Interlude 4: A burden to bear [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

"I don't really give much about such nicknames, I classify exalted as either Celestial or Terrestial and the Terrestial in Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Wood. This, combined with blessed or chosen of something, is usually enough for my needs."

Make him experience things that he never tried before? There are very few concepts that he doesn't know, and those he didn't try yet were those he didn't want to.

*Well let her play her game, but nothing prevents me from playing mine* (<== thoughts)

Wary of her, he discreatly charmed her, while she was trying to charm him in order to make her loose sight of her goal and instead make her say what he wanted to know, namely where that /!\cluster f-bombing censored/!\ Cynis Gavarin was.


Manipulation + Presence

Inirlan rolled the following in his 10 dice:

1, 7, 6, 6, 1, 8, 10, 7, 7, 2

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 6 successes
She seems to be unaffected by your words.


(Dodge MDV of 5, +2 from her Appearance 4)


She then starts speaking endearing words in your ear, her hands touching you lightly in ways designed to arouse your passion without being too overt.


Temptress rolled the following in his 9 dice:

1, 7, 9, 4, 10, 5, 3, 5, 8

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.

Against your Dodge MDV of 4 (6 base -2 because of her Appearance)
He knew he had to get that Gavarin ASAP, so he couldn't induldge, and he was quite sure that being at her mercy would be way to dangerous for his tastes, but her words gave him a little bit of curiosity in his the back of his mind, which made it even more dangerous.

He smiled broadly and approched his face to hers and wispered softly, while he let a finger slide down her neck.

"You have to know that I have to present Gavarin on time and sober for the upcoming Wyld Hunt, and as a sorcerer I do definetly not wish to go against the wish of one of the Paragons, you can understand this i belive."


Inirlan rolled the following in his 10 dice:

3, 9, 8, 5, 7, 3, 2, 4, 3, 9

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 4 successes.(+1 for willpower IF it doesn't go against the bet to use willpower)
At the mention of the Paragons, the woman goes rigid, her face a mask of fear, but she quickly covers it, appearing once more a playful flirt, and she leans forward to whisper in your ear "I would not say it out loud here my lord. There are some here who would not take kindly to that, but if you are on a mission from them, I will yield to you, and lead you to your friend, though I doubt that you'll find it easy to get him out."

With that said, she leas you down several hallways and up stairs, until you reach a door, where she says "Your friend is beyond this door, but I wouldn't go on, lest he'd do something he might really regret." with a smile, and kiss on the cheek she leaves you alone.

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