Search results for query: *

  1. NotaFullDeck

    Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

    "I don't have anything free if that's what you're asking." Oliver rarely gave anything free to his customers past the free samples jar. He had a big family at home to bring any leftovers to. "But there is plenty left sweet or otherwise if you want."
  2. NotaFullDeck

    Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

    "Most of them, aren't secrets if you know what I mean." Axis sighed. "anyone could tell you that I ended up being shipped off to the big city hospital when I was fourteen for ODing on opium, pr that Oliver's first lover skipped town. Everyone knows everything about everyone here, secrets aren't...
  3. NotaFullDeck

    Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

    There aren't a lot of secrets in a smaller town like this that people don't know. Any number of people that know Oliver could tell you anything about him. myself, I know a few of his dirty little secrets, not that they're anything bad." Axis wiped away access ink and kept going. "But, the...
  4. NotaFullDeck

    Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

    "Well that's what happens when you know someone for many years, you get to know their personality." Axis shrugged and kept his focus on the tattoo as he formed ever scale with precision and detail. "Then you become friends and that's how lifelong friends are formed." Friends, friends only.
  5. NotaFullDeck

    Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

    "That's good. the rain brings him down." Axis had known the younger male for a few years, and knew him better than anybody. "But I know he likes flowers, so I thought he'd enjoy it." Axis got on his cloves and dipped a fresh needle in ink. he turned on the gun and began.
  6. NotaFullDeck

    Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

    "so long as you get it to me before you die, or leave it to me in your will. If you leave town, i'll have to kill you." Axis shook off the umbrella and hung it up by the door. he wanted to ask how Oliver recieved the flowers but he didn't. "So, assuming you want it just like the picture, we can...
  7. NotaFullDeck

    Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

    Axis put the umbrella over his own head before it could affect his dreds too much. "No, you already payed the deposit, you don't have to pay anything until it's all done. But you owe eight hundred dollars so if you want to toss me a twenty every now and then I'll count it in that eight hundred."...
  8. NotaFullDeck

    Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

    Oliver turned his attention away when the bell chimed. "Good afternoon Mister Glishien." He couldn't help but keep a hint of a smile out of his voice. "how can I help you?" axis was spinning around boredly on one of his chairs when he saw Caragh walk past the shop. He ran outside after her...
  9. NotaFullDeck

    Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

    Ruby mewed happily and jumped down from the counter to follow Missy. "Wonderful! fussy customers are such a bother." Oliver cleaned up the crumbs for the counter and printed Missy's reciept even though she never took it. "I hope the scones are good, I used a new blend of herbs this time."...
  10. NotaFullDeck

    Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

    Axis stared at him. "You have to be kidding me." He pocketed his change and left without another word. What the f**k did Oliver see in that b*****d. He returned to the tattoo parlor and shook out his wet umbrella. Still no customers, no apointments. He unwrapped his new album and dropped the CD...
  11. NotaFullDeck

    School for the Unknown. [SU-OOC-Info]

    Alexina actually day walkers originated in greek myth and they caused people nightmares
  12. NotaFullDeck

    School for the Unknown. [SU-OOC-Info]

    He doesn't have superstrength or anything but he is stronger than the avrage human, a tad faster too but he's not like superman or anything. And mindreading is the only special power.
  13. NotaFullDeck

    Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

    "I never said you didn't, i said you're wearing a girls dangle earring so you should either let me even it up by piercing the other side, or let me sell you some better jewelry." Axis handed over a ten dollar bill and waited for his change.
  14. NotaFullDeck

    School for the Unknown. [SU-OOC-Info]

    (( @AllHailDago post nothing for yours, if your charecter has more than one voice in it's head it'll be white noise to Francis. assuming i'm approved that is. ))
  15. NotaFullDeck

    School for the Unknown. [SU-OOC-Info]

    (( Name: Francis Alexander Age: He has been a vampire for 35 years, but remains in his 17 year old body that reflects the age and appearance of when he was turned. Gender: Male Year: 2nd Unknown Type: Vampire, Daywalker (immune to sunlight. May also be referred to as a 'American...
  16. NotaFullDeck

    Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

    Oliver looked up when the bell chimed, he was just cleaning up behind the counter. "Oh, hello Miss Kail we just ran out of cinnomen buns if you wanted one, you're a little late. I'm sorry." Oliver looked over what he had left. "Lots of cookies left, and some scones from lunchtime." "That...
  17. NotaFullDeck

    Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

    Oliver stopped baking at Three O'clock and just focused on selling the rest of his wares, though the bakery was closed an hour later than everyone else. He was happy depite the weather and proudly showed it. Axis sat in his shop and glared at the rain. he hated rain and mud and the fact that...
  18. NotaFullDeck

    Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

    "Best of luck to you Miss Jones." Oliver called. He arranged the white roses cheerfully. He really hoped that they were a gift from Mr. Glis. Oliver went behind the counter to get his bath of cinnomen buns just as more people came to purchase them. Hot out of the oven, everybody's favorite.
  19. NotaFullDeck

    Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

    (( @ WantYourSoul you have to put your character skeleton up or you will be banned from the roleplay. you were allready told to put it up before you posted a starter. This is your last warning. ))
  20. NotaFullDeck

    Tenth Street and Eight Avenue

    Oliver looked up when the bell chimed. "Oh wow." He took the bouquet, glancing briefly at the card. He gasped softly as he unwrapped the flowers. "they're so beautiful!" He put them in a vase on the counter and added water. "Oh I can certainly tell you who I hope the are from~"