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  1. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    @Brittany (Wanna continue?)
  2. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    (I've been gone for so long! So! @Brittany )
  3. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    He scanned the area with his eyes, searching for her. @Brittany (Gotta sleep. G'night!)
  4. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    He laughs quietly and drops the rest of the e at down, chasing her again. @Brittany
  5. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    His face slightly reddend, and he only slid down the tree. @Brittany
  6. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    He groaned, yet hesitated to jump. He wasn't very fond of heights... or falling from them. He looked down at her, wide eyed. @Brittany
  7. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    He smirked and climbed faster, reaching the top in a few seconds. @Brittany
  8. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    (I'm back.) @Brittany
  9. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    He thought for a moment, but grabbed the base of the tree, and climbed up from the other side. @Brittany (I also have to sleep. G'night!)
  10. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    (Just letting you know, Whale isn't gonna be on the RP for a while. She wanted me to tell you.) Oziach laughed and watched her run, calculating a plan to catch her as fast as she possible. @Brittany
  11. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    He closed his eyes, feeling the breeze around him. @Brittany @Whale
  12. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    He sprinted beside Brittany, nearly tripping. "This is amazing!" @Whale @Brittany
  13. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    He walked around, absorbing what was in front of him. "Wow." @Whale @Brittany
  14. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    Oziach walked outside and held the door open for them. @Whale @Brittany
  15. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    Oziach shrugged his shoulders, motioning towards Nick. "Wherever she's going." @Brittany @Whale
  16. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    (@Brittany ) (@Whale )
  17. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    Oziach smirked as Brendon left, and nodded happily at Nick. "Sure thing. I needed some sort of break before I crash." He chuckled.
  18. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

  19. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    Oziach was about to respond to Bri, but heard Brendon. He instantly hated him. From his cocky attitude, to his apparent lovery of vanity. "Actually, I haven't." He rolled his eyes. (@Brittany ) (@Whale )
  20. Oziach

    Realistic or Modern Reality TV

    "If it makestill you happy." He smiled brightly again, and looked over at the other man who walked in. He seemed much more stressed than everyone else. (@Brittany ) (@Whale )