Interlude 4: A burden to bear [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club
Ascendant Earth 2, Moonday

It is late in the evening, after the 20th hour, and a servant approaches you in the library. "Excuse me master, but there is a messenger at the door saying that he has a letter for you specifically, and he will not surrender it to anyone but you. Do you wish for me to bring him here?"
[Altough it's not eplicitly said whose character is meant here, i by deduct that Inirlan is meant here. If he is not, simply delete this message]

Inirlan closed the book he was reading, A Lover Clad in Blue, still lightly chuckling at the thought of what kind of dark rituals this book had inside it and that this book had been right under the solar deliberative's and now the immaculate order's noses and they never found out about it's contents! Sure he himself only found out by chance, realising that most of the demonic cults which had been destroyed by the realm had this book in their collection. He had no interest in learning the rituals explained there, but the challenge of decrypting the book was a nice activity.

"Thank you, please escort him to the reception room, i will arrive there shortly. And i think it's time to give the blood-ape it's meal."

The blood-ape was not directly fed, but instead was given an animal of his choice to hunt and kill, in order to satisfy it's urges. Needless to say it was quite happy with such a lifestyle.

Inirlan put the book back in it's locked shelve and then went to the reception room. This room was nothing short of a small audience room, but wasn't named this way nor clearly looked that way in order to not seem megalomaniac. The room itself was richly decorated, with a long table made of exotic wood in the middle. Generally Inirlan sat at one end of the table while the other person sat at the other end. The messenger sat at the said place, in a beautiful cushioned chair, worth more than most people made in a year. There was a group of musicians playing music in order to relax the guests - and make them less wary. Inirlan seated himself and signed the musicians and the two dozen guards to leave.

"You wished to see me?"
The man wears the simple robe of a monk, and seems rather inimpressed with the room, though he does have the good grace to wait until you adress him.

"Thank you Ragara Inirlan, I have a message for you from the Immaculate Order, pretaining a Wyld Hunt you are about to embark on. The news of this Wyld Hunt could have usually waited for the early morning, but before you can embark on this Hunt I have been told to give you this message, and await your response." With those words he bows lightly to you, and hands you a plain looking letter, with the seal of the Immaculate order, with your name written on it, clearly by someone with great skill.


Sorry for not making it clear that it was for you. :oops:
That servant... He should have told him that it was a monk. He stod up and walked to the monk, taking the letter and then getting back to his chair.

"If you wish something to drink or eat, or some kind of entertainement while i read, just ask me."

He then broke the seal with a mecanical motion and began to calmly read the letter.


No problem, it's not like you forgot some very important detail, no?
As you open the letter it reads:

"Ragara Inirlan,
It has come to our attention that you have signed up one Cynis Gavarin to the Wyld Hunt. We have been deeply regretful to hear that, but as recompense for that action you will be responsible for him and will make he doesn't cause any mischief, which means that on your Wyld Hunts he will be a constant companion for you.

Furthermore, we believe that though we notified him a few days ago that is to join one of the sacred Wyld Hunts, he has been out doing whatever foul things he can, so we need you to go and bring him to the Cloister of Wisdom where we can help him recover some of his senses before you have to embark on your mission. Feel free to use whatever means at your disposal, except harming innocent bystanders.

Signed by the Paragon of Sextes Jylis."
Inirlan grinned broadly, his project shall be much easier than anticipated. He didn't need to worry about how to make sure that he could place Gavarin in the same Wyld Hunt as his. Sure, he hadn't planned to immediatly babysit him, but it should help him to better know which buttons he would have to push in order to push him in the right direction.

"Thank you for this message, tell them that i thank them very much for supporting me in my endevour and for giving me free rein in manner of accomplishing it. I will proceed to the request immediatly."

Indeed the letter could be interpreted in the direction that he could do whatever he wished short of harming bystanders in this matter... And by autorisation of the Paragon of Sextes Jylis himself!

He left the room and called one of his personnal guards and asked him, whispering to investigate where Cynis Gavarin currently was and prepare two large carriages in order to get there. He then reentered the room and addressed himself to the monk.

"If you don't have any remaining information or question, i will go now."
The monk bows to you. "I would be sure to tell the Paragon that, and I'm sure he'll be pleased." With that said he bows to you again, and takes his leave, but at the last moment turns and says "Just in case you want to get on this as soon as possible, I believe you'll find him at the Fertile Fields Hall."


