Search results for query: *

  1. Skeptic Tank

    Population Statistics of Creation's Cities

    After the light apocalypse in Gem, there was much destruction, and the Solars seized that opportunity to seize power (diceless action for the Solar archer to put an arrow in the Despot's chest at point-blank range). They rule it openly as Solars, and have been gathering together other Exalted...
  2. Skeptic Tank

    Population Statistics of Creation's Cities

    Do we have any concrete population statistics for individual cities of Creation (specifically the South)? Barring that, do we have any good estimates? I'm re-starting an older campaign, with three Solars who have taken over Gem. Gem underwent some... light... armegeddon, and has had a...
  3. Skeptic Tank

    Views of Creation

    Buddy, in the First Age, Solars had their Fire-Aspect servants host barbeques on diamond-burning grills while they cooked newly invented species of animal that they'd shaped from the Wyld earlier that morning.
  4. Skeptic Tank

    Views of Creation

    Diamonds are hard in the sense that they can't be scratched by anything but another diamond, but they'll break if you put a hammer to them. For that chemically-appropriate but conventional-wisdom-confusing manner, they won't melt in the strongest acids, but they'll burn just about as easily as...
  5. Skeptic Tank

    Lunar Children

    I've got a lunar, who's just hit essence 4, who's looking at making a race of intelligent songbirds. I get beastmen, but how does one go about making intelligent songbirds? (Speaking in the general mechanical sense, since the logistics of the actual moment of conception befuddle me).
  6. Skeptic Tank

    First pass through the Roll of Glorious Divinity

    There are plenty of charms in here, and many of them appear new to me. I don't recall seeing Paper Tiger Arrangement or Wine of Infinite Heartbreak in any 1E sources.
  7. Skeptic Tank

    First pass through the Roll of Glorious Divinity

    So, I managed to get a copy of BOSIV:ROGD (which is a mouthful) a little early, thought I'd send out some of my impressions. There are four primary chapters, covering an overview of the terrestrial bureaucracy, the gods within, an overview of the elemental courts, and the elementals within...
  8. Skeptic Tank

    Sorcery and the Yozis

    Actually, there is -one- other place where they mention offspring, rather than component souls... "On occasion, Adorjan [the Silent Wind] distills her essence down to the shape of a woman... It is in this form that she lay with a Solar Exalted in his dreams, and gave birth to seven daughters...
  9. Skeptic Tank

    KoC: Secret's Deathlord Round II: Finish them!

    I just broke the tie in favour of the Silver Prince. My reasoning is similar to what's been said above - we've got plenty of sexual innuendo, and adding in another source of that would thin out the humour quality pretty quickly. There's only so many variations on a theme we need. However, a...
  10. Skeptic Tank

    Sorcery and the Yozis

    I think the evidence that tips me into the 'mara started sorcery' camp is the bit in the black & white that talks about the lack of a god of sorcery, implying that sorcery originated outside of Creation. The very fact that, long after it has become 'common knowledge' in Creation, it still lacks...
  11. Skeptic Tank

    Lunar Book: Have I been unobservant?

    Has anyone else noticed the chain of references in the Lunar Book Index starting with "Culottes Society", or am I the last one to see it?
  12. Skeptic Tank

    If you were a demon, what would you do?

    Some of these responses raise a few other interesting thoughts: :?: Would 2nd Circle demons neccessarily get along? Would it be different if they were from the same progenitor? :?: Could a 2nd Circle demon presumably summon her own kin with the artifact? That being said, could she actually...
  13. Skeptic Tank

    If you were a demon, what would you do?

    So, here's a hypothetical campaign altering question. First, the basics: 1) In this world exists at least one (known to be more than one, but unsure of actual number) artifact of N/A level potency. It is a puzzle which can be solved by anyone of reasonable intelligence given time, as long as...
  14. Skeptic Tank

    Deathlord shards

    I was running a game where one of the players had the shard of the First and Forsaken Lion. I didn't originally intend for it at the beginning, but he was playing such a self-righteous conquering bastard that the similarity was too perfect.  :twisted: I decided that it would be most...
  15. Skeptic Tank

    Dragon-blooded population

    I wouldn't mind the sizes of kingdoms in Creation so much if I could consistently figure out how fast you cross them. You can travel 6 miles per hour by horse. How do they figure you only go 30 miles by horse in a 25 hour day? Only 150 miles in a 7 day week? I don't know about you, but if I...
  16. Skeptic Tank

    How did the dying primordials word the Great curse...

    *sneaks in* I think The Great Curse was, for awhile, mechanically unique in existence... until the Salinian Working many centuries later. *sneaks out*
  17. Skeptic Tank

    The Wyld and Chaos-Repelling Pattern

    Alright, here's a situation: A circle of solars is walking through middlemarches. As they trudge over steel-wool grass, through a torrential downpour of rusted bolts, the sorcerer puts up Chaos-Repelling Pattern. Now, within... in this case, nine feet of him, the laws of Creation take...
  18. Skeptic Tank

    The Fate of a Warmongering Lookshyan (long)

    So, an unexpected event happened in my last game, and I'm wondering precisely what to do with it. First, the short version: Lookshyan kazei insults a superior officer, who happens to be Karal Linwei. He admits that he has been actively sabotaging peace in the hundred kingdoms around the...