Search results for query: *

  1. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

    Ben sent two of them after Leif and turned to help Noah, "Shit." He muttered, dropping to his knees to help, "She's freezing cold." He muttered, taking off his jacket and going to wrap it around her, "Jackson is there like... Shit we gotta get her out of here." he muttered, helping Noah stand...
  2. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    She sighed a little but hugged him back and sat back down. “They’re gonna have to do a chest tube, they’ve taken him for it now. Said the flight probably was the last straw and what made it collapse… I’m just worried about him. We’ve had a really shit year and a half aside from the house and I’m...
  3. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

    Ben answered the call that came through from ubbe as they were pulling up. “Theirs was a dud. Let’s hope she’s here.” He muttered, keeping a close eye on Noah the whole time. She had started hearing a little commotion somewhere in the building, frowning at Leifs voice in her ear but unable to...
  4. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

    Ubbe nodded and stepped out, “Take Ben and Samuel. You call as soon as you have answers on your location.” He told him. Carmen let out a quiet whimper as she heard the phone ringing in FaceTime again, heading Leif talking to Noah on the other end whike he had her head pulled back into a...
  5. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

    Amma pulled up outside ivars house, waving at Tomas. “I’m kidnapping Max. I’ll have hee back whenever she’s ready.” She smiked at the guard, waiting til max came out and took off with her. “Hvitty has filled me in.” She told her. “He feels bad but there isn’t much he can do, plus everyone’s...
  6. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

    She lay there quiet, trying with everything she had left to make her self less conspicuous in the hopes she’d be left alone but it was only another couple hours before they were pulling her up again, this time hearing the sharpening of knives. Ubbe met him at the office and frowned. “Is hee...
  7. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

    She was there for hours with them putting her through whatever his crooked mind could come up with and eventually lay there on the now soaking wet floor, bruised and broken, shivering from the cold as well, frowning when she heard the sound of a facetime call and soon Noah's voice coming through...
  8. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

    Carmen came to again not much longer after with a splitting headache now, trying to sit up until she felt someone grab a fistful of her hair and yank her head back, pouring water all down her face before she heard Aemonds voice and her heart sank. “You creep!” She yelled “because you won’t hear...
  9. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

    he smirked and nodded into the room. “She’s got a lot to go through before I set her free, as for you, once I’ve finished the job you are free to leave. Go where you like. Do what you like.” He told him. “But until then I need you to continue doing the job you’ve done for the last five years.”...
  10. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

    She frowned and just glared at him for a minute, spitting in his face when he crouched in front of her. “Fucking asshole.” She snapped. “After everything we have done for you?! You cashed in elsewhere. For what? Certainly not loyalty.” She muttered. “They will know it was you.” She told him...
  11. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    She frowned and just nodded slowly. “He’s had it happen before. What like six years ago?” She asked him, rubbing his knuckles soothingly and just staying right by him until they saw paramedics walking over to them. “I’m right here okay?” She coaxed, stepping back so they could work and she...
  12. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

    Carmen groaned quietly as she started coming around in a dark room, slowly remembering where she was and what was going on, getting all the way up to when she had felt Leif shove her into the back of a car and seen the strange man in the front seat. She felt fro her phone but figured they had...
  13. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

    Ben looked around nervously. He'd got the ping on his phone that the security gate had been unlocked, checking the camera footage from his app to see it was Noah getting back, finally biting the bullet and stepped back outside again to call him "Noah... I uh... I haven't seen her in about...
  14. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    She frowned and looked all over, finally spotting airport staff and flagged them down. “He can’t breathe, said his chest is hurting. He’s healthy he’s not… nothing obvious.” She told him quickly while he called for a first aider to come down and they called an ambulance. “I’m here baby, I’m...
  15. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

    Ubbe chuckled a little. “Isn’t she always? When we were children if she smacked us it was fine but if we so much as touched her she’d go screaming to our father.” He muttered. “And he fell for it every time.” she’d started drinking the moment they arrived, wanting to Shake off the feeling of...
  16. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

    She smiled a little and moved to start eating. “It’s early days still. But we will eventually get to that.” She promised, having lunch with him and letting him leave to go meet with a couple friends for drinks, spending the afternoon relaxing until it was time for her to get ready, expecting...
  17. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    He smiled and sat down with her, looking over some emails while he ate and stood when he heard her crying over the baby monitor. “I got her. I got her.” He smiled, getting up and heading up to check on her, chuckling a little as he found she was laying there wide awake and crying, Dusti sat on...
  18. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    She only woke up once they had landed and was immediately checking her phone for any updates, sighing a little when there were none and soon turned her attention towards getting home, not paying moah as much attention as she should have been but she was distracted. “You wanna go see the guys...
  19. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

    Ivar frowned a little and glanced up at him as he walked through the door, the feeling of hopelessness fully settled in for the day. “Wishing you hadn’t found me. I’m convinced death would hurt less.” He muttered. She thanked him and took him through to her kitchen to eat in there, setting...
  20. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    He smiled. “I know you re gonna wanna send out announcement photos. And I know you’re gonna wanna have your nails done in those photos.” He winked at her, “I love you. Very much.” She frowned and just gripped his other hand, trying to keep it together so she could keep the noise levels down...