You can either ask someone abut it, or roll Intelligence + Lore to try and and recall info on it.
Fertile Fields Hall... What kind of place was that? Anyway, he will double check with others in order to be sure that they come there in time.

He places the letter in a secret safe, to make sure that it doesn't "dissapear" while he'se gone.

*Now what was this place again?*


9 dice rolled

4 successes

Search Inirlan

roll called "Fertile Fields Hall?"
As far as Inirlan could remember it was probably the last place he wants to be seen in. it is said to be a combination of gambling house with a brothel, the kind where you win or lose sex through gambling, plus they are known to serve other stimulus. but the rule of the place is that anyone who enters must gamble a minimum number of times. The reputation of the place is bad, even by the low standards of House Cynis...
Yeah, almost the worst place to go... That wouldn't do. He most likely wouldn't leave the place today, so someone must either make him go outside or enter the building...

Inirlan tried to asses how likely a plan where he and several heavy armed personnal guards enter the building and carry the Cynis drunkard of, while he would cover anyone foolish enough to bother him with threats, mainly of trying to interfere with the wyld hunt and the immaculate order, and "subtly" hinting to what awaits anyone that is considered a heathen by the order, is to succed.
While the Immaculate Order has no love for such establishments, apparently there must be some force backing this one up, cause rumors say that one Dragon-Blooded Immaculate entered the place, and was forced to submit to it's rules. And apparently he lost every bet he made there...
Well, he didn't want to get NEAR that establishment, but he had to get that Cynis to the order ASAP. It could also be false information... Whatever, this was not for his rank, let his goons do the job.

A dozen of his personnal guards voluntiered for the job, and he gave them a quick briefing on Cynis Gavarin as well a depiction of him in order to identify him, as well as the information where he could be.

"You can do pretty much anything you want in order to bring that guy here, safe hurting innocent bystanders. And Gavarin has to be ALIVE and in ressonably good physical state. You have five hours. For each hour earlier each of you is going to be given a bit of jade. Any questions?"
Inirlan had taken a good nap during those 5 hours, because he knew that he was likely no to have enough sleep otherwise, and he was right. This Gavarin, he would make sure that that guy improved his manners, no matter if he wanted it or not.

He went to the said establishment with a carriage and some bodyguards and demanded to speak with someone who has some autority in there. Having his demonic retinue with him, being obviously a sorcerer, and also obviously rich, not to mention persuasive enough to convince an immaculate monk to worship the Unconquered Sun AND not taking no for an answer, he certainly got one to come.

As soon as this happened he immediatly used his guile, not letting the said person even speak, and asking him to bring him Cynis Gavarin, and speaking about a reward for both him and Gavarin, waving a shekel of jade in an almost innocent manner.


Manipulation (5) + Persuasion (5) + First Persuasion Excellency at max (10)(the 5 motes come from his personnal pool) = 20

Roll titled "Persuasion of the Hall guy"

7, 10, 9, 2, 9, 4, 4, 1, 4, 5, 1, 6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 4, 10, 3 8 successes.
A handsome man, clothed in the latest fashion, and whose clothes are of higher quality than yours appears at the door. And after listening to your demand raises one eye brow and says "Ragara Inirlan, we do not suffer fools or the use of essence to sway us. If you want to speak to our honored guest Cynis Gavarin, you will have to come inside, and act according to the rules of this establishment." He smirks at you. "Oh, and by the way, if you intend to enter with your demons in, just be forewarned that since any visitor must abide by the rules, they will need to make a minimum number of bets as well, and you will find that the bets of their ilk are not usually for the best of their summoner..." That sai, he walks back inside.
Inirlan would have wanted to get over with this quickly... He had to get a bit of sleep before the mission, and he would have wanted the carpet burn he got during that high society "party" he attended 3 days ago to heal before reengaging in this kind of activities.

He didn't worry to much about his reputation : he was a rich dragon-blooded sorcerer that attended the high society of the realm, it was not like he was an immaculate monk or something.

"Just give me the rules and let's get over with this. My demons will stay outside."

Then he commanded his stomach bottle bug to go outside, and since this creature could go through flesh light thin air it exited, on purpose, through Inirlan's neck. He then gave the thing to his blood-ape and entered the place alone.


