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  1. M

    Trapped Rp

    The Dragons eyes trailed to the bear thoughtfully, weighing the two options as his tongue darted out to continue and try to track the new scent that had eluded him. But it was becoming more difficult. The scientists strange, sterile odor seemed to blot out much else, tainting everything around...
  2. M

    Trapped Rp

    The serpent wasn't fully prepared for the outcome of his actions. Some part of him had suspected the bear to pull something out of his hat and make him regret the rash behavior. However something seemed to have distracted him just long enough to fall prey to the blow, further betrayed as his own...
  3. M

    Trapped Rp

    (Sorry bout that night. Hopefully I can keep up better here again soon. New job and training has been eating up my time.) The serpent didn't have time to worry about the sudden recession of the young female, or where it was she intended to go. Perhaps she was fleeing the stench of the white...
  4. M

    Trapped Rp

    The bears words made the snake grin wickedly, a strangely feral and unsettling expression in his grayish features. It flashed the pearly fangs, slitted eyes narrowed dangerously, focused with unblinking focus upon the larger man. Every muscle in his body seemed poised to move, tongue scenting...
  5. M

    Trapped Rp

    The smile that answered Roses' words was still dark, still more a smirk but it seemed quite genuinely pleased by her response. His pale eyes shifted to the woman, as if studying her anew, finding this darker facet much more complimentary to his own thoughts on the subject. "All too true." he...
  6. M

    Trapped Rp

    Rose was speaking rapidly, and had the bear not seemed to be so very intrigued by her sudden deluge of information, he would have thought it a normal occurrence in the female. Apparently not. As for himself, he was loathe to realize that though he had the instincts and indeed the power to hunt...
  7. M

    Trapped Rp

    (I like rping with you guys as well. :) . Sorry for the lapse there. The past 48 hours have been spent in Skyrim.) The bears response made the serpents eyes glint in amusement, holding up his hands as if to say 'no offense' while not actually voicing the sentiment. But the smirk on his lips...
  8. M

    Trapped Rp

    As conversation dwindled, and the one called Rose suddenly called out, the serpent raised one brow before taking his own measurements of what had drawn her attention. His sharp eyes flicked over their surroundings, tongue sliding out slowly before whipping back as his lips curled into a smirk...
  9. M

    Trapped Rp

    Something in her voice startled him a bit. It wasn't so much what she said or how it was voiced but a combination of the two. If he hadn't long been taught to expect differently he would have called it kind. Still, he pondered the idea for a moment, eyes staring out over the plain distantly. It...
  10. M

    Trapped Rp

    Her response was…well it made an amused smirk slide across his features. It was mildly disappointing but not unexpected that his fellow subjects were nearly equally in the dark, however she did present some information he did not have. Cameras were expected. The humans seemed to film everything...
  11. M

    Trapped Rp

    The dragon kept his eyes and ears focused on the bear before him, but his sense of smell was doing its best to catch another taste of the scent that had alarmed him in the first place. After all, it wouldn't due to have something sneaking up on him while he was otherwise distracted…again. The...
  12. M

    Trapped Rp

    The sophisticated, if not open ended response was more than the serpent had expected. It was a strange fusion of beast and man to hear such formal words from the growling voice, but he seemed to manage well enough, if only being a bit difficult to understand. Nonetheless, something in them...
  13. M

    Trapped Rp

    His brain came back online a good while before his senses and other bodily functions could even manage to twitch expectantly. Even his thoughts were a bit fuzzy at first so he took to running over what he could recall, placing new pieces in as they rose to the surface once more. All the while...
  14. M

    Trapped Rp

    When the animal within moved back, the dragon barely restrained the urge to crouch lower to the ground, unsure if the movement was in preparation for a charge or due to uncertainties about his own intentions. The feral part of his brain desired it, wishing to be prepared, and perhaps even...
  15. M

    Trapped Rp

    (Do you guys prefer to stick to a posting order or is it just be polite and don't leave out anyone who is involved by moving on without their response? Let me know and I'll withdraw this if so. Sorry to ask so many questions. Bit of a new format for me.) It was hard to focus on any one scent...
  16. M


    (Let me know later on after the jailbreak. I tried to make him easy to set up as a character who runs across the band of runaways later on. :) If everything looks alright, I look forward to seeing where all this goes. Love the idea of supernatural people who may not have it so 'super' as it...
  17. M

    Trapped Rp

    The last thing he could remember was being knocked out within his cell. Then again, most of his memories that remained consisted of either the small cell or pristine examination rooms with their blaring fluorescent lights and the scent of sterilizers so the fact was not all that surprising...
  18. M

    I am most pleased to make your acquaintance *bows respectfully*

    Yeah. Started out with quite a few members and its settled down to about three of us in the past five years with some 9 to 10 characters each, all in the same general story line, but on separate stories within it. xD Jeez I sound scary. lol. But still one of the best past times I've ever...
  19. M

    Trapped RP SU

    Are you guys still active? Read through some things and was curious if newcomers were welcome. Apologies for length. I'm used to a very small community where posts under two paragraphs were considered foul play. xD Name: Was once Nikita Oleg or Niki, but now goes by 'Dragon', a nickname...
  20. M

    I am most pleased to make your acquaintance *bows respectfully*

    Ok, so I'm not that serious but that is what comes naturally from years of role playing Victorian vampires with personality disorders and overly polite, shape shifting, serial killers which has been my realm for the past…*counts on fingers, muttering about high school and what year it was when...