill tasting potions down Gavarin's gullet, that will reduce the negative effects of the substances he consumed and after having been forced to...
  5. inirlan

    [OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    I'm back. Time to (finally) begin to do what we came for! where should I post now?
  6. inirlan

    Arkosh [An Otherworldly Adventure]

    It's still incomplete. Arkosh, once a zealot among zealots, completely devoted to the Unconquered Sun, would in present days best be described as agnostic and slightly cynical, due to his expectation with the "chosen of the day" getting repeatedly crushed every single time. He always, in...
  7. inirlan

    [OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Relatively speacking. To put it simply in this case it means in a state where he can stand upright and walk and can form understandable speach. an thanks a lot for your condolences, both of you.
  8. inirlan

    Interlude 4: A burden to bear [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    He knew he had to get that Gavarin ASAP, so he couldn't induldge, and he was quite sure that being at her mercy would be way to dangerous for his tastes, but her words gave him a little bit of curiosity in his the back of his mind, which made it even more dangerous. He smiled broadly and...
  9. inirlan

    [OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Thanks a lot. I'll try to warp the whole introduction up before i have to go, in order not to block you.
  10. inirlan

    Random Ramblings - OOC [An Otherworldly Adventure]

    As I just said on the other game I play, my grand mother just died this morning. I will not be able to acces my computer for a while, so since the game hasn't started I will just ask you to remove my character if the game starts before I'm able to sort all this out.
  11. inirlan

    [OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    As for that, I have bad news, my grand mother just died, so we'll have to attend the funeral and several other things, and since she lived ~900km away(Austria), so I will, in addition to not being quite able to concentrate much on the game, far from any internet acces(safe if I go to a...
  12. inirlan

    Interlude 4: A burden to bear [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    ...things that he never tried before? There are very few concepts that he doesn't know, and those he didn't try yet were those he didn't want to. *Well let her play her game, but nothing prevents me from playing mine* (<== thoughts) Wary of her, he discreatly charmed her, while she was...
  13. inirlan

    Interlude 4: A burden to bear [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Inirlan smiled slightly, because he had the wealth and power to fullfil any kind of urges he had, he was harder to seduce with promises of carnal pleasure than most men. And curious fact he reminded her of someone she knew. And she thought that he was an earth exalted, interesting... Maybe he...
  14. inirlan

    Interlude 4: A burden to bear [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Inirlan clouded his mind in order to prevent any mind reading or manipulation - he should have done so earlier, but better late than never. Before agreeing to the bet, Inirlan decided to use one of his hidden hearthstones, the gem of surface thoughts, while at the same time asking her with one...
  15. inirlan

    Random Ramblings - OOC [An Otherworldly Adventure]

    Still interested, background idea pretty much worked out, but not written down yet, technical side almost finished, have enough free time once more to post regulary. There is one question I still have : DK are mortals, right? Therefore they should be able to take the "destiny" background, no?
  16. inirlan

    Interlude 4: A burden to bear [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    "I hope you mean that NEITHER of us will use essence dependent techniques?" Replied Inirlan with a broad smile, he wasn't going to risk to fall victim to essence powered charms. If she agrees, so the bet is acceptable, if she does not... The risk is not worth it.
  17. inirlan

    Interlude 4: A burden to bear [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Hm... Those rules where as convinient and inconvinient as possible. He could use his natural talents - not relying on charms - in order to twist the sense of the words in order to make bets that are of no relevant inpediment. He entered the building with betting a shekel, which would be given...
  18. inirlan

    Interlude 4: A burden to bear [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Inirlan would have wanted to get over with this quickly... He had to get a bit of sleep before the mission, and he would have wanted the carpet burn he got during that high society "party" he attended 3 days ago to heal before reengaging in this kind of activities. He didn't worry to much...
  19. inirlan

    Interlude 4: A burden to bear [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Inirlan had taken a good nap during those 5 hours, because he knew that he was likely no to have enough sleep otherwise, and he was right. This Gavarin, he would make sure that that guy improved his manners, no matter if he wanted it or not. He went to the said establishment with a carriage...
  20. inirlan

    Interlude 4: A burden to bear [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Well, he didn't want to get NEAR that establishment, but he had to get that Cynis to the order ASAP. It could also be false information... Whatever, this was not for his rank, let his goons do the job. A dozen of his personnal guards voluntiered for the job, and he gave them a quick briefing...