Sorry for not posting sooner, but the two weeks off school(thank god for giving holidays every 7 to 9 weeks in the french school system) and i realised that i still had my homework to do.
The rules of the place seems to be pretty straightforward.

Every time you enter a room, including the entrance to the club, you have to make a bet, with the terms agreed beforehand. If you do not like the terms, you can excuse yourself, and forgo going in.

If you enter the gambling halls, you must make 3 bets in there before you are allowed to leave. you can choose which persons you want to bet with, but i they don't like the terms of the bet they can decline them.

The bets can be about anything that is within your power to give, and these bets are enforced strictly, so no backing down from a bet.
Hm... Those rules where as convinient and inconvinient as possible. He could use his natural talents - not relying on charms - in order to twist the sense of the words in order to make bets that are of no relevant inpediment.

He entered the building with betting a shekel, which would be given to the hall personel, that he wouldn't use certain certain essence driven powers during this stay, the exact technical terms limited the prohibited powers his spells.

He then tried through subtle asking around him to find out where Gavarin was.
As you walk around the entrance hall, a voluptous woman dressed in a silk dress that shows more than it hides, and with along black hair that reaches to the back of her neck, comes to you and says "My, oh my, what have we here... I believe I've heard you ask about Cynis Gavarin. I can help you find him, if you will agree to my bet." She raises her eyes, obviously trying to seduce you. "I will bet that you will need to use your awesome Dragon-Blooded powers to survive talking to me for a few minutes. If you win, I'll take you to him, but if you loose, you'll have to spend the next hour with me... doing whatever I tell you to. Do we have a deal, honey?"
"I hope you mean that NEITHER of us will use essence dependent techniques?"

Replied Inirlan with a broad smile, he wasn't going to risk to fall victim to essence powered charms.

If she agrees, so the bet is acceptable, if she does not... The risk is not worth it.
The woman smiles at you "Of course. In fact, just to rest your pretty mind, if you have the ability to see whether someone is an essence user I'd be happy to let you use it, without it counting as a charm use for the purpose of our bet." She takes a slight step towards you, her amble breasts seem about ready to burst from the tight dress she's wearing. "What say you?"
Inirlan clouded his mind in order to prevent any mind reading or manipulation - he should have done so earlier, but better late than never.

Before agreeing to the bet, Inirlan decided to use one of his hidden hearthstones, the gem of surface thoughts, while at the same time asking her with one of his most charming smiles :

"Well are you an essence user? Because you seem quite able to use charms."

Ok the pun could be better but it should do the trick in order to make it easier to determine if she actually is one.

"Very well, since neither of use will use either charms, spells, artifacts nor hearthstones in this matter, i accept."

A few seconds after finishing in order to see if she will cheat, he also deactivates all such powers in order not to cheat, since he doesn't like what it would bring.


10, 6, 4, 2, 9, 3 = 3 successes

(through some strange thing the dice were rolled twice, this is the first result)
The woman draws near to you, so close that you can feel the heat from her body, and her right hands caresses your cheek, her hand soft as silk. "I would very much agree to your terms, Prince of the Earth. Now, shall we see if you can resist me?" with that her left hand snakes down and caresses your behind.


The woman's thoughts are geared on how to seduce you with her body and words, to lead you astray, and to get some pleasure for herself. looks like you remind her of a lover who abandoned her.
Inirlan smiled slightly, because he had the wealth and power to fullfil any kind of urges he had, he was harder to seduce with promises of carnal pleasure than most men.

And curious fact he reminded her of someone she knew. And she thought that he was an earth exalted, interesting... Maybe he was related to the said lover.

He replied with a soft, mellow voice, trying to charm her in order to prevent her from winning the bet. Obviously procedes more subtly than her, trying not to make his efforts noticed.

"Prince of earth? Not a bad guess, but not exactly on the mark. May I inquire how you deduced it?"


Manipulation+Socialize : 8 die

2, 1, 9, 1, 1, 10, 6, 9

4 successes
The woman looks at you demurely "Isn't that the term Dragon-Bloods use to describe their right to rule?"

She snuggles into you lightly "I know a powerful scion like yourself can easily get his wishes fulfilled, but I can guarantee you that I can show you pleasures beyond anything you've tried so far."


Temptress rolled the following in his 9 dice:

3, 6, 8, 5, 6, 6, 3, 8, 8

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 3 successes.

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