Search results for query: *

  1. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    (Was honestly trying to be thematic. That just feels a tiny big generic :) Figured out something. Alteration, significant. Increase dice roll for one conflict on the leader. That should cost 4 ) "Let the games begin then." Yama watches the hunters set forth. He's not one for loading...
  2. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    (All right then, nix the action for now. Will need to know a bit more before I can setup an appropriate countermeasure.)
  3. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    -edit- (If I localize it to the area around the hunters, what would that cost instead?)
  4. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    (Yeppers, hitting the entire forest. Hence why I said I was having fun :D Actually I think I messed up calcs again. Lets see here. Significant 4 One conflict +1 Secondary Domain -1 Harmony -1 No gods control? +1 Territory +3 So ultimately it's a x4 mult? Therefore 12. )
  5. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

  6. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    (What sort of miracle would that count as really?)
  7. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    (Oooh, I completely misread that. Sorry. That's far less expensive then. Cool. So, alteration. Increased Durability (very hard to kill). Major Miracle at +3 to dice rolls. Cost would be 5 for the hunters group then. This is hopefully good enough to ward off major misfortune, but I am...
  8. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    Yama watches them with a careful eye. He has limits. As powerful as he is, he does have limits to what he can do. But he also is committed to this path. He will be certain these people are safe. (Lets see if I do this right. Buff: Increased durability (Very hard to kill) . Significant 4...
  9. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] Hey look, a wild OOC thread appeared!

    Everything ok? Did I stump you? :D
  10. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    "Ah, I was hoping for your win to be honest." Yama states with a laugh. "Had a wise saying and everything thought up. Alas, luck stated otherwise." The deity gets to his feet and smiles. "Hunt well. I will grant you my protection. There shall be no deaths for you and yours until you bring...
  11. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    "I do enjoy games to be quite honest." Yama admits as he takes back the dice and rolls. 2781
  12. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    "One for me, and one for you." 2779 "Or it might be two for me." Yama murmurs. "Luck is always a fickle beast."
  13. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] Hey look, a wild OOC thread appeared!

    Entertaining so far! :)
  14. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    "Hah! One for you." Yama smiles. "Lets see you keep it up." 2777
  15. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    The bones roll across the ground and slide to a halt. 2775 "Oh, not good, but not bad either. Six is rather average for this game."
  16. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    "You will note that there are markings on each bone. One to four. It's a fairly simple game. Higher wins. All ones trumps all, and all fours makes us re-roll." Yama smiles. "Best out of three sounds good to me if you are indifferent."
  17. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    (Its the bones roll. They are dice basically.: ))
  18. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    "I like you!" The deity laughs and starts off with a roll. "I'm fully capable of being flashy if you want. It's just not something I would personally enjoy to be quite honest. I'm one to let you do what you will. The best things in life are things that you earn." 2772
  19. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    "That you play a friendly game. That's it." Yama gives a small chuckle. "Of course, more than a few people would hesitate at just that. They would wonder if I am lying, or am tricking you. Thus is the risk. You have to trust that I will hold fast to my word. So in essence, the question...
  20. Loststar

    [Legends Begin Somewhere] A Strange Happenings (Yama)

    "My name is Yama." The deity answers honestly. "And I have heard of your troubles. Of the deaths you have suffered, the pain. It has garnered my attention, and I would offer my assistance." He picks up the bones and rolls them out. "I would assure that your next hunt is successful. That...