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  1. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    Lily stood where she was. I'll go next round.. She thought. In truth be told, she hated fighting. Of course she was okay smashing a criminal's face in, but the thought of it possibly being another student around her age made a pit in her stomach. She concluded she would put up a good fight...
  2. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    Lily wondered when the fighting would actually begin. She also hoped no one would actually be out for (her) blood. After practicing for a little bit more, and shedding calories in the process, she sat down and closed her eyes. If only they allowed cat naps in school... Then she'd really like...
  3. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    Lily stayed in her corner of the gym, slicing at the air around her, as if she was being attacked by a lot of people. She was well aware that she could hit someone, or be looked at strangely, but she didn't really care too much. A little free time in a combat-oriented class meant for practicing...
  4. Mackie R

    The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    So I guess we have two blind characters???.........
  5. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    Lily balled up her fist to concentrate on what Los was saying. "Okay.. Good. If you got my back, I got yours." She said aloud, the faintest smile on her face. With that, she started heading towards the group a little bit more, gesturing for Los to come with.
  6. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    Lily grabbed her partners hand and led her to a more quiet area of the gym. As soon as she let go, she began to unbutton her blue denim button-up to reveal a black sportswear undershirt. After discarding the old one to the floor, she unrolled the sleeves of the combat one. "I'm Lily, by the...
  7. Mackie R

    The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    What would be considered as training weapons? Wooden versions of everyone's actual ones?
  8. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    "Guys.. Stop.. Seriously!" Lily said, a hint of anger in her voice. What had gone into Klick? If he had taken time to read the situation before he went to beat up one of the twins, he would have noticed that she had continued it instead of ignoring it. If the twin then persisted after turning...
  9. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    Lily looked up and closed her book hurriedly when she noticed two strangers near her. The one right next to her was the one who she assumed was Los, but the one who was coming near her was a different story. His voice sounded a little familiar... Ah. He's one of the twins. She slowly got...
  10. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    Lily quietly opened up the Braille book Miss Agatsuma gave her and began to run her hands over the pages when she stopped herself. Someone would notice, and that wouldn't be good. She gave out a large "hum" before her echolocation brain map thingy took the book into account. She began to read...
  11. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    Lily just stood there. What else was she supposed to do? Los was no where in sight, and she had to find a partner to do this activity, it appeared. After standing there awkwardly for quite some time, she sat down on the floor and stared at the ceiling.
  12. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    Los..? She thought, but she never met her or heard her mentioned before. If we were to be paired up with everyone at some point or another, she would rather have the people she didn't know out of the way first. Then the people she disliked, then the people she was actual "friends" or...
  13. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    "Thank you so much.." She said again. She quietly stood up, and trailed Miss Agatsuma to the gym. As soon as she walked in, her stomach was doing summersaults due to the intenseness of Mr.Ryans' voice. She obviously didn't expect to be treated differently than the other students, but she did...
  14. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    Lily's face faltered, but by her echolocation map, it showed a Braille book on her desk. She closed her eyes and smiled. "Thank you so much.." She said, smiling. This day was already looking up for the better. "As for telling people..." Lily slowly grabbed the book and hugged it to her...
  15. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    "You wanted to talk to me?" She said to Miss A, raising an eyebrow. Her heart had already jumped to a thousand miles a millisecond. Did she notice her disability too?.... Or did she do something wrong?... Whatever it was, it made Lily more nervous than she ever had been in her entire life...
  16. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    Lily couldn't ignore the situation around her. First off, a new student walked in. That in itself was pretty cool, but unlike her other classmates, he seemed pretty nice, and not standoff-ish. Second, Klick got up and left. She could still hear him in the hallway, which made her question why...
  17. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    Lily was hardly embarrassed, but a little shaken up. Her roommate thought she was weird, but didn't pick up on her disability yet. Only three people know about her secret now-and that was three too many. ~ Since Lily couldn't read the flat text on the board, she had to immediately memorize...
  18. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    Lily rolled her sightless pale green eyes before internally scoffing at the scene that she could only hear. This teacher was really only interested in flirting with her students and making them squirm. If this kid was right, which even if he wasn't, the teacher would most likely give it to him...
  19. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    Lily slowly leaned back in her chair, and closed her eyes. Maybe I can just quickly scan her mind and get the answer... She thought, but stopped herself before she could carry out the action. She did this to men who tried to bribe her out of her money is guessing/gambling games in the past...
  20. Mackie R

    Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

    Lily hung her head in shame. Klick's additional support didn't help to the cause, either. What a great first impression to the people I haven't gotten the chance to talk to yet.... She internally scolded herself for such a stupid answer. When hunting moose and deer for her family in the...